Author's Note:

Greetings to everyone out there in cyberspace! :)

Just a quick note to let you all know that 'A Cullen Continuation' is indeed completed and done. (No more little plot bunnies hopping around here.) That said, anyone just startign the story now is very welcome to continue leaving reviews about what their favorite/least favorite bit from a chap was. However, I find it really silly that some people comment things like "Stop doing so much from so and sos POV" on an early chap of a completed story. It's not like I'm going to change it now. Haha

ANYWAY! What you've all been waiting for. A Cullen-Elizabeth prequel has begun! Exciting... Anyway, it's called First Impressions A Cullen Prequel (id 4994988). For those who didn't like Elizabeth's POV, this one is set all in Carlilse or Edward's POV. So if you're up for some 1940's drama/friendship and a glimpse at Cullen life pre-Bella, go check that out.

Thanks a million for all your support! 3