Greetings! I had forgotten all about this account and my old story, but I stumbled upon it one day. I decided it deserved some sprucing up! So, I am now uploading a new, improved addition of The Line Between Life and Death. It will include more descriptive writing, better characterization, deeper emotions, and more depth in both plot and characters. At least, I hope so. Without further ado, let us begin!
Salty waves licked the rocky shores of Duel Academy, spewing foam onto the rocks and eating away at the soil. A wind blew through the dark trees, but any noise was lost to the roaring of the ocean. On one high, rocky piece of the island that suddenly plummeted down to sea lever, a small, blue haired boy sprinted blindly along the open field.
God, thought the boy, why is life so unfair?
Without slowing his stride, the boy contemplated this question. The answer, though, was hidden. He could, however, elaborate on his thought, and what had led him to ask such a thing. His grades, for starters. Here at Duel Academy, home to the finest duelists in the world, he was like a wounded gazelle in a den full of starving lions. A wounded gazelle who also couldn't duel. This led into another reason, his low self- confidence. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, a problem was his elder brother, a perfect specimen, the king of the lions. Not only did he live in the older boy's shadow, but he was despised by his elder. This was what hurt the most.
"I just want to die!" The blue-haired teen's words were lost to the ocean below. Fate must have been laughing at him, though, and played one of it's cruel jokes.
Lost in his thoughts, the boy did not see the edge of the cliff, or the hungry oceans that swallowed his screams whole.