A/N; This is a rewrite of a story I did earlier in the year using Ridleys brotherhood. It was meant to be my own take on the story of Dean coming back from hell, but I got so nervous using such a wonderful verse that I wrote myself into a corner and in truth have never been truly happy with the version I have on the net. So here I go again, I hope this is a better version, and that the bloody cursed underlining demon who keeps making an appearance stays away this time. (Throws around some rock salt to be safe). What I'm going to do with this is take my time, rather than rush it. Reviews would be greatly appreciated, but if you must criticize please make it constructive. Cheers guys.

It's All About Soul. (Rewrite).

The first thing that Dean saw when he opened his eyes was…….nothing, It was so dark and cramped that he wasn't sure where the hell he was, he reached into his jeans pocket and struggled to pull out his lighter. He flipped it open and managed to light it on the third attempt, a strangled cry came from his throat when he realised just where he was. He was in a casket. A closed casket. He yelled out calling for anyone to hear him, his voice was hoarse and scratchy from misuse, so he cleared his throat and tried again. It was useless, he knew that no-one could hear him, as he himself could hear nothing from the outside. He took some calming breaths knowing that in his panicked state hyperventilating wasn't going to help any. He kicked his feet at the end of the casket hoping to at least make a crack. He started to punch his way through the lid clawing at the material and slamming his fists into the wood. It splintered beneath his punches, earth falling through onto his face 'oh my God I'm buried alive' was his thought as he scrambled to free himself from the underground prison. He pulled himself through the earth his strong hands pushing the dirt aside till he felt air around his fingers. He kept on pushing, the dirt clawing at his throat making it hard to breathe, but he pushed on till he breathed in the sweet clean air and pulled himself from the grave.

He looked around him hoping that he'd at least recognise where the heck he was but didn't recognise anything. It looked like some sort of bomb had gone off, all around him where trees that looked like they'd been laid to waste. Turning around slowly he saw that he had climbed out of an unmarked grave a simple white cross at its head, he shuddered and moved away walking towards the road.

God was he thirsty he felt like he'd swallowed a mound of dirt, his arms ached, his chest hurt from feeling like he was suffocating, but he pushed himself onwards. He saw a small garage not far away and made towards it hoping that someone would be there who would take pity on him, tell him at least just where the heck he was. He'd felt his pockets and his wallet was gone, so no money then. He racked his brains whilst he walked trying to remember just what had happened to him. The last thing he could remember was being in new hope with Sam and that bitch Lilith. Oh God Sam, where the hell was Sam ?

How the hell had he got in a grave ? and why would a demon place a make shift cross over it? It was something that a loved one would do, or at least someone who gave a shit to take the time to do it.

" What the fuck ?! Am I dead ? " he ran a hand across his face a memory suddenly coming to him of hellhounds tearing at his flesh and his little brother screaming for it to stop, but then nothing.

Had he gone to hell ? Was this hell ? He kept walking towards the garage, he expected hell to be at least hot with maybe flames and stuff but then again he supposed that hell wouldn't look like the cover of a Iron Maiden album, he smirked at the thought of Eddie showing up with his mad hair flying in all directions. He reached the garage but it looked deserted, he felt in his pockets to see if he had anything that he could use to pick the lock, but came up with nothing so punched his already bleeding hand through the glass and unlocked the door

He entered quietly and found the fridges at the back, opened one and downed a bottle of water. He needed to get the hell out of dodge but needed supplies so he grabbed some plastic bags and filled them with water and peanut m&m's, opening the cash register he took out some bills, it wasn't stealing right? He was in need of cash besides he'd pay it back…..eventually. He headed to the washroom he needed to see just what damage the hounds had done to him. He looked in the mirror and lifted his shirt but his skin was smooth and intact, no sign of scarring, anywhere. He lifted his shirt off and saw a large red hand print on his left shoulder,

" What the hell is that from ?'' he asked out loud, he shook his head it was all so confusing, he needed to find Sam, he left the bathroom and saw a magazine stand he grinned when he saw a copy of 'Busty Asian Beauties' and placed a copy in his bag along with his other supplies. His eyes then found a paper he read the date 'September 8th 2008' he'd been gone 4 months.

Four months and he couldn't remember a thing from his time in hell. Had he even been? If he had, maybe it was a good thing that he couldn't remember, did he even want to remember his time there? But how had he got back? Was he back? His head started to buzz and Dean gripped the sides of his head, his bleeding hands fisted in his hair. He tried to shake the sound away but it only intensified. A monitor at the side of him blinked on, Dean reached out and turned it of but it turned back on, static blaring from the speakers. The windows began to shake Dean searched the small area and found some salt and began to pour it across the entrances his heart thundering in his ears and slamming against his chest. He crouched down as the buzzing became louder and covered his ears, the windows began rattling dangerously in their frames till they shattered spreading glass everywhere, he removed his hands from his ears to be met with silence. The silence was worse than the buzzing, his heart was still hammering in his chest and his breath was coming in panicked pants, he tried to take deep calming breaths and stood on shaky legs looking out of the shattered frames the area was as deserted as it was before.

