We all think the world's done after something bad happens right? Well I don't know about you but I, Jane Carson think so. I can't let go of my past and right now there's nothing left to do but lose hope in everything. School sucks, parents aren't always home, no siblings, fake friends, what else could be good in life? These green eyes and brown hair won't get me anywhere even though people have told me to become a skanky model but being a model is just not my thing. So here I am inside a class room waiting for seventh period to end so I can get the fuck out of this prison cell they call a learning center.

"Next meeting we will have a quiz about our lesson today and if you tend to be absent don't because I won't be here when you want to take the test. Next week is already your summer vacation so if you want to be stuck here, then be my guest. You are all dismissed." Mrs. Murphy, our Lit teacher said.

I instantly kept my stuff and headed to the locker area so I can retrieve the other necessities I may need when I get home. I opened my locker and started to stuff my bag that was already half full.

"Hey Jane," Drake said.

Drake is one of my childhood friends. We grew up together and stayed as friends ever since the day we met. He's what you can call a trustworthy person. I say this because he has never told anyone anything about what happened that night. The night where my life turned. Where I lost hope and where I lost my grip on my own life.

"Hey," I said sighing heavily.

"What's up with you today? You're not usually down like this," he said leaning his shoulder against the lockers.

"My parents are leaving again today." I said closing the locker shut. I turned to lean against it and there he was. Waving at the people around him. Those blue eyes and sandy blonde hair making their way through the halls of the school I'm in. He passed and looked my way well at least in my direction. He's been doing that for the past few months now. I never really got the chance to talk to him but if I do probably there'd be no excitement left in my life anymore so I just let him pass me by as if I didn't care but honestly, I really did.

"Where to this time?" Drake asked recapturing my attention.

"I don't know and I don't care," I said looking back at him and he was staring at me in a weird way.

"Why don't you ever do there and just talk to him? It's pretty obvious he wants you. Just look at the way he stares at you and you'll know." He said.

"He's not staring at me and I don't get the last part. Know what?" I said reaching in to my bag and checking my phone to see if anyone left me a message.

"Are you blind or something? He's just waiting for you to make the first move." He said casually.

"Sure he is," I said not really believing in him

"Well say what you want but don't say I didn't tell you so," he said and walked away.

"Hey," someone greeted from behind me.

"Hi," I said turning back and dropping my phone at the sight of Ben standing in front of me.

"I got that," he said bending down to get it. He typed something in it before giving it back

"Thanks," I said when he gave it back.

"No prob. By the way, call me," he said and walked away leaving me breathless and I don't know why...