Hey guys, I'm really sorry for such a long absents. A lot of things kind of happened and I forgot about my stories here on fanfiction. My goal this summer is trying to fix up any mistakes and create a better flow for the story. I changed some characters names and time of absents.

I Just wanted to thank those who continued to review and promote me during my time away. Thank you so much for your encouraging words. :) it meant a lot.

So without anymore interruptions. May I reintroduce you to Gone...

Love is patience, love is kind, love is slowly loosing your mind....

It had been said for eons that love is something that occurs at random, and that it will always come to those who can stand the test of time. Yet, what had never been stated, is what happens after you meet your one. People expect a happy ending; for their love to be so strong that time itself would stop. And that the warmth it emits would keep the rain of sadness away during their darkest moments.

However, what if it doesn't? What if...just what if, that love that you waited for so long suddenly slips away. As if it were sand within an hour glass; just slowly ticking away at your only chances of true happiness. After all, how much can a heart really take? After days, months, and years of waiting and to only have the power to sit and witness the only light it's even known be snatched away so quickly and without warning. No amount of power, money, or wishful thinking can revive what has been lost. And no man knows it better then Natsume Hyuuga; for his light, his heart, and the only love he has ever known has disappeared. Leaving him nothing but another empty shell of a man that the world once knew...

December 23 20XX 11:59 PM

Once again, the busy streets of Tokyo lite up with its usual glow. With bright twinkling light running along the roof tops of towering buildings to the lower tips of the everyday light post. It was easy to spot from far away the green and red decor that brought up the fire within the spirits of the people of Japan. After all, Christmas was coming and everyone was itching to provide the best gifts possible for their loved ones. From the furthest corner-stores of the city to the town central square. Thousands of people congregate and filled every nook and cranny of the city with late night laughter and colors. In other words, everything just seems so perfect.

Well, except for one building.

Laying smack dab in the middle of the busiest corporate street of Tokyo, stood Hyuuga Corp. Named one of the countries finest business. Known for its promising profit margins among its investors; and a welcomed household name among families from around the world. Within just eight years, this company has done what many had hoped to achieve in such little time.

Natsume Hyuuga, son to Shinji Hyuuga, managed to take reign of the company and molded it into a structure of grand stature. Which had assisted tremendously in making Japan one of the top producers and supplier in areas such as technology, cosmetics, and hospitality. Impressive as it may be, it still had its flaws. For the company, unlike its competitors, lack a certain luster especially during this holiday; because unlike the others, no lights nor decorations swirled around the building. Hues, with the exception of the black glass walls and the glimpse of gold that foiled from the outside light could be seen.

However, It wasn't rare to see the whole building dark at this time of night. Yet, unknown to the crowds below, someone had been standing within the highest office above.

Over seeing them as if he were their king, and them the peasant to his kingdom.

Standing within the dark walls stood the famous man himself. Natsume Hyuuga.

The sole owner to his family empire and titled a prince in his own rights by the media. Of course, that really meant nothing to him. With previous titles only getting longer and more ridiculous as they come and go. He really couldn't be bothered with such trivia. Especially during this time of year.

And yet, he sighed slouching slightly with his hands within his pants suit. It was also the time of year where he had to escape all the noise. Looking down at the only current light source he continued his thoughts.

One benefit of Christmas, he had to admit, was the days off he would be able to take without unusual questions arising.

Just the idea of leaving made his skin itch with slight excitement; yet the bitter taste of the reasoning behind it would always rear its ugly head.

A creak was heard, and he didn't bother moving as the heavy mahogany doors opened unusually slow.

'That's, strange,' normally there was only one person who had the habit of forgetting to knock on his door; and the man, himself, should be at home with his pregnant wife and child. He thought enviously.

"Ruka-" he began, prepared to give his best friend a lecture about prioritizing his life. "Papa.." with wide eyes, Natsume stopped and turned around quickly as the small mousy voice echoing into the room. "Aio, what are you doing here?" shifting his gaze from the blanket enveloped little girl to the wall clock hanging beside the door frame. It was late, way too late for his little girl to be out of bed - let alone in his office at midnight.

Waving his hand over, the father dropped down to a knee as the young raven haired girl flung herself at him. With her head buried within the nook of his neck; he picked her up skillfully. Once he properly situated his baby girl he turned his head and glared with full force at the person who was still standing at the door.

"Do you know what time it is? Why is she not in bed?"

The maid in question quivered. After all the intensity of the Hyuuga glare was not to be messed with. Everyone back at the house told her it would be a bad idea, and that it would be best if he came home to the crying little girl rather than her be brought to him, But this maid just couldn't handle all the tears and biting the child was putting up.

Oh, and the scratching.

Yes, the little demon had claws.

She shuddered thinking back.

Then again

She sweat dropped, bringing the little miss to her father's workplace seemed like the lesser of two evils. After all, Aio had finally shut up and let go of Nanami's hair when she threw the idea out.

However, after witnessing the intense glare of a Hyuuga. She is now 100 percent sure that she had committed a rather large occupational hazard.

It didn't help that the little Miss was also smirking at her.

oh that little-

"papa, please don't be mad at her. It wasn't entirely her fault."

Natsume arched an eyebrow. Turning his attention back to his child, he questioned, "So it's your fault then?" She opened her little mouth, stopped and bit her lip; contemplating the situation. Much to the amusement of her father.

"Well no..." after all, her toys were at risk now. And there was no way her toys are going to be taken from her. "It wasn't.." She paused and thought, after all she had caused enough hell for the rest of the household, and didn't think another maids job would remediate the situation. Heaven only knows how long it took for them to find a new one after she had set the last one on fire.

