AN: I do not own anything. All credit goes to Tom Lynch. South of Nowhere may have ended, but the story continues.

Story Summary: In Spencer's POV. Takes place after the webisode "The Day After." Spencer moves in with Ashley and Kyla, after Ashley asks her to move in with her. They deal with the drama of moving in with each other, and building a stronger relationship.

Read and Review please!


Ch. 1

I sighed as I put the last bag in the trunk and closed it. I turned around to see my dad, my mom, Glen, Chelsea, and of coarse Ashley standing in front of my parent's house. Yeah, my parent's house, I thought to myself.

"Well, that's the last of it," I said with a smile. I took a step forward to give my mom a hug, but she beat me too it. The breath was slightly knocked out of me before I returned the hug. "Its not gonna be the same with out you here," she said with a choke as she pulled out of the hug. God, I hate it when she cries, I thought to my self before saying, "Mom, its not like I'm moving out of the state. I'm only gonna be about an half an hour away."

"Yeah, I know that. Just promise me you'll take care of yourself, and don't be a stranger, you too better come over for dinner every once in a while," she said as she held back her tears. "Don't worry Paula," an angelic voice said, "We'll be back be for you know it, and remember, I did give you a key, so come over whenever you like." I smiled as I looked at Ashley. She always knows what to say, I thought to myself. She smiled back as my mom let go of me, and I moved to stand in front of my dad. "Bye sweetie," he said before hugging me. I hugged him back tightly as I said, "Bye dad. Please take care of mom," I added the last part in a whisper. He nodded as we let go of each other. I took a step side ways and looked at my brother, who had an arm wrapped around Chelsea. "I know I'll probably see you two a lot before Chelsea leaves, but just please take care of each other," I said to them. Chelsea smiled before giving me a hug, and Glen nodded. After Chelsea hugged me I stood in front of my brother.

"Its not gonna be the same without you snoring every night," he said with a slight laugh and a smile. "Oh shut up. I'll miss you butt head," I said before giving him a hug. "I'll miss you too sis," he said as he hugged me back. I let go of him with a sigh as I took a step back. Someone grabbed my hand, and I didn't have to look up to know it was Ashley. "Ready?" she asked me. I only nodded as we got in the car.

I rolled down the window as Ashley pulled out the driveway and waved. My family waved back, and I continued to look back until I couldn't see them anymore. I sighed as I turned around back into my seat. "You okay?" Ashley asked me as she took my hand again. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just, everything's moving so fast I guess. I mean, Chelsea is going to Paris, and Glen is staying here, and is gonna start coaching young kids in basketball this summer. Aiden and Kyla seem to be at it again, and happy. Madison, well Madison is promoting you in the only way possible right now. My parents seem happier than they have in a long while, even though their little girl is moving out. Then there's you and me. I'm moving in with you, and we have the whole summer together, then I start college in the fall," I explained to her.

"Yeah, it does seem like everything is moving fast," she said, "Are you happy with this?" she asked me. "Of coarse I am Ash. I love you, and now that I'm out of high school, I can be with you whenever I want too," I said as I kissed the back of her hand. She smiled at me and said, "I love you too." I smiled again as we rode in a comfortable silence as we headed to our apartment. Our apartment, I really do like the sound of that, I thought to myself.

I decided to turn the radio on, so as I turned up the volume, it was already on my favorite station. I smile as Metro Station's "Seventeen Forever" came through the speakers. "I love this song," I said as I listened to the lyrics. "Me too," Ashley said, "It reminds me a lot of when we first got together." "Yeah, I guess it does," I said as I smiled at her. She smiled back as we stopped at a stoplight. "Hey Ash," I said. "Yeah?" she asked as she turned to look at me. I smiled before leaning in and kissing her. She smiled into the kiss as she grabbed me by the face and deepened it. A horn honking behind us made us break the kiss with a laugh, before Ashley pulled forward.

After about a 20-minute drive, and no traffic, we pulled into the apartment complex's parking lot. Ashley pulled up into a parking spot right next to Aiden's car. Him and Kyla had brought some of my stuff over too. Ashley and I got out of her car and joined Aiden and Kyla by his.

"Thanks for helping me move in Aiden," I said with a smile. "No problem. Anything to help a friend," he said.

"Oh please. We all know you're just helping to spend more time with Kyla," Ashley said.

"Ashley!" I exclaimed. "What? You didn't let me finish. I approve, just don't go breaking her heart again," Ashley said with a smile as she looked at Aiden. "Don't worry, we're taking it slow this time," he said as he put an arm around Kyla. She just smiled.

"Okay, sorry to break this little love fest up, but the sooner we get my stuff unloaded, the sooner we can relax," I said with a smile. "She's right, we got a lot of work to do," Ashley said. We all agreed as we started unpacking my stuff from Ashley and Aiden's cars.


AN: Well, there's the first chapter! Tell me what you think, and if you have any ideas to how I can improve the story, or just any ideas at all for the story, let me know.