Pairing: R/T…eventually
Rating: PG, if that
Spoilers: May include spoilers from seasons 1 & 2
Disclaimer: The characters referenced here are the property of Amy Sherman-Palladino, Hofflund-Pollone, Dorothy Park Drank Here Productions, and Warner Brothers Television. No copyright infringement is intended. The characters are being used solely for entertainment purposes, and no profit is being made from them.
A/N: That's right, it's back. Again. The story that will not die…kind of like Helena on General Hospital. I make no promises on the timing of future updates. Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies.
Oh, and a special shout-out to Liza (AKA inmyeyes) for creating the fantastic character of Natalie DuGrey in her amazing story It Had to Be You. Go read it! Now!
Please Mr. Postman
Part 6: Otherwise Known As T-R-O-U-B-L-E
by Grace
February 5, 2002
Dear Lane,
Another month of the cast, huh? Wow, that sucks. I know how it feels, though. I broke my arm when I was twelve, and those eight weeks felt like an eternity. Although telling you that probably doesn't make you feel any better…
Thanks for agreeing to help me with "The Plan." I think it would qualify as a grand romantic gesture. I just hope I'm not overdoing it. It would be a lot easier to explain to you over the phone, so maybe we can pull someone else into the plot. Do you think Lorelai might be willing to give us a hand?
I would absolutely love to have you and Rory come down here for Spring Break! Maybe you could convince your mom that it's some kind of school field trip or college visit or something. By the way, mine runs from March 18-22, so with a little luck that will coincide with yours.
Anyway, I should probably get going. Write soon!
* * *
February 6, 2002
Dear Tristan,
My darling daughter thinks it's weird that we're corresponding. I pointed out to her that you never called me Mary, and I never kissed you and then burst into tears, so it's actually less bizarre for me to be writing to you than it is for her to be writing to you. Speaking of which, when are you going to get up off your lazy—yet temptingly pinchable—butt and tell Rory that you love her? I mean, good grief, boy, Stevie Wonder could spend five minutes in a room with you two and figure it out! She's your cherie amour. We get it. No clue how she hasn't figured it out yet—no one can really be that oblivious, can they?
The X-Files is definitely not the same without Mulder, but I keep waiting for him to show up so that he, Scully, and baby William can live happily ever after. Now there are some oblivious people. Mulder totally wanted to jump Scully's bones in the very first episode! Has she seen David Duchovny? What was she waiting for?
Speaking of yummy men, the hotness factor of Vaughn and Will definitely gives Alias the edge this season.
Glad you enjoyed the cookies. I'll have Sookie send more soon!
Love, Lorelai
* * *
February 8, 2002
Dear Rory,
My dad would definitely be in the running for the title of Least Supportive Father. In fact, my entire family is downright dysfunctional. Sure, your mom had you when she was sixteen and you hardly see your dad, but it's still a more loving family than mine. The only one who's even close to sane is my baby sister Natalie. She's only seven, so they really haven't had time to corrupt her yet. I felt so bad when I had to leave her alone with our parents in that house to come down here. I'm still not sure why they bothered to have one child, let alone two.
Moving on… You, me, and Cambridge? I like the sound of that. Turning Harvard on its ear would be a blast. That's almost a good enough reason for me to try and get the grades to be accepted there.
No real progress on your mom and Luke's relationship, huh? I think you're right—it can't possibly last much longer. Of course, it might be easier if you just locked them in together somewhere. Or, you know, get them stranded during a blizzard. That kind of thing always works, doesn't it?
Well, I need to go. My physics class starts in ten minutes.
Wish you were here with me. Miss you.
Love, Tristan
* * *
February 9, 2002
Dear Tristan,
I talked to Lorelai about The Plan, and she's in. Rory will be out until 8 p.m. this Wednesday, so give us a call at the Gilmore's at 6:30.
Talk to you soon.
To be continued…