Disclaimer: I don't own Law & Order SVU
Title: Desperate
Author: ReadingRed
Chapter One: Different
Benson and Stabler had just been called to the emergency room; it was not an uncommon occurrence considering their job. As detectives with the special victims unit they visited the ER often and all too regularly it was to check on a child. That was why they were here today. The fire department found the child and his mother at their apartment after being called because smoke was coming out from the under the door.
"Where is the boy who was just brought in?" Benson asked the nurse who met them at the door.
"He's just down the hall. The mother's critical. Major head trauma. CT shows multiple subdural hematomas." The nurse said as the three of them rushed through the ER to where the boy had been put.
"She gonna make it?" Det. Benson asked.
"It's hard to say. She's in surgery right now."
"And the sexual assault?" Stabler hated he had to ask questions like that, he hated that people committed crimes like that, but catching the perp made it all worth it. Taking a man who had hurt a woman and her child off the streets for the rest of his life made the job, and the questions, a little bit easier to handle.
"Genital trauma shows she was raped and sodomized." The nurse responded. Elliot's stomach turned when he heard the diagnosis. Thinking about what the woman had been put through made him sick. "We didn't find any fluids."
"How's the boy?" Stabler asked, almost afraid of what he would hear from the nurse.
"No physical injuries. All the blood on Mikey was his mom's."
"He may have seen it. You mind if I talk to him?" Benson asked.
"No. Go ahead." On that note the nurse left Benson to deal with the boy. Stabler left to check on the child's mother.
"Mikey?" Benson asked as she entered the room, trying to get the boy's attention. Benson was good at interviewing child victims. They trusted her, she made them feel safe. "My name is Olivia. How old are you?" When she asked she looked the boy over. He was clearly traumatized but showed no signs of physical abuse. He just sat on the bed with his legs pulled up to his chest. He barely looked up, only answering the detective's question by raising four fingers in the air.
"Four?" Benson asked after seeing his raised fingers. She took a step closer to the child, even going so far as to sit on the end of the bed he was on. He didn't seem put off by the gesture. She would even go so far as to say that it comforted him. After seeing what had happened to his mother, having another female presence in his life was welcomed. She was glad that he had opened up slightly; it would make the next few questions a little easier to ask.
"Mikey, I need to talk to you about what happened in the apartment." Benson looked at the boy. He was so small and sad she wanted to comfort him but she knew that it would not be appropriate; her maternal instincts were at war with her better judgment.
"Did you see your mommy get hurt?" At that the boy raised his eyes and nodded his head that smallest amount. Benson's heart broke for the little boy and the horrors he had been through.
"Can you tell me about it?" She asked. Mikey lifted his head and looked her in the eyes. She thought for a moment he would tell her what happened; instead he reached out, grabbing hold of her badge. He took it into his small hand and ran his fingers over it.
"That's right honey, I'm a police officer. And I need your help to find the person who hurt your mom." The boy let go of her badge and leaned back on the hospital bed just as Stabler appeared in the doorway.
"Olivia." He said, leaning his head slightly to the side, motioning her to come over.
"I'll be back in a little while, okay?" For some reason Benson found herself emotionally attached to this little boy more than usual. She took all her cases personally but this one was somehow different, this boy was special. She looked at the boy one more time taking in all his features. His short black hair and his dark blue eyes. The light freckles that covered his face, almost faded but still quite visible. Benson rose and slowly walked to the doorway where her partner stood.
"This is gonna take some time. Maybe once he sees his mother…"
"She just died." Stabler interrupted with the news before Benson could say thing else.
This is based on season 4 episode 18. This first chapter is very similar to the start of that episode, but the chapters after this one get progressively different, just bare with me please. Future chapters will also be longer in length. Leave me a review and let me know what you think, I'd really like some feedback.