RMX: Alright. Just a short little thing about the Leverage ship of Eliot/Parker. Nothing actually happens, but I wanted to get something in before Alec/Parker is overly obvious on the show. I know everyone loves Eliot and Parker, but right now, it isn't cannon.

Eliot: -the hell?! Where are we?

RMX: so let's welcome the first guests from Leverage to see my Disclaimer room-Eliot and Parker!!! (Presses applause button) I just need Parker to read this card and you can be on you're happy way.

Parker: Whatever… RMX does not own Leverage, nor does she have influence on the writers, or the actors of Beth Riesgraf (SP?) or Christian Kane.

RMX: Thank you. Now, what is possibly the shortest fic I've ever written, may begin…


The briefing room: that's where things always seemed to come to Eliot's mind. It usually wasn't even related to whatever was going on at the moment. They just popped up. This time, as Alec started briefing them on some S.O.B. that was using a moving company to smuggle drugs around the country, his mind wandered to the blonde sitting across the table.

He still didn't really know what to think about Parker. He had said it himself:

There was something wrong with Parker.

He had found plenty of reasons to trust her. But just as many not to. Parker was insane. Everyone knew that. For instance, the first time they had met, she'd jumped off the roof of a building, against all instruction and precautions. Then dropped a piece of glass off of the skyscraper.

But, she had also landed perfectly, and gotten them into the building without a problem. Sure it might have been a crazy move, but she was just…being Parker.

Then again, she had shoved Hardison off a high rise before the rig was tested. He had wound up hanging upside down from a skyscraper. Nothing really bad had happened, but all the same.

She complained on occasion, and sometimes did not know the difference between Santa Claus and St. Nicolas, but again, she was just being Parker.

She jumped off of buildings as if it were child's play (Which, being Parker, it just might have been), blew up crates without a second thought, and acted as if she didn't know what she was doing was wrong.

He smiled though, because it was the insane things she did that made them trust her. She didn't hesitate for anything. Though childish on occasion, she got right to the point, and would not waste time for something like her embarrassment, or safety (Which they did worry about, but hey, it was Parker). She had launched herself out a window on a second story, and right into his arms.

He looked back at Alec as ideas resonated around the table, hiding a grin from the memory.

Yeah. There was something wrong with Parker, but something must have been wrong with him too.

Because he liked her that way.


RMX: Alright, yeah, I think it's the shortest I've ever written that has been posted, but I really wanted to write it.

Eliot: Can we go now?

Parker: This is a nice white room…

RMX: sure, go…(Presses button on disclaimer room remote, they disappear.) Now, anyone who is reading this, and hasn't seen the show, you greatly confuse me. But you should all go to the TNT website and watch the first two episodes…Right now. Oh yeah, and the thing where 'she had jumped out a window, and into his arms,' that was from an Episode that hasn't come out yet. You can see the clip on the TNT 'behind the scenes' section of Leverage. Just so you know I'm not making things up. Thank you for reading, please review/Comment.