Please Review, I'm sorry for the update taking so long.


Harry and Dudley had been jogging for over an hour before they decided to turn around and go home. On the way back Dudley stopped and looked into a mirror that was hanging in the window of a clothing shop.

Dudley was surprised, he had never really looked into a mirror before, but he had thought he would just look like all the other four year olds his age, but he did not, he looked smarter, older, more athletic, and cooler. He was handsome.

Dudley stared at his face, his large, deep, pretty, light chocolate brown eyes. He stared at his tall, but lean and fit body, and his flawless darkly tanned skin.

He then ran a hand over his face, his perfect nose, and his narrow cheekbones. He was hot, and sexy; for a four year old.

Dudley then looked at his hair that went down past his shoulders; it was dark brown, long and smooth, and was tied up with a part in the middle.

"Wow" He breathed. "I have seen photos of my dad, and I'm nothing like him. I was scared that I would look like him but I don't. But still you look way cooler Harry."

Harry had come and put his arm around Dudley's shoulder.

Now in the mirror next to Dudley now stood a slightly shorter, beautiful boy.

Harry was also very lean and very fit, with large beautiful green eyes that seemed to sparkle, people could get lost in Harry's amazing eyes. Harry's eyes had to be the most beautiful eyes in the world.

He had beautiful, flawless pale skin that seemed to glow.

Harry's face was perfect with think, blood red lips, thin but dark eyebrows, long beautiful eye-lashes, and a small but perfectly strait nose.

He had the most beautiful, silky smooth, raven black hair in the world; it was tied up in the same way as Dudley's.

Harry was very pretty. He was very beautiful. Harry could pretend to be a girl if he wanted to, and be the best female model in the world.

But Dudley knew his best friend hated looking so girly. Harry did not like being so pretty, he wanted to be more boyish.

'You know Harry, if I was not in your body, I think you would most likely look more like your father. But as a side effect of sharing a body with a female you look more beautiful than most males. Don't worry about it. Hey if I was not here in your body, I think you would need glasses like your dad. But you don't. And I'm a little worried about Dudley he acts much older than a four year old, could that be because I am here?' Lily said to Harry.

'Yes, I'm worried about Duds too, maybe he's very smart because of a side effect from the magic that's keep you in my body. I can tell Duds has magic, his eyes are filled with it. So maybe what's making him smarter is his magic mixing with our strange bonded magic' Harry told his mother.

"Come on Duds lets go" Harry pulled Dudley away from the mirror and they started jogging home again.

As the two boys were passing the lake at the park Harry stopped.

"Harry; what's wrong?" Dudley asked.

"Duds, look, there's a girl that looks about two years younger than us standing in the lake. With no clothes on! It's winter! She'll get sick, we must go help her. "

Dudley looked at the lake, and sure enough he saw a girl who only looked about two years old. She was very tiny, and very underweight. From what he could see she had dirty blonde hair and was wearing glasses.

"COME ON!" Dudley yelled, and they both sprinted to the lake.

When the boys reached the lake they pulled off their jumpers, T-shirts and shorts.

They then jumped into the freezing lake, splashing towards the girl.

"Are you okay?" Harry shouted to the girl who he now saw was crying.

Dudley grabbed the tiny girl around her waist and carried her out of the water and onto a patch of grass.

Harry who had followed Dudley back onto dry land picked up his jumper and his pair of shorts. "Duds she will be freezing help me get these clothes on her."

After they were dressed: The girl was now wearing Harry's jumper and his shorts, Dudley was wearing the same clothes that he was wearing before, and Harry was wearing just his T-shirt.

"Can you speak?" Dudley asked the girl, who looked no older than a young toddler.

The girl didn't answer she just cried.

'Harry she's very young and very frightened. You must get her inside and get some food into her, and then you can ask her where her parents are.' Lily told Harry, her mothering side taking over.

"Come on; we'll take her back to our house." Harry said.

Dudley nodded, both boys took one of the girl's hands and they both led her back to their house.

"Dud's lets take her into the house, give her a bath, get some warmer clothes on her and give her some nice hot food, then she might talk" Harry told Dudley.

"My mums not here" Dudley said when they reached the house, after seeing his mum's car was missing.

"We were gone for ages; she has probably gone looking for us." Harry told Dudley, while taking the girl inside.

"Duds go get her some comfortable bed clothes to put on, while I give her a bath." Harry said.

Harry then took her into the bathroom and ran a nice warm bath for her.

'Harry darling, this girl is very frightened, let me take over your body, I am a mother after all and I know how to handle a scared little girl better than you do.'

'Sure that's fine by me, mum' Harry said.

Lily then took over Harry's body.

"Come on sweetheart, it's nice and warm" Lily said gently.

"Come on darling, I don't bite, just take your clothes off and jump in, here I'll help you." Lily told the young child.

After the girl was undressed, Lily helped her into the bath.

"Would you like some Bubbles?" Lily asked.

The girl nodded, so Lily took the bubble bath bottle from the shelf and poured some into the warm water.

"Here, let me wash your hair, sweetheart." Lily took a shampoo bottle from the shelf and started to wash the child's hair.

'Harry, I can sense magic in this child, great magic.' Lily told her son.

*Fifteen minutes later*

"Come child, it's time to get out now." Lily said.

The girl stood.

"Can you please tell me how old you are?" Lily asked.

"Three" The girl said.

"Why were you so upset before?"

"My mommy just died. I saw it!" The girl cried.

"Don't worry, sweetie, everything going to be alright, can you tell me your name?"

"Luna Lovegood"

"Luna Lovegood? Hmm I think I've heard the name Lovegood before…" Lily said.