A/N- This is my first story, so please, be nice in reviewing. I wasn't all that great at writing stories, so I'm hoping this goes better than all the other stories I have written. Let's Hope! My characters may be a bit OOC. SORRY!!!

DISCLAIMER for ALL chapters- I own nothing but this fanfic. I do not own anything about Twilight, all the Twilight characters and everything about it, are owned by Stephenie Meyer, the true author of Twilight. Although I do want to own Jasper……


(Unknown POV)

I watched as he pulled her away. For I could do nothing for her, I really thought that they would do something to help her, not just stand there, and watch her be pulled away. I walked over to them as she was pulled into the forest. I could hear the rest of the pack calling for me to join them as they ran, but I had something to do first.

"Hey," I called over to them, as I joined them, across the meadow.

"What?" they both answered, annoyed at me for talking to them, when my leader just took ones love of their life, and the others friend,, also because I was an enemy werewolf.

"I just wanted to know if you would like to make a deal with me?" I responded, trying to be nice, as I thought up of a plan to get her back to them.

"Depends on what your deal is first?" responded the werewolf.

"Before I tell you my deal for you, I would like to know just how much both of you are willing to do to get her back."

"Anything," they both said quite quickly, so I knew they were telling the truth.

"Well, my deal is if you two can work together, with no one else's help, to find her and my pack as we travel, then I will help you get her back," I answered.

"Sure, we'll work together," they both responded, while looking at each other disgusted.

"I know that werewolves and vampires have never worked together before, but now is the time to start, we can't always fight, otherwise there may not be any of us left, if we continue. You two are the help for all of us, just keep that in mind as you travel. Also keep in mind, if you don't find us in probably less than a week, then your Bella is going to be made the wife of my leader,' I said.

"And why would you help us at all? Doesn't your pack hate us?" asked the werewolf.

"I want to help you two, because I noticed just how much you love her, Edward. And I also noticed how much you like her as probably more than a friend, Jacob, which I why I'm giving you two a chance to get her back. But you must hurry, I can only do so much," I responded.

"Fine, we'll try to work together, doesn't mean we will, and I really don't want to work with him, he smells like a wet dog," says Edward.

"Well, you don't smell much better leech," responded Jacob.

"Ok, ok, I know both of you hate each other, but before you two get in a fight, think about Bella, would you two really fight over trying to get her back?" I asked.

"No, probably not, but that doesn't mean that I'm your friend leech," Jacob said.

"Same thing, dog, we are not friends," said Edward.

'Well that went well,' was what I thought as I ran into the woods, trying to catch up with my pack, before they realized I was gone. I stripped my clothes in the woods, and transformed. I felt the heat run through my body, as I felt my bones cracking and forming to fit my new wolf body. As soon as I was finished my transformation, I ran towards where the scent of my pack was strongest. As I ran, I coved mine, and my packs, tracks just so it would be harder for them to find Bella. The harder it is, the more chance they have of getter her back, if they find us.

A/N- I really hope this was good. Please review, the more you review, good or bad, the more I might update. Please tell me whether you guys want me to continue writing this, or to stop writing this. Either way I will understand.