-1LS7: Hiya peeps… How's everyone?
Sasuke: We're fine it's you who isn't.
LS7: …
Chiro: He is right; you have been stressed out for a week, which makes you more sick and tired. Take a break!
Antauri: Hmm indeed, chiro is right young one; do not let things get to you.
LS7: … Anyway thanks 4 the concern but I'll be okay. So this is going to be my first srmthfg fic because I love chiro and the monkey team so might as well write one.
Sasuke: Then u can finish the story with me and naruto right?
LS7: Hopefully… Well peeps, hope u like.
Summary: The annual Shugazoom family fair is here and Chiro can't go for two reasons. One he has no family and two, he isn't feeling well. Can the rest of the monkey team help out our little hero? This more AntauriXChiro just because I like the father-son moments with them…
Chapter one: These aren't tears… just the rain
~Scene Changes~
Antauri and Chiro speaking through their mind or through the pin
~The city~
Shugazoom city is in a stream of vibrant colors and happiness. Why you ask? Well within in a week, happens to the be the annual Shugazoom family fair where all the citizens spent the entire day with their families participating in games where they can just relax and enjoy the time with each other. Everywhere you turn there was a family or two just having the time of their lives not worrying about a threat from skeleton king. One boy was the odd man out not being able to enjoy running to his mom if he didn't win a game or two or saying to his dad: "Look what I won dad," and hearing he response: "I'm proud of you son." Well Shugazoom's teen hero also known as Chiro was currently wishing he could but how could he? Chiro's parents died when he was about five and since then, he's been alone and the thought of attending to a fair where celebrating the joys of family was a big let down for him so why go. The city knew about the young boy's tragic losses and aided to comfort the boy but Chiro didn't want to accept their help. He was not a charity case and although grateful of the offers of living with other people instead of by himself, he just put on his happy mask and told them he could handle it. However, the truth was Chiro couldn't handle this and what teen could? Nevertheless, Chiro didn't want to be a burden to them especially the monkey team. It's been about a year and nine months since Chiro found the super robot and since then he's now the leader of the monkey team, he has a mysterious power called the "Monkey Primeape" in him and he can talk to the team as if it was nothing to him. Chiro was never thought as a leader and in his mind, he only decided to become the leader to follow in the footsteps of his idols: The Sun riders (A/N: Someone tell me if that's who they are ^^) But after a few months with the monkey team, he realized that maybe he could be a leader too and not because of idols, but it was so much pressure and he didn't know what to do. He thought of talking to the monkey team about this but what help would they give him? Chiro respected the team it was just that he felt himself to be a big burden if he did considering the city's constant need of the team whether Chiro was having an off day or not. Chiro walked towards the park and let the gentle breeze ruffle his raven hair. Chiro found his favorite spot once he walked in the park. It contain different kinds of flowers such as daises, roses, and other types of plants and some animals. Chiro always sat here when he was younger with his parents when they took him to the park. His father would sit him in his lap tickling him mercilessly while his mother would dance around the little patch of flowers always smiling. Chiro could help but laugh a sad laugh at that memory. Suddenly, Chiro's pin on his sweater that he wears to contact the monkey team went off and Chiro already knew what it was about…
"Chiro this Antauri, report back to the robot for your training you've been slacking in your training as of late and you need to be in shape for anything."
"Alright, I'll be there Antauri. Chiro out."
As Chiro got off from his seat that he gotten comfortable in, he looked up in the sky to see the sun disappear and rain clouds coming in it's place. 'Great, I better get back before it pours down raining.' Chiro thought bitterly. As Chiro finished he's thought he heard thunder and lighting strike and then came the cold rain. "Make my day worse why don't you." said Chiro to no one in particular. As the young raven hair boy left the park towards the robot, he took a glance at some of the people putting up water proof tents over the booths for the upcoming celebration. Chiro then saw a sight that made he more put down than envious… He saw a little girl who was running ahead of her parents giggling but then she tripped and scraped her knee. The little girl's parents came towards her and scolded her lightly at the same time picked her up and told her she'll be okay and that she's a big girl. With a sadden heart at the sight, Chiro walked even more slower, eyes downcast toward the ground, rain… forgotten.
