So here I am again, writing some Carlisle and Bella goodness hopefully for everyone to enjoy. I love this two characters! :]
Bella's POV
I'm alright. Nothing is wrong with me. I'm absolutely fine. I kept repeating brave and soothing words over and over again in my head. I was doing it for almost five minutes but my mind was not putting off a fight against what I was feeling at this moment. My breathing was uneven for I couldn't breathe freely and my chest hurt so badly like it was falling into the deepest pit of a well. I knew that my lips were dry because I was already breathing into my mouth and I felt nauseated. Bad luck loved me so much.
I was clutching my chest with my left hand while my right was placed firmly into the steering wheel of my old truck. My focus was on the road as I tried desperately to drive carefully through the wet roads of Forks. Fortunately, I finally made my truck stop at the parking lot of the Community Hospital. I needed to visit a very important person or else I would go sick.
The main lobby was quiet except for the sound of a keyboard tapping on the main station. A female nurse looked at me inquisitively as I approached her. The nurse with light brown hair that was neatly bun asked me, "Are you alright, Miss?"
Her eyes looked like she was worried enough and her right hand was already placed on the intercom in case I pass out in front of her. I heaved a heavy sigh.
"I'm fine…" I reassured her but I only needed the help of one person at this moment. "Is Dr. Cullen here?"
As soon as I said those words, the young nurse's worried face immediately turned into a frown. She suddenly looked sourly at me and then checked a record that was placed beside the computer. "Yes. Dr. Cullen is at his office."
"Thanks." I didn't pay anymore attention to the nurse who was probably suffering from a multiple personality disorder. My feet dragged me towards the end of the brightly-lit corridor and to the right where Carlisle's office was located. I knew it well enough by now.
I was surprised when the door suddenly opened before my knuckle even reached the door. Carlisle's golden eyes looked absolutely worried as he took both of my shoulders with his hands. "What happened to you, Bella? Are you all right?"
His voice wasn't calm like always. There was an edge of panic on his beautiful, melodic warm voice and then I suddenly felt a pang of guilt. "I'm so sorry, Carlisle."
My left hand was still clutching my chest as he let me sit down on a chair on front of his desk. Carlisle kneeled in front of me and chuckled. "For what, Bella?"
"For worrying you." I heaved another heavy sigh. He noticed the way my left hand was firmly clutched on my chest; he pried it open with his cold hand and set it on my lap. "I couldn't breathe freely and my chest felt hollow and sore."
I looked at his eyes and he certainly was in his doctor mode. The way his eyes were in serious concentration, I knew that he was observing everything about me with his super enhanced senses. "When did it happen?"
"After school." I paused as I read his reaction. Carlisle was focusing on my words now. "I was walking behind a big kid. It was very silly of me to do that. Remind me to never walk behind big kids anymore."
Carlisle chuckled. "Of course, dear."
"The big kid suddenly turned around and swung his right arm and hit me with full force in my chest. I was literally knocked out of my breath. Before the kid said anything, I ran to my truck and drove here." I closed my eyes and tried to fill my lungs with more oxygen. By doing that, my chest even felt painful and hollow than before.
"Where does it hurt?" I heard Carlisle asked me and I opened my eyes again. He was using his doctor tone again. I pointed at my chest just between my breasts; the center point where my ribs met. "Your breathing is uneven but your heartbeat is fine. There might be a constriction on your lungs because of the impact it had received…"
Carlisle explained endlessly that the words jumbled out in my head. I didn't have the chance to keep up anymore with his scientific terms. "Have you checked your chest on your way here?"
"No." I replied and he suddenly stood up on his feet; towering over me with his height. I craned my neck to see his face and he gave me a reassuring smile.
"Let's go to the ER." he took hold on my right hand and led me outside his office. We passed by the young female nurse and she looked even more mollified in the sight of Carlisle holding my hand. It's Carlisle for heaven's sake! When we got to the ward, I was surprised that there was no patient inside. Carlisle let me sit on the edge of a cot with my feet dangling down to the side. Then, he rummaged the cabinet beside the bed and found an ointment and a pill.
"Here." he said and gave me a hospital dress. I ogled it, my eyes bulging with surprise. "Wear that back-front or else I couldn't treat you."
Carlisle walked three steps backward and drew the curtain shut. I hastily took off my sweater and at the same time cursing it inside my head for not having buttons which would definitely make things a lot easier. I wore the white thin dress with the open part on front so my torso and abdomen hung openly for Carlisle to see. I flushed when I noticed that I was wearing a bra with printed apples on it. "I'm done."
He opened the curtain and looked at me with nonchalance. His eyes turned to my chest and I looked down, too; only to hear myself gasp from the sight. My chest was swollen and the throbbing pain on the angry red muscle overwhelmed me.
"I thought so. Does Edward know?"