Then it hit her, the raven haired girl shouted and thrusting her finger accusingly at her papa. "It was your fault, Papa!"

His eyes twinkled " oh really now?" sticking out her bottom lip she nodded "Yeah, you promised to read to me tonight!"

"Ah," Now he remembered.

"Yeah! And you didn't come home like you said you would!" He nodded, realizing the mess she must have caused back at home.

If it was one thing she inherited from him, it was his temper.

"Yeah, my bad" she nodded along with him " Yeah! Breaking promises is bad remember! We even-" she lowered her voice and formed a cup with her little hands. "Pinky swore." as she shot a little glare at the maid who tried to listen in.

The mood in the room changed rapidly within the last ten minutes as the man laughed.

It was moments like this that made his life worth living anymore.

Aoi smiled and let out her own little giggle, taking it as a sign that she wasn't in trouble.

While on the other side of the room the maid stood there stunned. Yes, it was obvious when she took the job that her boss was a real stunner. With his beautiful crimson eyes and fit figure; if he was 3 years older she would defiantly be interested. However that was beside the point.

She smiled looking at the duo. When he laughs like he just did, it just made him look more human.

The two Hyuugas were in their own little world, and it was just so picture perfect.

"Well, nonetheless you need to get to bed." He interrupted her thoughts.

"Aw, b-ut -" she yawned "'I'm not sleepy"


"Ok so maybe a little" rolling his eyes he went behind his desk and opened the top draw. Pulling out a yellow envelope he quickly locked it up while asking his little girl to hold onto it. "What's in here?" She asked shaking the package. "Vacation spot." And on queue a happy little squeal was emitted.

"Where! Where!"

Aio just simply loved vacations. It was the only time where she got to spend any real quality time with her papa without having to worry too much about his work interfering.

Usually he let her pick their destination, by laying a map down on the floor and letting her choose 3 or so places.

Last year they went to Egypt because she wanted to see real camels and the year before that was China to see fluffy pandas. This year she was hoping for either America, France, or Australia.

She had heard about the amazing wildlife in each country from her friends back at school and couldn't wait to see for herself.

" Not saying," Natsume said as he walked out the door and punched in some numbers to lock his office. Making his way down the hall he signed the maid to follow them.

Excited that this may be a sign that she was keeping her job she more then happily followed as she continued to watched the pair interact.

Aio clapped her hands all giddy-like as her father made it a guessing game for her.

"An-an-an" she struggled and gave up "...Polar bears!"

The two adults chuckled. This is what he gets for buying a map with animals as icons. Now, that's all Yuki could associate each country with.


Pushing the button the elevator arrived, and they all got in as he pressed the button for the main floor. "ummmmmm" Rubbing her chin like shes seen her grandfather do many times before, she continued "Kangaroos?"
The number descended as soft pings echoed within the small space.









"You don't even like snails"


Ruffling up her hair out of frustration, she was starting to run out of animals,"…Big doggy?"

He smirked, "Hn"

Aio cheered as the doors opened and they walked out seeing their driver waiting for them.

"When are we going!?" She shouted, more rowdy now at the thought of leaving. "Tomorrow morning."

They all got into the car "Yessssss" Aio shouted throwing up a fist. " Fat doggies!" Sometimes he just couldn't understand his daughter. Watching her with adoration as she yawned and attempted to cheer once more. "Go to sleep now, tomorrow you will be on a plane to see your dogs." The little girl tried to protest but that died on her lips as another yawn interrupted.

Kissing her forehead, he looked out the window as Aio's soft breath warmed his chest. "Hyuuga-sama if you want I can take-" a hand was lifted signaling her to stay quite as he looked back out the window.

Talking the hint she didn't say anything else as she leaned forward and whispered her address to the driver.

"I live nearby so I'll just..go" nothing was said as ten awkward silence passed. Thank goodness there was no traffic! But before they knew it they arrived at a small blue house. "Good night Hyuuga-sama"

He nodded not really caring that she was leaving. "oh, and I'm Misaki Harada by the way and..." she paused halfway out the door trying to find the words to make her next question seem normal, "I just wanted to make sure that I'm not fired? Right?"

Nothing was said as Natsume nodded and shooed her away.

'Rude! ' She thought, for a kid he sure was stuck up! Slamming her key into her door and walking in.

Time flew after dropping of the noisy maid, and the owners had finally arrived home.

Walking in there was no one around besides his doorman. Taking off his coat and kicked off his shoes, the man of the house walked up the stairs and toward Aio's room. Opening the door he turned on the light and struggled inside.

Toys, stuff animals, and Lego pieces littered the peach floors of the pink room.

'She is so cleaning this up when we get home' he thought unraveling the little girl and tucked her into the princess bed. Getting up he was about to leave when he felt a little tug. With one eye open Yuki smiled sleepily.

"Good night, Papa."

He smiled. Even if his wife wasn't with him anymore.

Bending down he kissed her forehead. " Night Trouble, no go to bed" smiling at the nickname she nodded before falling into a deep slumber.

Small remnants of their love still lingers in the actions of their daughter.

Turning off the light he closed the door, and made his way to his own room.

and he couldn't ask for anything better.

Thanks so much for reading guys!

So that's all for now. Please let me know what you think about it. The concept is the same but I'm tweaking it like I said above.

Please review if you can, and the next update should be up by next weekend :) Aio and Natsume in america. how's that going to end. who knows lol.