Last chapter! I don't know how I feel about ending this, my first real story. I hope you guys have liked it, and that I did Ash and Misty and pokemon justice. I want to thank everyone who has read and reviewed, it's meant so much to me.

And so, for the last time, I do not own pokemon

Which brings us to the 10th and final chapter of The Right to Write Me Off



His breath caught as the newly risen rays of sun lit up her face, softened in sleep. She was beautiful, with the soft pinks and oranges of the sunrise washed across her pale skin, framed by the shadows of the vanished night. And though the world was lay before him in all its glory, the bright blue waves lapping happily against the warm welcoming colors of the dawn sky, he could not look away from the sleeping girl in his arms.

The two had sat up all night, sheltered from the night's rain by a little awning above the entrance to the deck. They had talked about everything, gotten to know each other all over again. He had told her about his travels, without all the bragging, and she told him about the gym, her family, her dreams. They had talked about the past, the present, and all they'd ever wanted to tell each other. They had made promises without realizing it, as the rain stopped and the darkness faded, promises of love and devotion, honesty and desire. The promise that this was beyond the two of them and, therefore, unbreakable.

Somewhere before daybreak Misty had fallen asleep in his arms, but Ash had remained awake. He was mesmerized by her breathing, the rise and fall and rise and fall of her chest. The sounds that she made in her sleep captivated him, the little sighs of contentment that he didn't miss, the breathless way he was sure she whispered his name. He could've watched her forever.

He found himself playing with the loose strands of her hair that had escaped from her ponytail as he wondered what she was dreaming about. He hopped she was having only good dreams. Though his eyes were heavy he didn't dare close them. She was his sweetest dream come true.

He kissed her on the top of her head, taking in her much loved sent. She snuggled herself closer to him, as though, even when subconscious, she could feel the ever present pull to be as close to him as possible. And this was one thing Ash would never fight Misty on as he tightened his grip around her.

She began to stir, still staying close but lifting her head up to look at him. "Ash" she said softly.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you Mist,"

She just shook her head before leaning it back against him.

"Did you sleep well?"

At this she couldn't help but smile. "Yea, you?"

"Best night of my life," and he kissed her gently.


The ferry arrived at Sinnoh on time, and travel arrangements were to be made. Brock, May, Drew, Dawn and Ash were to continue on as planned, getting ribbons and badges. But Misty, however, had her own agenda.

"Why won't you come with us Mist?"

"Look Ash, you know I want to, but I have things on my own to take care of. I want to be a water pokemon master remember, and I can't do that if I'm chasing your dream and not mine,"

The rest of the gang watched from the sidelines. Though it was clear that something had changed between Ash and Misty, aside from being "friends" again, no one had yet had the courage to ask. Brock, however, had a sneaking suspicion as to what it was.

Ash, although he hated to admit it, and hated even more the idea of going along without her besides him, he knew she was right. He wanted her to be happy, to achieve all that she was capable of. Still, it wasn't easy to let her go.

Dejectedly, head bent down, he said, "O.k., I guess I understand. But I'm still going to miss you,"

"I'll miss you too," and with that Misty stepped closer and brought her lips to his, wrapping her arms around his neck as he did the same around her waist, falling into the intimacy and addiction of the embrace.

May, Drew, and Dawn were in shock, but Brock just smirked to himself. Tracy sure owed him a lot of money.


The roads branched off up ahead, and it was time to say goodbye for now. There were hugs all around as Misty got ready to leave in the company of Gary (much to the annoyance of Ash), to head off in one direction as the rest of the group headed in the other.

"Don't worry guys, we'll all see each other soon at the water festival." Added Brock as he too said his goodbyes.

Sad faces nodded, and true as it was it didn't make parting any easier. The traveling partners of both Ash and Misty walked ahead to give them a little privacy as they said goodbye.

"Ash, I…."

But he stopped her before she could continue. Instead of talking he just looked at her, taking in all the little details of her appearance while he could. He would always remember her as she was to him in that moment, with her blue green eyes just touched by tears, her fiery hair in its familiar side ponytail, her bangs windswept and her lips parted ever so slightly even though he could tell she was holding her breath.

Finally, after he had stared at her long enough to make her blush he said, "This isn't goodbye Misty."

"What do you mean Ash?"

He stepped forward and kissed the girl before him, a deep kissed that he refused to break as he tried to commit her taste, the feel of her lips against his to memory.

He pulled back and looked down into her eyes, "This is gotta catch you later,"

And at this she smiled at him, her eyes shining through to him like sun breaking past storm clouds and grey skies.

And then she walked away in her direction and he walked in his. But before they were out of eye shot from one another she called out to him from across the distance, "I guess I finally know how you feel about me Ash Ketchum,"

"Yup, I love you Misty Waterflower."

And even though they were walking apart Misty was o.k. Ash was right, this wasn't goodbye.

It was the start of the rest of their lives.

Soo, what did everyone think? Favorite parts of this chapter or the story as a whole, favorite quotes, anything? I just really want to know if I did a good job or not. Please please please let me know what you think.

I'm thinking epilogue, yes, no?

Thanks again for being here with me through this story, hope everyone like it.

AAML forever 3