~At the Super Robot~
We see the robotic monkeys just hanging around since there were no threat or catastrophes in the city. Nova, the only yellow female of the team was in the training room… training of course, Otto, the happy go lucky green monkey was playing with a stuffed animal Chiro got him a few months ago. Otto was very happy indeed and named the stuffed animal, chimpy, Gibson, the know-it-all blue monkey was currently boring out a not to happy red monkey who usually cracks a joke or two or flirts with Nova. Hey! Whoever said Sprks and Gibson's ideas were similar… And last but not least was Antauri, the mysterious silver monkey who was second in command to Chiro was currently meditating but if anyone looked close enough, they could see he was worried about his leader. I wonder where Chiro is. As of late Chiro been acting a bit distance towards us and when I ask about it, his smile isn't as big and his blue eyes are dull and lack happiness.' As Antauri's thoughts kept wondering as to what was wrong with their leader, Nova came down from the training room and apparently had a good workout for the female monkey was sweating a lot… "Hey Nova! Why train all by yourself when you can train with a real guy like me." said Sprks in the most flirtatious way possible. As Nova approached, she simply said in the fakest flirtatious way ever, "But I trained with Antauri, Gibson, Ottto and Am I forgetting someone…? Hmm…? oh yeah Chiro." "But if there's another real guy out there Sprks, please tell me k?" said Nova as she push past the dumbfounded red monkey aside to talk with Antauri who was clearly in no mood to talk. "Umm Antauri…? Where is Chiro? I was ready to train with him about twenty minutes ago but he was a no show…" said Nova as she sat down near Antauri and watched as Sprks was flexing his "muscles" to a very intrigued Otto. "I do not know where he is but I do know that he's been acting a bit strange." said the silver monkey with his eyes closed in deep thought.
'Chiro… CHIRO!! Everyone's worried- I'm worried about you. Where are you? Please be safe... Chiro…'
"Antauri don't worry about the kid so much, you know how he is." said Sprks as he walked over towards Antauri and Nova. "But Antauri is correct Sprks." said Gibson who just joined the others. "Well I hope he's alright." said Otto. As the monkeys minus Antauri who was very worried for his young leader were discussing Chiro… The door was opened and in walked a sad, soaked to very bone Chiro. Everyone was shocked at the boy's appearance(Mostly Antauri) Chiro's clothes were so wet, It became apparent to the team that Chiro was outside in the rain for a long time… The others may have not seen it but the wise silver monkey did, it was Chiro's eyes. They seem to convince the others that he was at least okay but to the silver monkey, that wasn't he saw. He saw a lost little boy who wanted answers to questions he couldn't answer. 'Chiro… what made you like this…?' Thought Antauri. "Umm… A-A-Antauri, what's w-wrong?" Asked Chiro who's teeth were chattering with apparent cold… "Nothing…but do enlighten us as to why you didn't come to the robot when I told you?" "Antauri I- "Chiro you are the leader of this team and what if something could have happen and you weren't there hmmm? Nova patiently waited for you for training and you didn't show up." replied Antauri with a strict yet gentle voice.. The other members didn't respond but waited for their leader to say something… Chiro didn't respond right away. His eyes were not the usual blue they were but a dull bluish grey. He lifted his head to look at the silver monkey and spoke with an angry voice. "LOOK ANTAURI!! I'M HUMAN AND I'M SORRY I MISSED TRAINING BUT I HAD A LOT ON MY MIND AND IF YOU AND THE OTHERS DON'T MIND, I WANTED TO BE ALONE. THERE'S NO THREAT AND I DON'T HAVE TO TRAIN EVERY FREAKEN DAY TO PLEASE YOU OR NO ONE HERE." "IF YOU'RE NOT HAPPY, THEN WHY DON'T YOU BE THE LEADER. APPARENTLY I'M NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!!" yelled Chiro with an anger no one expected out of the usually sincere boy… "Oh! I'm sorry Antauri.. I don't feel wel- A-A-Achhoo! Ugh! well." said Chiro as he sneezed. "Maybe you're catching something Chiro, why don't you go get some rest and just forget training." said Nova softly forgetting the uprising of Chiro's furry. Chiro looked at his team and regretted yelling. For one, Antauri and the rest of the team didn't deserve that and two, his throat was beginning to hurt.
"That would be best Chiro." said Antauri with a low voice… Chiro knew he hurt the silver monkey but tomorrow he would apologize. O-okay then goodnight*Cough* Aaachoo. As Chiro walked to the tube that connected to his room he suddenly sneezed again and went to his room.
~In Chiro's room~
Chiro changed out of his wet clothes and shivered as cold air hit his body. *H-H-A-chhoo* 'Great now I caught a stupid cold.' thought Chiro. As he climbed into bed still packed with chills, he couldn't help but feel guilty at what he said to knew that he should have come home when instructed. Maybe he wouldn't be sick now. The raven haired boy shifted in bed on his side and cried silent tears until he was asleep. But unknown to Chiro, a silver monkey watched over the now shivering, sleeping boy and patted him on the head.
'I'm sorry Chiro…I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you more.'
Chiro: A-A-ACHOOO! UGH! Whad's wrong?
LS7: I...Wrote a srmthgf! Fic…..Oo
Chiro: And? Whad of id? Congrads.. *Coughs*
LS7: I hope u guys like this.. Don't give me flames but critique that will help me… this is my fic of this fandom… I know this was looooooooooonnnnng! But I wanted to get a plot going… R&R