Dean frowned something had to have made the glass shatter, and what was with the buzzing? Was he? Was he a demon? Ruby had said it would take centuries but what if they'd escalated it in him somehow?

There was only one thing he could do and that was to find the nearest church get some holy water and drink it. When he was sure who or what he was he could find Sam and then they could find out together just what the hell was going on.

He left the safety of the garage and headed away from the grave and garage hoping that he didn't have far to go until he reached civilization.

He reached the small town as the sun was setting, he was exhausted all he wanted to do was sleep, the church would have to wait until morning he needed to find a motel and rest. He booked himself in at the 'Camelot Arms' under the name Rick Deckard and paid in cash, he avoided the flirting attendant and headed to his room. Sitting on the bed after entering the roach nest of a room he sighed heavily and ran his hands through his hair. Okay first things first, a shower would be good then some sleep, he turned the shower on and undressed stepping into the warmth of the water it calmed his frayed nerves immediately, he washed himself and stepped out of the shower when the water turned cold, he draped the towel around his hips and lay on the bed falling into a dreamless sleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. He awoke a few hours later shivering, the clock at the side of the bed stated that it was 03:12 am he pulled his boxers and t-shirt on and climbed back under the covers, tomorrow he really had to invest in a change of clothes he fell back asleep instantly.

He awoke late morning his stomach rumbling , he dressed and went into town he needed some more money he had no idea what he was going to do. He needed three things, clothes, money and food , not necessarily in that order but he needed to do something. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and wandered through the town, his mind was scrambling and the buzzing from the day before at the garage had started again. Dean began to panic what if it was demons coming to drag him back into hell? He stared around himself eyes wide breaths coming in quickened pants his head was spinning making him feel dizzy and disorientated. He spied the small church through his dazed unfocused eyes and made his stumbling way over to it, he rushed through the doors the buzzing almost deafening he covered his ears and whimpered

" No…please no. Someone…..anyone help me'', he felt arms circling him a soft voice whispering in his ear

" Its alright son, I've got you, your safe now'', Dean fell into the welcoming darkness, never before more grateful to be welcomed into oblivions sweet embrace.

When Dean opened his eyes he found himself lying on a couch in a warmly lit study, he raised himself shakily into a sitting position a man who was maybe near his dads age was sat behind a desk. He had sandy blonde hair and bright blue eyes that reminded Dean of Pastor Jim. He swallowed the lump in his throat the thought of the Pastor making his eyes burn

" Hello……err…….thanks….what happened ?''

" You passed out, how are you feeling ?''

" How long was I out ?"

" Not long, a couple of hours. How are you feeling ?'', he gazed at Dean with his eyes shining brightly, they pierced into Deans soul making him wince under the penetrating look.

" Better I guess'' he sighed and palmed his eyes " Thanks by the way for the help'' the priest smiled at him it lit his face up making him appear years younger

" You're welcome. How long have you been back?'' he asked, giving Dean a look full of concern

" Back ?!'' he swallowed again feeling bile rise at the back of his throat " Back from where ?''

" The war son ? How long have you been back from Iraq?''

" Not long'' Dean sighed, running a trembling hand through his hair, the priest nodded and gave Dean a sympathetic smile

" I was in Vietnam myself, know what you're going through. You got somewhere to stay? Some money?''

Dean shook his head he felt totally helpless,

" Got nothing but the clothes on my back father, where am I anyways?'' he asked confused

" James town, Arizona''

" Arizona?'' he asked confused, he had no idea how he'd got there Sam must have hauled his body from New Hope and buried him as far away from there as possible. At the thought of Sam having to bury him Deans head swam again and he felt the bile rise once more

" I think I'm going to be sick'' a trashcan was pushed into his lap and a gentle hand began to rub circles on his back. Dean heaved into the bin but as he hadn't eaten it was mainly painful dry heaves.

" Its ok son I got you, listen I can't offer you much but you can stay here for a while if you want till you get back on your feet at least''

" Why would you do that? Why help me?'' Dean asked his voice rough from the heaving

" Its kind of my job, comes with the collar'' he gave Dean a smile which Dean returned if only half hearted

" Thanks'' it was all he could manage at the minute

" I've got clothes for the sale around here, why don't you have a look through see if there isn't anything that can fit you''.

