Toph screamed again, lurching as far forward as she could. Sokka's hands fluttered uselessy over her, trying to find a way to help.

"Toph, Toph, what can I do?" He asked desperatly.

Katara, at the end of the bed, looked up at him skepticaly.

Toph gave a shrill laugh, the hair in front of her eyes damp with sweat. "You've done enough, thank you very much"

Sokka nervously shifted his weight. He turned to the Katara. "What can I do?"

"Stop fretting, she's going to be fine. I've done this before, remember?"

Sokka looked sick at the memory. Katara looked up at Toph. "Almost done. Just a few more-"

"I can't do anymore." Toph panted.

"Come on, Toph, I know you can." Sokka said, attempting to sound sure of himself.

Toph pulled her lip over her teeth and snarled. "It's your fault I'm in this situation in the first place"

Sokka snorted. "You wanted this as much as I did."

Katara interjected before Toph could say anything. "Toph, I know it hurts, remember, I've done this too, but just one more push"

Toph nodded and gritted her teeth. She reached out and squeezed Sokka's hand tightly. Sokka bit his lip to keep from crying out in pain. Katara smirked at him.

A strange silence went over the room, broken in a moment by the shrill cry of a baby.

"A girl." Katara said breathlessly, pulling a blanket from the nearby shelf to wrap the baby in. She handed the baby to Sokka, her eyes shining with tears. She beamed. "Your daughter, Sokka."

Sokka looked nervous holding the small bundle, but managed to smile when the baby continued to cry and wave her tiny fists.

"Let me hold her." Toph said softly. Katara turned and called Aang into the room.

Sokka handed Toph the baby. The little girl stopped crying and opened her eyes. Toph smiled, but it quickly faded.

"I wish I could see her." She said, on the brink of tears. Katara bit her lip, tears in her own eyes, and Sokka was pensive for a moment.

"I've got it!" He said suddenly.

One of Aang and Katara's children ran in. "Is Auntie Toph better yet?"

"Hush, Min, she was never sick." Katara scolded the child quietly, pulling her onto her lap.

"Here." Sokka said, drawing one of Toph's hands from under the baby. Toph shifted her daughter into a better position. Sokka gently placed Toph's hand on the side of the baby's face. The little girl smiled, and Toph grinned, the tears spilling over. She moved her fingers slowly, taking in every detail.

"My baby." Toph whispered. She pulled her hand from the baby's face to lace her fingers with Sokka's. "Our baby."

Sokka leaned down and kissed her, breaking away to tap the baby on her nose, grinning. She closed her eyes and yawned.

Min's face screwed up in digust. "Ew."

She jumped of her mother's lap, running around the bed to look at her new cousin. "Watcha gonna name her?" T

oph stroked the tuft of black hair on the baby's head. Sokka answered for her.

"Kun Shui. We decided on it when we found out Toph was pregnant."

Aang laughed. "What if it had been a boy?"

Toph stiffened and turned her face away. Sokka blushed and averted his eyes. "I'd...reather not go into what happened when we talked about boy names"

Katara stiffled a giggle. Min ran out of the room, calling for her younger brother. "Jiang, come see Kun Shui!" Toph held Kun Shui closer.

"Our baby..." She whispered, twining her fingers with Sokka's.

this is like, twelve years after the finale, and min is around 3, jiang is 2.

Kun means earth, Shui means water, Min means clever, and Jiang means river.

katara and aang have been married 4 years, toph and sokka about 2.