Dear brother:

It has been a long time since I have called you that, but I need to now. I need to when I am about to go against everything I was taught. I need to when I realize, finally, that you were right and I took the wrong path. I need to, in order to do what most will call the impossible.

There is one small fact that I must tell you first – if you are reading this, then I am almost certainly dead. My death will not be at the hands of the one that I foolishly called Lord or at the hand of our demented cousin. No, my death will come from being noble at the eleventh hour, as much as I hate to say that. I hate what I have become and who I follow. I wish I had been able to see that sooner. I wish I hadn't been the younger brother and been able to do what you did – giving the finger to everything you've been taught and choosing your own path.

Back on topic – I hope you are able to get this in time. Kreacher has a locket that needs to be destroyed. Don't question it, just destroy it. In the end, the world that you and your friends have worked towards will be brighter. If Kreacher gives you any lip about it, either show him this letter or tell him that I told you to do it. I know he'll hate giving something up, so trade him the letter. There's an enchantment on it so it can only be read by you or your descendants or Kreacher.

I wish I could have been a better brother than I was. When you read this, do tell Andromeda that I'm sorry as well. I wish I could have followed both of you.


P.S. Don't trust your rat friend.