Sorry it took so long for this…I've been so caught up in my other stories. PLEASE NO FLAMES if you don't like it, suck it up.


"Poppyfrost, how could you do this to me? You knew I loved him! I confessed! He was the heart and soul of my life." I bare my teeth and snarl. My pelt is fluffed up with hatred.

I remember all the times he looked at me, seeing nothing yet seeing everything. I remember how he took me swimming, and how our pelts brushed. I was so close to him. That was when it first dawned on me.

I was in love.

I'd shoot for the moon for him.

And now that was all gone. My sister. Jayfeather. My life, transformed into this hell. Nothing. Everything. Zero. Eternity. Life. Death. The whole of creation as we know it. Swirling around me. And I was nothing but an innocent bystander, swept up in it all.

Wow, I really love Jayfeather.

"Cinderheart, you are so self-centered. Just because you love him doesn't mean I can't, too. And I just got lucky, and he chose me over you." She licks a dainty white paw and draws it over her ear, her tortoiseshell fur sleek and glossy. Poppyfrost is pretty, but why her? What does my sister have that I don't?


"Are you calling me self-centered? You little stuck-up flea-brain!" My sister gasps. Her tail flies straight into the air.

She stands up. "Great StarClan, Cinderheart. Well, if that's what you really think, fine. I'll leave you to shrivel up with shame and depression while I'm off with Jayfeather." She gives one last sniff and flounces away, her tail held high over her head.

I sit down. I wish more than anything I could just talk to Jayfeather….

I suddenly realize I have the ultimate weapon. Hollyleaf.

"Hollyleaf, I need to talk to you," I beckon to my friend with my tail. The sleek black she-cat pads over, concern in her green eyes. "Cinderheart? You look pretty upset….I saw Poppyfrost coming out of the den. She looked murderous."

I shrugged. "Yeah….about that…..I need to talk to your brother. Hollyleaf, haven't you noticed?" She cocks her head. I groan.

"Noticed what?" I grit my teeth irritably.

"Iminlovewithyourbrother!" I spit it out all in one word. "Please, you need to help me talk to Jayfeather!" Hollyleaf's eyes go wide with distress.

"But- but- Cinderheart….he's a medicine cat. It's against the warrior code! I'm sorry, but I can't let you!" I curse under my breath. I forgot that Jayfeather was completely off limits! Things just got a heck of a lot worse for me.

I remember seeing them by the lakeshore. They were so close. So….in love. I couldn't believe it at the time.

A brilliant idea sparked in my mind.

I could simply rat them out! They would both be in huge trouble with Firestar and with Leafpool! Then, without them knowing it was me who ruined it, I could make Jayfeather see what a great cat I am.

I love my mind sometimes.



I was distraught.

I know it sounds all stuck up and annoying like something Daisy would say. But it's true. I never fight with Cinderheart. Fighting with one of my sisters' is so absurd and completely ridiculous I didn't even know I could until yesterday.

It was all Jayfeather.

Cinderheart really did love him; I know that just as well as she does. But my love for Jayfeather is too strong for sacrifices. I just can't afford any more emotional stress.

I'd shoot for the moon for him.

I mean, sure she's my sister and all, but love is too wonderful a concept. Being with Jayfeather fills me with a purely blissful sensation that nothing can compare to. Nothing. Love itself, really. Nothing compares to love.

Hurt, comfort, happiness, misery, sheer bliss, close to suicide. Love in a few simple words. My love for Jayfeather fits perfectly into all of the above. I was hurt when he went swimming with Cinderheart. I thought the world was going to come crashing down around me, and it did. I was purely miserable. Nothing could cheer me up. It was a close to suicide moment.

Other times, it's amazing. I can still recall that night when he came to me in a dream and saved me. He pulled me back from the towering precipice of death. And when he first told me he loved me. Those times, I thought I would never be happier. Life doesn't get much better than this. I was fluttering around in a fluffy cloud of bliss. Nothing could penetrate my bubble of elation.

Until now.

My quarrel with Cinderheart had done just that. Nothing would be right again. As long as I had Jayfeather by my side, I would live with a permanent stain of guilt, splashed across my face for the world to see. Because as long as I live, I will always know what I have done to my sister. I ruined her. As much as I want Jayfeather, I need to find a way to have both.

My sister Honeyfern pads up to me, her light brown pelt dappled with moonlight. She looks mischievous. I groan inwardly. "So Poppyfrost, what's all this about you and Jayfeather?"

My ears prick. "Where did you hear about that?" Honeyfern giggles maliciously. "Cinderheart told me. She seemed pretty upset about it, though." Her brow knits. I sigh with relief, only to stiffen again as she looks up, eyes twinkling wickedly. "You guys are fighting over him, aren't you?"

I sigh. The worst possible thing to happen to a relationship is for Honeyfern to find out about it. She is the main stream for all gossip. Nothing slips through her. I kind of saw it coming, but the real thing is worse.

