DISCLAIMER: I am not SM, or else Leah would have gotten a happy ending..well she did in a way, but she would found someone is what i mean. But i'm not SM, so i write fanfiction. I hate how all my DC's sound the same.
Leah POV
It's almost disgusting. Seeing them go crazy like that. Part of me thinks that maybe if imprinting wasn't one of the reasons I was so bitter, I would be happy-no happier-for them. Seeing Quil and Jake go goo-goo ga-ga over their stupid 3 year olds. Wait, excuse me, three-year old and three-year old-looking half-breed. Okay, so I'm not the nicest person, hell, I don't think I have the ability to be nice anymore. But let's see, the man I loved with my heart and soul, Sam Uley, disappeared for two weeks, then went on imprinted on my cousin (basically sister), and then I killed my dad. Sure everyone says it's really not my fault, but who else is to blame? Seth? Please, like the boy could even hurt a fly. Nope, my dad didn't die because my brother phased so young. He suffered from a heart attack because I, being his daughter, phased. So, that's pretty much my life story. The bitch, Leah Clearwater. Literally, the only female werewolf in history.
I almost gag, not only looking at them, but also thinking about how for a fraction of a second, I thought it was cute. Of course, Jake would give Nessie ice cream without her even asking, and I used to think he was crazy about Bella. Which he was...Confused? Let me back up. Nessie is a half-human, half-vampire, her mom had her when she was human , then got changed into a vamp in the process. Her mom being Bella, wife of Edward aka mind-reading leech. Edward left Bella, then she became best friends with Jacob, who started turning into a werewolf like the rest of us. Jake fell in love with (or so he thought) and then Edward came back and Bella went back to him. They get married, and get pregnant. Sam decides to kill her, Jake leaves, Seth and I follow. Seth, because he idolizes Jake, and me well...you can't blame me for wanting to get away from Sam. Edward and Bella have the half-breed, Jake imprints on her and happily ever after. Well almost, there were some royal leeches, the Volturi, who came to check out Renesmee (that's the half-breed's full name, weird, I know), then she gets saved by another half-breed, Nahuel (I wonder if all of them have weird names) and happily ever after, for real this time.
Seeing Jake look at Nessie, and Quil look at Claire, reminds me of how Sam looks at Emily. And it hurts, still. After all this time, I'm so weak, I can't move on. I can't let go, no matter how hard I try. But he's happy, and I'm happy for him, even though I can't bear to watch them together. A tear rolls my down my cheek, but I wipe it before it's noticeable.
"Attention all pedophiles, oh I mean Jacob and Quil". They glare at me, but I still smirk. "It's time for your child brides to go home. Claire's parents are coming home today, and Edward wanted Nessie home early."
Both nod their heads and head out, to drop their precious little imprints. Imprinting is horrible. I hate it. Many reasons.
1. It took Sam and Emily away from me.
2. Why would anyone wanna be forced to love someone because of some stupid connection?
3. I would rather someone love me for who I am, again not because it's destined through some connection.
4. I don't wanna someone else to rule my life, the way Nessie rules Jake's or Claire rules Quil's or how Jared would jump off a cliff if Kim asked him too, or how Paul tries to be nice (haha, what a joke) because Rachel asked him to. Or how Sam looks at Emily in a way he never looked at me.
5. And the main reason I hate imprinting, I know I will never will be able, or that anyone would ever imprint on me.
A/N: Okay, so maybe not as great as I thought it would be but it's not bad, I don't think. The more reviews I get, the more I will update. Please let me know what you think.