Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Harry Potter, so don't sue me!!!!
Chapter one: School Tour
Kagome sat on her bed looking up at her ceiling. She sighed, remembering what had happened at Hogwarts. That poor boy. What was his name? Cedric. When Harry Potter had come back with his dead body, she had sensed something had happened or…arisen. Something that was definitely evil.
Suddenly she felt something brush her leg. She was so deep in her own thoughts she screamed out loud. "Aaaaaaah!!"
She looked down, breathing heavily. "Buyo! You scared me." She picked the cat and rubbed behind his ears. Her mom then proceeded to burst into her room and making her jump.
"Geeze, Mom. You scared me." Kagome said.
"I heard you screaming. Are you OK honey?" Mrs. Higurashi asked.
"Yeah,I was just thinking." Kagome responded.
Her mother looked her straight in the eye. "What is it Mom?" Mrs. Higurashi spoke. "Kagome are you really sure you want to go to Hogwarts? Madame Maxime was awfully upset when you said you were going to leave Durmstrang."
Kagome was slightly annoyed "Mom I already told you that I want to go to Hogwarts. I really liked the school when we went there for the Triwizard Tournament."
"I know sweety. But You are still going to take that tour Professor Dumbledore said he was willing to give you just in case you change your mind." She said in an understanding voice.
"I know Mom. I'll go next week."
Kagome looked up at Hogwarts. It still amazed her how magnificent it looked. When She looked forward she saw someone in the distance…no he wasn't that far away. Whoever it was he was extremely tall and large.
The man came up to her and despite his size, she couldn't be afraid of him. He was smiling and he had a gentle look in his eyes.
Still smiling, the man spoke to her saying "Ello' there. My name's Rubeus Hagrid, But you can just call me Hagrid. I'm presumin' that yer Kagome Higurashi.
"Umm…yes I am. Professor Dumbledore said he would show mw around the school."
Hagrid's face looked a bit nervous then. " Well ya see he's a tad busy at the momen'"
Kagome frowned. "Oh…well, then I suppose I won't be getting the tour."
Hagrid looked at her with concern. She came all this way. Well I 'spose I'll just have todo something. " Well that don' mean that I can't show you 'round." He said smiling.
Kagome looked at him hopefully. "Really?" Hagrid nodded his head. " Thank you so much Hagrid."
With that, the two of them headed off towards a castle.
"Well all thats left is ta show yer the grounds." Hagrid said with a smile on his face.
Kagome was about to thank him when a stern looking woman walked up to them. "Hagrid! There you are, Professor Dumbledore needs to see you about the gia-. Who is this?" The woman said.
Hagrid shuffled his feet. "Aaah…Ya see Professor McGonagall, she was s'posed to have a tour and with Dumbledore being busy and all."
The woman, who Kagome now knew as Professor McGonagall looked at her. "Never the less, Hagrid…"
Hagrid nodded. "I know Professor." He turned to Kagome. "Ya can wait o'er in my hut until I come back. Feel free to make some tea."
Kagome smiled "Alright Hagrid."
She watched them walk off and headed towards where Hagrid had pointed. When she reached it, she looked to the forest behind the hut. When she had come last year it had been off limits. It must be dangerous in there.
Then she saw something move. Despite her better judgment she went to see what it was.
She walked into the forest and noticed how dark it was. She decided to turn around because of the scary feeling she was getting. When she turned around see a huge thing that looked like a spider. She put an arm over her head and screamed.
"Aaaaaah!" Kagome yelled. Then she saw a flash of red and the monster fell to the ground lifeless.
She looked at her savior in awe. He was a tall boy with long silver hair and ears on top of his head. What…DOG EARS!!!"
"U-um…thank you." Kagome stuttered.
"Feh! Stupid human. You should know better than to come in here. Now get out before you end up like this thing." The boy snarled at her.
Kagome didn't waste time in leaving. She ran as fast as she could to go wait in Hagrid's hut.
Author's notes: Well I hope you guys liked it and if you didn't…try and be gentle. It was only an attempt. I know it is kind of farfetched. I plan on putting in most of the character s from Harry Potter in it. Well Flames are welcome, but be gentle?