"No. He said that he, Emmett, and Jasper are going early on their hunting trip." Carlisle nodded. He knew that already. "I didn't call or anything because I don't want to worry him too much. You know what he is like better than me."
Carlisle chuckled as he sat on a stool in front of me. The smell of menthol filled the air when he opened the bottle of ointment. He wiped his index and middle fingers on the topical ointment and gently applied it on the swollen part of my chest. I shivered at his cold touch.
"I'm sorry, Bella. I thought you are already used to cold as of now." he chuckled again. I noticed that he used to do that a lot but it suited him very well, with his calm and collected personality. Imagine Carlisle laughing his head off; that would be a very disturbing yet funny image. I concentrated on looking at his perfect face as he gently prodded along my swollen chest. There were no words to describe how good he was in everything; his job, his family, himself. If it wasn't for Carlisle, the purpose of my existence wouldn't be here right now in this world. I was very grateful to him for that. He created this wonderful family in which no one could ever say possible yet it was. A group of individuals he had molded to his style of living; to be human in so many other ways. Carlisle deserved so much more in this world than most people gave him credit for. Yet, I knew that he didn't want glory, fame, recognition… he just wanted to be a normal human that sadly, he would never be for eternity. But at least he was doing a darn good job at it.
Carlisle took his hand away and handed me a medicine. I didn't notice that he just used his vampire speed to get me a glass of water at the farthermost corner of the room. "Your lips are pale and dry."
I took the medicine, quenching my thirst as I drank the glass of water. Carlisle was watching me. "There… you finally have some color."
"Do you think that Edward already knew what happened to me?" I asked as I took off the hospital dress and changed back to my dear old green sweater. Carlisle just averted his gaze when I did and I chuckled; an action I must've picked on him but my voice wasn't that beautiful compared to his. He looked back at me with wonder. "You're the first man to see me like that, Doc… in my conscious state, at least."
Carlisle chuckled but with more humor now. He ran his hand over his blond hair, making it more slicked back than before. "Well now… Alice called me just before you bolted through the hospital doors. I told her that I would take care you, of course. She saw you like that and got the wrong idea."
We both laughed; our voices echoed through the long room. It was the first time I heard him laugh like that. And I dare say, it wasn't disturbing as I thought before. Pealing bells rang melodious in my ears. It was beautiful and then he continued talking, "I told Alice not make anyone worry before I check on you. I guess the news will arrive when I report so."
Carlisle smiled now as he held out his hand with the ointment on it. I took and pocketed it and then he helped me from the cot. "Are you all right to drive yourself back home?"
I inhaled a lungful of air. The ointment which was now resting on my pocket somehow managed to soothe the pain. "I think so."
"I'll be the one to handle your record." he said and I just nodded as we walked towards the wooden double doors.
When we got outside the E.R., the female nurse was looking to both of us with a confused glare. And then I whispered the question in my head to Carlisle, "What's up with the nurse?"
Carlisle chuckled beside me as he patted the top of my hair. We are passing by the nurse now and Carlisle leaned close to my ears. "I say that the new nurse confused me as the man of her dreams. She clearly doesn't know that I am already married."
His voice got louder at the very end and held out his hand with a wedding ring glinting on it in front of me. I chuckled and looked back at the nurse who looked chagrined. "Carlisle, you are very mean." using that word to him sounded funny. "You just broke that girl's heart."
"No, I just ended her daydreams." I looked up to see his face and he was smiling like silly. He looked back at me as we got out to the parking lot. "Now, Bella. You need some rest. It's Friday and I recommend that you must not stress yourself just because Edward's away. I know you enough and he'll come back as fast as he can."
"Okay. Thank you very much, Carlisle." I smiled wholeheartedly and he planted a kiss on my forehead. I went inside my truck and roared the engine to life.
"Have a safe trip home, Bella." he said and smiled his genuine smile. I drove off the hospital and saw his reflection on my mirror. He was waving at me and I chuckled.
It was a bad day that I guess… ended all right.
The accident did really happen to me in real life and I tell you, it's a bad feeling... since I always have difficulty in breathing due to my sickness. Unfortunately, I don't have Dr. Cullen to check on me. Lucky Bella. :]
I'll be posting Carlisle next chapter.
And about the second one to comment: I just want to tell you that doing fan fictions just don't stall away my boredom but it also harness my writing in second language. Fan fictions are fun to read and there are nothing wrong with them. And yes, I have written several stories on my own (in my second language) and I treasure them just as I treasure my being here in this community. I love the Twilight series especially Carlisle and I respect Stephenie Meyer for creating this wonderful story that sadly, not all people liked. We are all entitled to our own opinions and I do respect yours. Just please understand that some people find their refuge in writing and adding more to a story. There is nothing wrong with that. And I will never regret doing what I like which is writing here for it is something that gives me the enjoyment I am not always experiencing in real life. I would never be ashamed that somehow I am in this 'phase' of my life.