The Last Three Airbenders

Chapter 3: The Southern Air Temple

Hello to my loyal readers, it is I, Mizore53, back once again with another chapter of the Last 3 Airbenders. This is the moment you've been waiting for, the reason this story was rated M. There may not be any lemons, but I suck at writing those anyway. There will be some mature-rated flirting. Joining me to celebrate this occasion is Umi, my OC from Hazard & Light 2.

"Hey everyone, it's great to be here." Said Umi

"Now that the introductions are out of the way, on with the show." I said

"Wait a minute, I need a few minutes to meet with my huge fan base. I have autographs to sign." Said Umi

"What fans? This isn't televised or anything. Besides, you're story only has like, two reviews." I said

"Its not my fault that there are so many douche bags out there that are too narrow minded to fully comprehend my awesomeness." Said Umi

"(sigh) Whatever, swear as much as you like, cuz I made sure to give this story a high rating before I let you anywhere near it." I said

"Shut up, asshole." Said Umi

"I don't think you're in a position to make any orders. The last time I checked, I'm the author, and you're the fictional character. That means I can do anything I want, and you have to play along or be erased." I said

"You can't do that anymore, not since PETOC outlawed it." Said Umi

"Right, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Original Characters. Damn them." I said

"There there, it's okay." Said Umi

"I knew I kept you around for a reason. Thanks Umi." I said

"No problemo. On with the story." Said Umi

Tayuya woke up and found that she was in a bedroom that seemed to be made of stone that was about 20 feet by 15 feet with two windows and a ceiling that was 10 feet high. She noticed that Naruto was asleep and snoring on the other bed. She got out of bed and noticed there was a hole in the back of her shirt. She sighed and went through Naruto's stuff. She found a sealing scroll labeled 'Clothes' and unsealed it. She tossed away her purple bow and beige poncho-like thing and donned one of Naruto's black t-shirts. It was a little snug, but she ignored it. "That's much better." Said Tayuya

Tayuya heard a moan from behind her, and knew immediately that it was Naruto getting up.

"Good morning Naruto-kun." Said Tayuya

"Good morning Tayuya-chan." Said Naruto sleepily, followed by a yawn, "Nice outfit." He commented

Tayuya took another look at herself and realized that the t-shirt was quite a bit more snug than she thought, because her nipples were showing through.

"Shut up." Said Tayuya

"Here, use this." Said Naruto, and he handed her the swirl badge that was attached to the left shoulder of his jacket

"What's this for?" asked Tayuya

"It's an Uzumaki family heirloom. You just have to hold it and you can alter your clothes with your thoughts." Said Naruto

Tayuya accepted the object.

"First off, you earned a nice dish of revenge with that joke." She said

Naruto looked at her confused, and didn't know what she meant until he saw her clothes turn into a see-through night gown that gave Naruto a really good view of her. Naruto's face turned red, and passed out.

'Man that was funny. I just hope he doesn't do that again when we hop into the sack together.' Thought Tayuya, and she changed her clothes into an exact replica of what Cagalli wears in the desert in Gundam Seed.

"Alright, c'mon Naruto-kun, time to wake up." Said Tayuya, and she shook her love awake.

"Unghh, I just had the strangest dream that I saw Tayu-chan naked." Muttered Naruto

He woke up real fast when he noticed who was right next to him and easily heard what he had said.

"Don't worry Naru-kun that was just a bit of payback." Said Tayuya

"You mean it wasn't a dream?" asked Naruto


"Would you hit me if I said that you have the body of a goddess?" asked Naruto

"No, but I will kill you if you faint from seeing me naked just before a certain something that I need you awake for, if you catch my drift." Said Tayuya

Naruto nodded with a blush.

"Good." Said Tayuya, with a heartwarming smile, she then proceeded to kiss Naruto

They broke the kiss when they heard someone knock on the door.

They turned to see Aang in the doorway.

"Good morning Aang. What's going on?" asked Naruto

"We reached the southern air temple fine. Do you want a tour?" asked Aang

"Sure." Said the two young ninjas

"Great. Let's go." Said Aang and he led them out of their room and down to a part of the temple where it was empty except for many wooden posts coming up out of the ground as well as two posts that were a few feet taller with large circular rings at the top.