Dean rummaged through the bags and found some jeans and a couple of shirts that he could wear, the priest had been so kind, he'd setting up a cot in the small office for him and given him some money. He hated accepting charity but he'd said that he'd help the father to do some repairs that needed doing around the church.

He'd been with the father a couple of weeks now, he'd tried the holy water and found that it had no ill effect on him, no smoking mouth, no writhing around in agony. He'd even drawn a devils trap and been able to pass through it, so he was happy that he wasn't a demon. He was lay on the cot staring at the ceiling he still couldn't remember anything from his time in hell but he'd woken up in the night several times sweating, his heart hammering in his chest and screams coming from his sore dry throat. Now he couldn't sleep, he scrubbed a hand through his short golden brown hair and sighed looking at the phone on the fathers desk he made his way over to it. He'd tried calling Sam so many times now but had hung up before he'd finished dialling all the number, but now as he held the ringing phone to his ear he suddenly realised that he couldn't do this to his baby brother. Maybe Sam had moved on with his life, what right did he have to spoil that? He was about to hang up when the phone was answered

" Winchester'' the voice barked, Deans voice seemed to have stopped working that couldn't be Sam he sounded too much like his dad

" Hello……..is someone there?'' a pause then " Look I ain't got time for messing around either speak or I'm hanging up in five seconds. No . Okay then 5, 4, 3, 2''

" Sammy?'' he whispered to be met with silence, he heard a voice in the background then the phone being passed over to someone else

" Who the fuck is this?'', It was Caleb Reaves and he sounded very pissed off " I don't know what the fuck you're up to but you just messed with the wrong people''

" Damien?'', Dean was puzzled, what was Caleb doing with Sammy? Where they hunting together?

" Who is this?'' Calebs voice had become cold and hard,

" I'm…….I'm sorry….I shouldn't have… I gotta go I won't call again''. Dean hung up his cheeks wet with the tears that had spilled from his eyes he wiped at them, his brother was safe and with Caleb at least they where together and Caleb had done like Dean had asked all those months ago, he was looking after Sammy. He crossed to the cot and folded his body into it, it was his sobs that sent him to sleep that night shaking him to his very core. This was hell. He hadn't escaped, there was no release, he was alone and scared. Yes this was definitely hell, he knew it because he was alone, and he knew that that was his fate now.

Caleb Reaves looked at the phone in his hand his mind racing, he'd just spoke to his best friend of that he was sure, but how? Dean was in hell he hadn't been able to save him, no body had. He'd failed miserably but he was certain that the voice had belonged to Dean, he looked to Sam who was pale and unmoving, his dark eyes shining with tears he looked like the five year old that he'd care for so many times.

" Caleb? what was that?'' he asked his voice hitching,

" I don't know runt. It sounded like your brother but it can't have been right?''

" I don't know……….I just don't know'', Sam sat his shaky frame on the bed and ran a hand through his hair, he reached his hand over for his phone.

" Let me check the number we'll probably be able to get a location'' Caleb handed the phone over and watched Sam as he wrote the number down and called information to get the location from where the caller had phoned from. He came off the call looking puzzled

" Well? Did you get it?'' Caleb asked with a brow raised,

" Yeah, it belongs to a church in James town Arizona. That's not far from here right?'',

" We can get there in a few hours if we haul ass''. Sam rose and began packing his bag, he strode around the room and looked to Caleb

" Well? Come on'' Caleb nodded and grabbed his things then reached out a hand grabbing Sams arm gently.

" This might not be Deuce Sam, it could be those demon bastards fucking with us''

" I know…..but we have to make sure'', Caleb nodded and released the arm he had been holding onto tightly, they headed to the impala and set off towards James Town.

They arrived just after dawn and booked in at a motel paying by credit card, they asked where the church was and after getting directions put their bags in their room and went for some breakfast, they'd both decided on the journey to James Town that the best course of action would be to eat first then head to the church and try to find out who or what had called Sam. They ate quickly both wanting to get this over and done with, Sams heart was thundering in his ears as they entered the church there was a priest stood at the alter reading a bible, he was talking to someone quietly though that person had yet to make an appearance. As Caleb and Sam approached the priest, a younger man came into view he was dressed in ripped jeans and a black t-shirt Sams breath caught in his throat it was Caleb who spoke

" Dean?''.

A/N; So I've added and subtracted, and will be doing the same with the other chapters, extending the story into possibly 5 chapters. I was thinking of taking the story in a different direction entirely, what do you all think? Would you like that? Or would you prefer I stick to the original story line? Let me know. Once this is up and completed I will be deleting the original.