6 months later

Jack lay in bed, his arms around his new bride, considering how he had come to this point in his life. He knew he did not deserve the woman who slept beside him, but somehow, she loved him anyway. Closing his eyes, he remembered what she had looked like walking down the aisle on her brothers arm that morning. It had been emotional, not having her father and mother with her, but, as always, she chose to believe that it was all in God's plan, and that He was allowing them to watch. Her faith amazed him, along with her graciousness and beauty. Never would he have been the man he was if it was not for her.

Cuddling closer to her, feeling her skin against his own, he remembered how cute she was when she shyly came out of the bathroom earlier that night in a white gown, which left little to the imagination. His heart had nearly burst at the thought of the gift she had given him. A gift that until tonight, she had given to no man. Herself. She had chosen, long before he met her, to save herself for him. He remembered when they had talked about it shortly after they had expressed their love for each other. When he had confessed to her that he had messed up. He had made a commitment to wait until he was married, but he had not lived up to that. Even now, he could feel the pain in his heart when he had told her, wishing he could give her the same gift she had saved for him. Instead of the look of hurt, or disappointment he had expected, she had reached over and kissed him. When they had separated, she had told him that the past was the past, and all she wanted from him was the future. In that moment, he knew that she had his future. That there would never be another woman like his Sue. And he was humbled that she could love him.

She stirred, and turned over to face him. There was enough light in the room that she could see his lips, so he tried to apologize for waking her.

"Who said I didn't want to wake up?" Her voice was soft, and a grin played on her face. Leaning over her he kissed her softly. Immediately her hands came around his neck, and she pulled him closer. "I love you Jack," she whispered between kisses.

Pulling his face back slightly, he looked into her eyes. "I love you Sue Hudson." He then proceeded to show her again just how much.

This is the end of story number oneā€¦.the next story is about Bobby and Tara, and is basically written, so it will be up soon. Thanks to my one friend who reviews everyday! J If you are reading this and haven't reviewed, I would appreciate your input. This was my first fanfic, but I totally enjoyed writing it! I do hope you enjoyed reading it!