
me:Hey Bonnie you should've come to D.C. it was sooooo amazing! But where's Eric I figured he'd be here too......

bonnie:he's on his way he was ummm preoccupied with something......

me:what's going on? Is he having an affair because if he is or you think he is you should really tell me because I'm your friend and that's what friends do...

bonnie:breathe Aniesa it's nothing like that....


eric:oh my god aniesa what's wrong?!

bonnie:just ask her so it'll stop I'm sorry I said you were a little preoccupied and she jumped to conclusions and now she's well you can see.

eric:Aniesa I was getting this *pulls out ring* to see if you would marry me nothing bad I promise.


eric:so will you?

me:yes of course!

bonnie: you know the drill she doesn't own CSI: Miami, H.O.N, or N.C.I.S!!!!!Or Eric!!


"No! I told you what you wanted to know now let him go! I'm the one you want!" I screamed while sobbing.

"Sorry Calleigh but either way he can't live. I told you you'd never win." Jake said nodding.

"Calleigh you know what you must do. I love you u-we-tsi-a-ge-hu-tsa" came my grandmother's familiar voice in my ear.

"No!!!!!!" I yelled as a light surrounded us and developed Eric.

The light continued to grow brighter and brighter until the sounds of the ocean came crashing into my ear. I could feel myslef slipping away even before the darkness consumed me. As the light began to fade and I began to subside, I could hear Horatio yelling and knowing that Eric was safe I let go of the light...........


I saw Calleigh slowly start to lose conciousness as Horatio came busting in. I hit the guy next to me and ran to Calleigh. I pulled her into my lap and started to cry.

"Calleigh! Please hold on a little longer! You're stronger than this! With all that you've gone through I know you're tired but please hang on!" I sobbed.

"She can't. That light it came out of her. Her life energy she used on you. She saved you with that light. That light was the goodness in her, all of it. If you took a random person off the street and gave them the power to use the goodness in their heart they'd walk away because most people aren't made completely of it. Calleigh is. All the things she's gone through in her life has made her kinder towards everyone else. That's why she's so delicate, because she's nothing but goodness." her grandmother said walking up towards me.

"Save her. Please she's told me the things you can do, so save her. For me, save her for me." I begged in sobs.

"I can't, but you can. I can see that you're made of it too. Use a little of yours to bring her back. Go to sleep right now and think about her. If you're meant to be together the goodness in you will lead you to her." she said touching my shoulder gently.

At her touch I immediately fell into a light sleep, and soon I was floating away. Then I saw Calleigh, weak looking, but happy when her eyes fell on mine. She ran to me with tears in her eyes, and I took her into my arms.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." she sobbed over and over again.

"For what? You didn't do anything wrong." I said while gently wiping away her tears.

"I must have failed. That's why you're here, is because I failed. I wasn't strong enough to hold on and I failed because I'm so weak." she said sobbing even harder.

"You didn't fail. I'm here to take you back."I said gently.

"But that means...you couldn't have found me unless..."she stuttered.

"It means that we're supposed to be together. It means that what we've felt all along was the truth and was meant to be. It means that I'm supposed to love you and that the godness in my heart took me to you. It means that you can come with me." I said while taking her hand in my own.

"Eric I don't know if I'm supposed to go back." she said as a tear ran down her perfect cheek.

"Calleigh I know you are. Your grandmother told me that I was supposed to take you back." I said seriously.

"My grandma? She told you to come get me?" she said as we started walking back into the darkness.

"Yes so let's go home." I said as I started to wake up.

I woke up to Calleigh coughing in my lap. No one had noticed my slip of conciouness and I smiled at Calleigh. The EMTs were next me taking Calleigh away from me and putting her into an ambulance.

"I'll meet you at the hospital there's something I have to get okay?" I asked her.

"Sure no problem Eric." she said with a hint of worry in her voice.

I hopped in my hummer and rushed to 5th Street to pick up something so precious. I got what I needed and rushed back to the hospital and ran straight to Calleigh's room.

"Ummmm Calleigh I need to talk to you alone about something important." I said out of breath.

"Mom, Kate, Tony, could you guys give us a few minutes alone?" she asked calmly why her eyes showed worry in them. They obliged and left the room quickly.

"Eric what?"she started but I interrupted.

"Calleigh Marie Duquesne I love you, but I want you as mine. I want you to be with me everyday that I'm alive, and I want to wake up next to you. I want to wake up with you in my arms everyday. So I promise to love you foever, as long as I'm alive, but I don't want to love Calleigh Marie Duquesne, I want to love Calleigh Marie Delko. So while I promise to love you no matter what you decide I'll also try to love you harder if you marry me. Will you, Calleigh Marie Duquesne, marry me?" I said in a rush of words.

"Yes. Yes I'll marry you. I love you so much and I was hoping you'd ask me eventually." she said as she started to cry.

I slid the ring on finger and kissed her gently. Then I went to get her family so we could tell them the good news.......

Author's Note: Sorry it took so long to update!!!! I had end of the year exams and I still have some of them next week but either way I finally updated it!!!!! SO please read and review!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry to say that I'm ending under protected as it is because it's run its course!!!! But I am going to start a Mac and Stella fanfiction so there's some good news!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for reading and really please R&R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll try to update as soon as possible!!!!!!!!!!!!