AUTHOR'S NOTE - The following story was inspired by a random thought of why do we never see Castiel without his trenchcoat? And how would Dean try and remedy this? And this is what my rather cracked out brain came up with ....


Dean Winchester woke one morning having come to the conclusion that he'd never seen the angel Castiel without that damn trenchcoat on. Quite frankly, Dean was getting sick of the sight of it.

So with the help of a highly amused Sam, he lay in wait for Castiel's return, which wasn't long in coming.

Sam grabbed the unresisting angel who was too confused and confuzzled to fight back anyway, before Dean forcibly removed the coat from Castiel's unresisting body.

"What are you doing?" Castiel asked, tilting his head on one side in the most endearingly quizzical manner, his brow furrowed, and eyes like a puppy dog's.

"I'm taking your trench coat away from you, because, quite frankly, I'm sick of the sight of it!" Dean announced, before leaving the room to dispose of the seemingly offensive coat.

It wasn't long before Dean returned, his hands empty of beige trenchcoat, with no one knowing but him of its whereabouts. Castiel got on with the business of telling the Winchesters about the breaking of the next seal seemingly unperturbed by now not having his coat. Dean kept eyeing up Castiel's little blue suit.

Castiel soon left, looking strange without his faithful trenchcoat on his back.

A few days later and Dean was stunned to see upon Castiel's return the same beige trenchcoat on the slight frame of the angel's vessel.

"You do realize I'm gonna take that freaking coat away from you again, Cas," Dean said, before following through with his threat, with Sam's amused assistance.

He ran away again, this time hiding the coat in a different place.

A few days later and Cas was back, wearing the damn trenchcoat again. This inspired Dean to go in a frenzy - constantly taking the coat from an increasingly resistant Castiel, who was starting to get a little peeved after the seventh attempt on his coat.

Dean tried burning it, burying it, feeding it to the sharks, throwing it in the elephant's enclosure at the zoo, even getting Sam to fling it on a trawler destined for Denmark, yet Castiel still returned wearing the thing.

In the end, Dean just gave up trying, especially, after he asked Castiel something.

"Can I at least buy you a black coat? Black would suit you so well!" Dean said, throwing his hands up in resignation, consternation and anything else ending in -ation.

"No, Dean, this coat belonged to the vessel. I think it should remain with the vessel, don't you? If you touch the coat again, I'll throw you back in Hell again!" Castiel said.

"For touching your freaking coat? What's wrong with you?" Dean asked in horror.

At Castiel's pointed stare, Dean threw his hands up in the air and said - "Alright, keep the damn coat! Really, it's lovely - it suits you - it really brings out your eyes!"

Sam laughed at that before making kissy faces behind Dean's head, but didn't say a word. He knew Dean would only hit him if he did.

Castiel just about hid a smirk, but said nothing more about the matter - merely imparted a bit more information and angelic wisdom to the Winchesters .....