"This is a game, but I'm going to use it to help teach you airbending. The object of the game is to use airbending to try to hit this ball into your opponent's goal while jumping from post to post." Explained Aang, who was holding a wooden ball the size of a basketball

All three of them jumped up onto their own individual post.

"I'll start." Said Aang, and he tossed the ball up and shot it at Naruto with an air blast. Naruto blocked it and it bounced through the air over to Tayuya, who spiked it with an air blast, sending the ball crashing into Aang, who flew through his own goal.

"Yes! We win!" shouted Tayuya

"Nice shot." Said Naruto

They both jumped down and saw Katara running over to look for Aang.

"Come on Naruto-kun! Let's see what else this temple has." Said Tayuya, and she grabbed Naruto's hand and pulled him behind her into the temple.

They wandered through the temple, passing all kinds of cool stuff, eventually coming to a huge door.

"Hey, look at that thing in the middle of the door." Said Tayuya "I think you open it with airbending."

"Let's try." Said Naruto "I'll take left side, you take right."

"Got it." Said Tayuya "3, 2, 1, go!"

And they both shot an air stream into the mechanism. The two spirals flipped over and three small pipes rotated and locked into place. The door hissed and began to open. When it was open, Naruto and Tayuya could see hundreds, no, thousands of statues.

"Wow." The two of them said in unison

"I think we should tell Aang." Said Tayuya

"I'm on it. Kage bunshin no jutsu." Said Naruto and a clone of himself appeared next to him.

"Go find Aang, Katara and Sokka." Naruto told his clone and his clone ran off.

His clone came back in a few minutes with Aang, Katara and Sokka.

Naruto dispelled the clone and said "Hey Aang, what's this room?"

"That's the Avatar chamber. There is a statue of every Avatar that has ever lived in this room. It can only be opened with airbending, as you two apparently figured out." Said Aang

"Coooooool." Said Naruto and Tayuya together

"Oh yeah, and I have a present for the two of you." Said Aang, and he tossed them a pair of wooden staffs

"What are these?" asked Naruto

Aang took out his and tapped on the ground to make the wings pop out.

"Awesome." Said Naruto, and he and Tayuya did the same

Suddenly and without warning, an ominous dark shadow was cast over the room. The temperature of the room dropped noticeably. That was when they turned to see- (whack)

"Ow, hey, why'd you have to hit me?" I asked

"You were being too damn dramatic." Said Umi

"You didn't have to hit me!" I yelled

"You were being stupid! I bet you don't overreact this much when that friend of yours you told me about hits you. Damn, what was her name again, I know it begins with and 'a'. What was it, Ashley? Alicia?" said Umi

"I didn't tell you about her so that you could make it an excuse to hit me! You were supposed to feel sorry for me." I said

"I do feel sorry for you. Yeah, 'cuz if you weren't such an idiot, you wouldn't get hit so much." Laughed Umi

I growled at her. "Sorry Umi, I hate to pull rank on you, but you've left me no other choice. Hey Laura, I think Umi needs a time out!" I called

The Floramon Hybrid from my other story, the 3 Kamiya Siblings, came in and dragged Umi out of the room.

"Man, that girl is crazy. Unfortunately for me, I like crazy." I said to myself, "Anyways, back to narrating."

A two feet tall lemur.

"Food." Drawled Sokka, assumingly using his Hungry Vision™ (When you are so hungry that you envision almost everything you see as food)

Tayuya, Aang and Katara chased after Aang, who was chasing after the lemur, who was being chased by Sokka. But when Aang tripped and fell through the floor, everyone went to see if he was okay. When Aang got up and saw Monk Gyatso's corpse amongst firebender corpses, he went into emotional overdrive.

"Katara, you have to try to calm him down." Said Tayuya

"Me? What can I do?" asked Katara

"Just trust me." Said Tayuya

So Katara talked to Aang, and he calmed down. The little lemur even came back with fruit for them. Aang decided to bring him with them and named him Momo. They set off from the Southern Air temple completely unaware that the fire nation was aware of the Avatar's return.

That's all, folks. I have exams all next week, so there won't be a new chapter next Friday, but there will definitely be one the following Friday. Anyways, asta la vista.