AUTHOR'S NOTE: Okay, so this is my first iCarly fic. So go easy. And for those of you who are waiting on "The Escape in Quarantine, I promise I'll update soon! I swear! Seriously! Really! I promise! Okay, now I think I'm gonna start the story…
DISCLAIMER: Yeah, I don't own any of the characters, yadayadayada. Blah Blah Blah.
Carly sat at the computer. She was bored. An old iCarly episode was playing on the monitor. She wasn't even paying attention to it, though. She was thinking about her friends.
Sam had been her best friend for such a long time. They were just as close as ever. Carly had a lot of fun when she was with Sam. But, then there was Freddie. Sam was such a bitch to him. He didn't deserve it. Freddie was such a nice guy. And Sam had no reason to treat him the way she did.
Freddie worshipped Carly. And even though no one knew it, she loved him, too. But she would never tell…