The entire clan will be informed within the week. My dirty little secret will be out. I don't even know what will happen to us. Is inter-clan forbidden love severely punishable? Eh, whatever.

Suddenly something dawns on me.

"Wait- stop right there! Hold the phone! Nobody move!" Honeyfern freezes, more out of skepticism rather than obedience. "Did you say Cinderheart told you?" She nods, looking a little disbelieving. Well, no duh! I'm kind of out of it today.

"Yeah, she told me all about it. She was like, way distraught. Oh! You guys really are fighting over him! Ooh, no one tell Firestar! I want to see how this ends!" Honeyfern's tail waves in excitement. I can tell you this; love life ain't no milk and honey.

"Oh, Poppyfrost! This is so cool! You're the new talk of the camp! At least, amongst all the young warriors, such as yours truly. We've never had anything as remotely exciting since Leafpool and Crowfeather! And we were just tiny kits when they broke up! I can not wait," she breathed, clearly hyperventilating. I laid my tail comfortingly on her shoulder.

"Easy, there. We're still taking it slow. I mean, sure, I slept with him once or twice, but noth-"

"Oh, get out! You've slept with him and you say you guys are taking it slow? Poppyfrost, you dirty cat!" Her eyes sparkle with that look she gets when she's handling gossip. I know this is Honeyferns' page of the book. Well, I might as well give her a turn in the spotlight.

She looks slightly wistful. "You have it so easy. At least toms are actually into you." I can't get Berrynose to so much as look at me." She sighs. "I love him a real lot. He's just so-attractive. I'm a sucker for that creamy pelt…." Her eyes go slightly out of focus and she purrs, looking dreamy. The way she always gets when she's thinking about Berrynose.

"Honeyfern, I'm not very pretty. And I have no idea why the toms aren't into you. I mean, it's not like Jayfeather has a very good taste. He can't even see me. It doesn't matter! All the toms have pretty good taste; they're probably not into you because you're just unattractive."

Uh-oh. I slap my tail over my mouth. My sister is going to kill me. That wasn't a smart move. I just told her to her face that I think she's unattractive. I was babbling on and on and couldn't even control what I was saying anymore.

Honeyfern's pelt bristles. Her green eyes blaze. And then, without another word, she sticks up her tail and whisks away.

I remember doing the exact same thing to Cinderheart.


I mean, it's not like I have enough time for a mate. It's not like I have enough time to love her. Or be with her. Or even talk to her, for that matter. But that doesn't really matter to me right now. I'll MAKE time.

I'd shoot for the moon for her.

Oh, I love her way more than I can manage. Poppyfrost, Poppyfrost, Poppyfrost. I just want to run out into the center of camp and scream to the world my love. There's just one tiny issue, though.

One: it seems to have spread all around camp, and random young toms have been questioning me about it. Two: Cinderheart. Apparently, she really loves me too. That is not good. Having two she-cats fighting over me isn't really what I want to hear. And according to Hollyleaf, she seemed pretty upset.

Oh man this was not what I needed right now. I mean, Cinderheart is nice and everything, but I'm just not that into her. She can't be all stuck up and upset like I know some she-cats can get. But she's not the worst of my problems.


I am not looking forward to what she'll say when she discovers us. Which oughta be any time now. Seriously, I had Mousewhisker, Berrynose, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf approach me with congrats and "good lucks." Well, I'll need it. If my relationship with Poppyfrost is to remain secret, I'll need all the luck I can get.

I turn around as soft paw steps enter the medicine cats den. Honeyfern. Oh, great. The last thing I need is that stupid gossip-transmitter on my case. She stops and sits down, clearing her throat.

"Jayfeather, if I am correct, you are involved in a relationship with Poppyfrost. And, as the mainstream for all things gossip, it is most formally my duty to collect the story through the eyes of the tom. I have the story from Poppyfrost. I have the story from Cinderheart. And I have the story from a couple random innocent bystanders. Now it's your turn."

I turn to face her. I raise my eyebrows. No. "Honeyfern, who died and made you leader?" She shrugs. "I don't know, Firestar, perhaps?" I groan. "No seriously. I don't care about your mainstream. All I care about is that you don't tell anyone who might rat on us."

Clearly she isn't happy with me. I can practically hear her mood shift. Time to defend my point! "Hey, I'll mention you to Berrynose next time I see him if you keep my secret!" Instantly, her eyes brighten.

"Sure thing, Jayfeather! Hey, and did I mention that Poppyfrost has good taste?" She turns and flees back the way she came before I can reply. Good grief! The last thing I need is three sisters treading on my tail! I've already got my paws full with Poppyfrost!

Sighing to myself, I turn back to the herbs I was sorting before that awkward encounter. It shouldn't be too hard to fulfill my end of the bargain. But I'll worry about that later. Right now I should be getting back to Poppyfrost…..

A/N: sorry to leave you guys there! I personally love Honeyfern in this chapter. I am very proud of this whole chapter, so no flames. If you don't like it, why should I hear about it? DO YOU THINK I CARE? Keep those kinds of things to yourself, please. Thank you.
