So this is my real story story for fanfic…so you all must let me know what you think so that I will continue on!

For each chapter there will be a song…so the song for this chapter is: "Hold On Hope" by Guided By Voices

FYI: I do not own twilight, its characters, the song above…or anything of that nature.

Happy reading! And without much further a due…

A Summer to Remember

Chapter One: Arriving

Summer vacation has just arrived, and this year I didn't have to deal with work and I just graduated from college, so no obstacles in my way! I had the entire break planned out, but with just one phone call all my plans were canceled and that's why I'm in my beautiful pick-up truck driving to the middle of nowhere…also known as Frog Town. No joke…that's the name of the town that my mom and Phil expect me to settle down in.

Renee and my step father Phil decided that it would be a grand idea to invest in real estate after figuring out that Phil really didn't have a chance in the minor leagues after badly injuring his shoulder. Surprisingly, they excelled far beyond what Charlie and I had ever thought possible. Because of their major success, Renee and Phil became insanely wealthy, and were always pushing their money on me especially through my college years, up till now that is.

After finishing up a huge business deal somewhere in Maine or New York…or somewhere in that general area, they were driving back home, and were in a car accident caused by a drunk driver. In their will, they decided to leave me everything but the business because they knew I didn't want to follow in their footsteps. Included in 'everything' was a revamped farmhouse…in the middle of nowhere! But who knows…maybe this could be something that I could raise a family in one day.

I let my mind drift on that thought until I finally pulled up to the farmhouse. Well, it wasn't exactly a farmhouse, more like a farm mansion! It was a beautiful shade of light blue almost white with big columns in the front with a wrap around porch! It was more than I could have ever dreamed for in a house! That night I went to bed in one of the rooms that suited me best.

Early the next morning I reluctantly rolled out of the warm cocoon of blankets which surrounded my body and swung my bare feet over the bed to place them on a freezing cold, wooden floor. Instantly, a cold chill ran from my toes all the way up my body making me shake involuntarily and wake up more. Slowly, I opened my bedroom door and walked down the creaky old stairs.

The house was quiet and peaceful, just the way I like it. Hesitantly, I opened the squeaky, screen door and slip out onto the porch hardly making a sound. The cool, morning air was crisp around me like an autumn day. As I leaned against one of the support columns, I began to slide down until I was sitting on the top step of the porch looking out at the dark night sky. The stars still spotting the sky as far as the eye can see, and the moon illuminating the whole sky, casting eerie shadows over everything.

In the background, crickets had begun to play their sweet music, and the frogs down by the pond began to croak along to the cricket's melody adding a bass harmony. Absorbing the timelessness around me, I leaned my head against the column and closed my eyes enjoying the calmness around me.

Upon opening my eyes, I stared at the sky to see the moon sinking slowly into his slumber as rich oranges like autumn leaves and brilliant gold's illuminated the dark sky, changing from black to a deep purple. The orange in the sky seemed to be melting into the violet sky. Slowly, the sun made her triumphant entrance on the horizon. The clouds appeared hazy like giant patches of smoke. The sky looked as if it was melting from one color to the next making me uncertain of where the earth ended and the heavens began.

Brilliant gold's filled the entire sky making the cool wet dew sparkle on the tall, untamed grass in front of the house as if someone had scattered flakes of glitter on them while I was slumbering. Silhouettes of full, large trees began to appear against the horizon, some full of life while others just skeletons of something that once lived, but is now just a memory.

Faster than I had expected, the sun crept higher in the sky. The brilliant colors now began to fade into the blue of the sky; the hazy clouds changing from their soft orange and deep purple hue, to their pristine uniforms of white. The sun, now perched in the sky, shined brightly over all creation.

Slowly, I stood up and turned towards the screen door to go back inside to make myself breakfast, or go somewhere to get groceries to make breakfast. I glanced back over my shoulder with a glimpse of hope that somehow I had imagined the sunrise, but alas, my hope is shattered to pieces by the reality of time. But hope came over me. I'm not sure why, but a general sense of hope filled me, making me at peace with everything that has happened with my parents and this house and the summer to come.

Sneak peak into the next chapter…

Just as I was getting up from my comfortable position on the porch, I did not expect what I saw next approaching my house…

Please Review and let me know what you think! The more reviews the more chapters!! I less than three you! ~ LiveAndDontRegretIt