V is for Visit


Shipping: Ikarishipping/PADL/DawnxPaul/ slightly anti-Cavaliershipping-ish


A crisp wind greeted Paul in the face. In one hand, he held his baby daughter, Kokoro, who was only one and half years old. Her purple curls bounced as he walked. Her big blue eyes examined everything with interest as they walked on and on, past the spooky gray trees with the crooked branches, going farther and farther into the woods.

He stopped abruptly, resting in front wooden cross.

"I was a fool to think I could just let you go...." Paul whisped after a few minutes of a stale silence.

Only the howling of the wind answered him, along with a flurry of snow that smacked him in the face.

"I thought that if I got rid of everything that once belonged to you, I would forget about you, that all the guilt of all the pain I've caused you would just go away." He leaned down, touching the soft, moist, snow-soaked ground between his fingers.

"I miss you every day and every night. I dream of being with you every night, I dream of kissing you just one more time. A dream is a wish, and I wish I could just... touch you, see you, just one more time. Hold you in my arm and know you are mine and not..."

"His." He hissed, his whole body starting to shake, from anger and despair.

"Why did I let you go? Why did I think I would be happier without you? I was wrong, okay. Wrong, wrong, wrong! And I'm too much of a coward to admit it to your face!" He shouted, his voice echoing slightly in the forest. "If I knew where you were, I would say I was sorry, I might even beg for you to take me back. I would do anything, just to actually have you back."

More snow hit him in the face, causing his eyes to water.


"I don't know what you see in Gary Oak anyway. Sure he's a great poet, but what use is poetry? Spiky-haired arrogant jacka—" He stopped, suddenly remembering the words his innocent little daughter shouldn't hear just yet.

"I couldn't bear the thought of seeing yo everytime I saw something you use to have. I also couldn't bear the thought of throwing anything that was yours away. Too painful. So instead, I just put it all in a box and buried it..." He whispered to himself like every other time he visited the cross. "Sort of like my own personal... grave for my memories of you... of us."

He smiled sadly at the thought.

"I'm sorry, Dawn. I'm truly sorry. If I could turn back the clock and go back to that date, I promise you, I wouldn't have told you to leave. I wouldn't have made you cry like that, I wouldn't have told you...all those mean things. I'm so sorry. So very sorry." He whispered.

The once-harsh wind stopped to just a gentle breeze.

"Oh well. You're probably happier with him anyway." His voice cracked, and he instantly cursed himself for being so weak and revealing so much emotion.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered one last time after another cutting silence, turning away from the grave of his and Dawn's memories. "Forgive me."

"I already have." A soft femine voice whispered.

Paul's eyes snapped open, revealing his blood-shot coal black eyes. His mouth dried as he saw his ex-wife after so long, and he struggled not to smile after seeing the pale-skinned blue-haired beauty again.

She looked the same as she always did, maybe even more beautiful. Her navy blue hair was being blown everywhere by the winter wind which of course was covered up from the same white beanie-hat with the pink pokeball logo on it. Her matching blue eyes shone in happiness from the words she heard her ex spoke.

"You heard what I said?" He asked softly.

She nodded, pressing her thin lips together so she wouldn't burst into a smile.

A warm, only slightly awkward silence followed. Finally, unable to hold back her giddy excitement she hugged Paul, kissing him and Kokoro gently on the head.

Paul wrapped one of his arms around her, holding her tightly as she death-hugged him. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," He whispered again and again, kissing her genty on her thin pink lips.

"I know." Dawn said, grinning as she finally pulled away from him, wiping a tear of joy away.

"But wait," Paul frowned. "What about Gary." He spoke the name like it was acid on his tongue. Which in a way, it was acid on his tongue.

Dawn frowned too. "We broke up. He said I was too mopey." She tried to smile, but it turned out looking like she ate something sour, like lemon juice.

Paul sighed. "That's my fault, right?"

Dawn grinned for real this time. "Not any more!" She kissed him again, then took Kokoro from his arms, rocking her gently in her arms. "I've missed you guys...." She whispered.

Paul smiled. "Then don't ever leave again." His voice was gentle but also stern.

Hey, he may have been a jerk to her while they were both ten, treated her badly (no, not abuse or anything; just emotional things, mind you) as a husband, but he still loved her and needed her. And that didn't mean he couldn't show a little emotion once in a while.

Err, right?

Yeah, I know Paul is pretty OOC, but you're gonna have to deal with it. :P

Review please! =D