Hermione felt shivers run down her spine and she could have fainted right here. She'd waited so long to hear him say that, but Ron was a guy it could just be his libido run a muck.

Chapter 3
She immediately quit thinking on that wave length; it would only depress her and ruin this moment for her. Hermione stared intently into Ron's eyes and he suddenly broke the contact. She looked away rather sadly.

"L-let's continue," he said turning away and walking back over to Ron.

What am I doing? Hermione thought to herself, how do I get this man to love me? She knew that she couldn't make him love her, but she had to show him that she loved him. She sighed audibly and looked around the room.

"Ready?" Ron asked, astounding himself when he didn't stutter.

Hermione nodded her head, but words didn't escape only silence. The photo shoot seemed awkward after that. Hermione didn't smile the same and Ron didn't position her the way he wanted.

"Ron," Hermione said before she was able to stop herself. Ron moved away from his camera and raised an eyebrow.

"I kind of have something to tell you," she said avoiding eye contact with him.

He looked up at her and gave her his whole focus. He nodded his head for her to continue.

"Um.. well," she paused before saying it all quickly, "Iloveyou."

Ron looked at her, "Wh-What?" he asked.

"Well, I love you, Ronald," she said blushing violently. Before she knew what she was doing, tears were streaming down her face and she was running towards the door.

Ron grabbed her arm and pulled her into the room and pinned her against the door. Her heart was racing as she blinked away tears and for some strange reason she could feel her knickers getting damp. Ron moved his lips to hers and attacked them. He pushed his body against hers and pressed her against the door. "I love you," he said pressing his forehead against hers.

"Y-You what?" she asked, almost positive she heard him wrong.

"I love you, too," he said, annunciating each word so she could understand him completely. Her eyes welled up with tears and Ron reached a hand up to wipe away the tears. He looked at her and smiled, "Do you know how hard I am right now? I've been trying to hide, but bloody hell, I can't do it anymore," he said omitting a low growl before viciously kissing her again. He could feel himself growing harder by the second when all of the sudden Hermione's hand was moving. Shocked, he froze. Hermione smiled triumphantly and softly laid her hand against the outside of his pants. He couldn't cum right then and there; he was thankful he didn't.

He continued kissing her and she slowly moved her hands and began to hold and squeeze him. He elicited a soft groan before allowing his hand to move from her neck to her breasts. Taking one in his hand, he slowly held it still for a moment before lightly massaging it. As the kiss deepened and Ron heard the noises Hermione was making, her lingerie was soon gone.

She quickly rid him of his clothes as well and for the first time they were completely vulnerable to one another. She looked him up and down before he picked her up and laid her on the ground and hovered above her. "Is this moving too fast," he asked, immediately regretting saying anything. He'd wanted to shag Hermione since their first year, and he didn't want to get this far for her to say no.

To his surprise, she nodded her head. She was just as sure as he was. He gave her his dopey, lopsided grin before hovering over her entrance. He looked at her until she nodded and then slowly pushed into her. It was like nothing ever of them had ever felt. It was pleasure, pain, and ecstasy all at the same time.

She groaned a bit in pain at first, but after a few thrusts she was willing and ready for more. She let her hands graze his back and buttocks and pushed him deeper into her. She moaned his name a few times and when they came the other's name on their lips.

The couple laid still for a moment, Ron still inside her. "That was better than I expected," she teased. Ron chuckled and leaned down to kiss her one last time.

"We should head back, they'll all be wondering where we are," Ron said reluctantly. He wanted to stay like that for the rest of his life, but he knew they would have to return to the real world eventually.

Hermione looked up at him and he could see the tears welling up in her eyes, "Is this just a one time thing?" she asked, scared to death of the answer.

Ron shook his head, "No, with you, it's a forever thing."