AN: I really do love Brathan. So I'm making them a story! I got the idea for this story from another story I have been reading, The Family Scott by caseycoop. It's a really good story, and I hope you guys read it :)

Hello everybody, this is Ryan Seacrest here with Giuliana Rancic as we bring you the hottest entertainment stories, trends and celebrity interviews every day here on E! News. Today, our headlining news is Nathan Scott and Brooke Davis, or should we say Scott?
Yes Ryan, it has been confirmed by both person's parents that they did, in fact, get married over this weekend. It was a small, private ceremony with only family and close friends. But what was the real reason for this shotgun wedding?
Well, that's what we're trying to find out for you guys. Do we have a murder cover on our hands here? For all we know, they could just be two kids in love, but we'll find it out for you because that's our job here on E! News.
In other news, Brad and Angelina have adopted their 25th child from Africa!...

And with that, Brooke Davis-Scott shut off the tv, looking to her husband. "Guess the rat got out of the bag, huh?" She smiled a little, moving to their couch by the huge bay window overlooking Sunset Beach at their California home.

"I can't believe our parents were the ones that squealed. They didn't even know about us getting married." The raven haired boy shook his head, taking his wife by the waist and pulling her down into his lap. "I figured they of all people would want to keep this a secret" He placed a loving hand on her stomach as he looked into her eyes.

"As long as no one knows about the baby for another couple of months, we'll be good." She sent him a soft smile, propping her head on her hand as she leaned against the arm of the couch. "Plus, we moved away from all of that, so unless they come stalk us at our house, I doubt they'll find out until I start showing a lot"

"True" He smiled back at her, leaning forward and placing a small kiss on her lips before patting her legs and getting up from the couch. "I'm going to go out for a run. You going to be okay?" He asked, raising an eyebrow as he fetched his sneakers, walking back to the couch to put them on.

Brooke sat up, snaking her arms around his body and leaned her head against his back. "I don't know Nate, I mean, what am I going to do without my big strong hubby to protect me?" She asked playfully with a small smirk on her face.

"Call Peyton, she's manly enough for us both" Nathan laughed as his wife hit his arm "Hey, you know I'm kidding" He leaned down and kissed her forhead gently, sending a quick text to Peyton. "She's on her way" He grabbed a large glass and filled it at the tap, drinking it down before going walking over to the door. "I'll see you in a little while babe." He called out to her, since she was still on the couch in the living room.

"Okay, bye baby. Love you" She heard him call out a 'love you too' as he closed the door and she turned the TV on again, putting it on Marley and Me, which had come out on DVD recently. Nathan had told her not to buy that movie, because it would probably make her want a puppy too, and they both knew she would absolutely hate training the dog, and having it chew up all her furniture and shoes and such. But she, being Brooke, bought the movie anyway and had yet to watch it.

About twenty minutes into the movie, she heard her front door open and Peyton yell that it was her. "Don't you know how to knock P. Sawyer?" Brooke asked, sitting up on the couch as she paused the movie.

"Considering I have a key, I don't think I need to knock" The blonde grinned before sitting down next to her best friend of twenty-four years. "What are we watching?" She asked curiously as she stole most of the blanket Brooke was covering herself with.

"Marley and Me. And no, I'm not starting it over so you can see the beginning." Brooke rolled her eyes as she pulled half of the blanket back to cover her own body. "You'll just have to suffer not knowing the beginning of the story because you're chronically late." The bubbly brunette smiled teasingly at Peyton, who stuck her tongue out.

"I feel bad for you and Nate's future offspring. You'll never cut them any slack for being even a little late, will you?" She grabbed the remote out of her friend's hands, quickly searching back to the beginning of the movie before Brooke could get it back. "Ha! Now we have to start aaallll over" She smiled victoriously.

"Of course I'll cut them slack, because I'll love them more than I love you" She grinned, but behind the smile, Brooke's thoughts seemed to take over. Would she be a good mother? Would she mess up her kids, and make them love Nathan more than her, because she would just be too mean of a mother? What if Nathan ended up leaving her because of her lack of skills at being a mother? The questions were never-ending, and they plagued Brooke's mind for the rest of the day.

"Brooke! Baby, I'm home!" Nathan came through the front door, dripping with sweat as Brooke walked into the foyer, with Peyton following close behind. He got a confused look on his face as he saw their eyes red and a little puffy. He opened his arms for Brooke to fall into.

She walked into his arms, leaning her head against his chest as she rubbed circles into her back with his fingertips. "What's wrong babe?" His husky voice rang through her ears, and she sniffled a bit before looking up at him. "We were just watching Marley and Me" Once the words left her mouth, Nathan's mouth turned into a smirk. "Baby, I told you not to get that movie, and that it would make you cry"

She looked up at him, narrowing her eyes a bit, and she opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off by the phone ringing. She stepped out of her love's hold and picked up the phone, putting it to her ear. "Hello?"

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" A voice screamed into Brooke's ear. "We agreed on one date. One date Brooklynn Penelope, and when you wanted a relationship with the boy, we didn't say anything because you were doing us a favor by going on the date with him to close the deal. MARRIAGE BROOKLYNN?! MARRIAGE?! Your mother and I will not stand for this one bit. You will get this marriage annulled and come home immediately. You will not stay married to that boy under any circumstances, do you understand?!"

Brooke tapped her foot impatiently as she heard her father bark his orders at her. "Daddy, I love him, and I need him, now more than ever. I'm not getting this marriage annulled under any circumstances. I'm staying married to Nathan, and there's nothing you can do about it"

"Nothing I can do about it my ass Brooklynn. I will cut you off completely. You can consider yourself Brooklynn Penelope Smith for all I care because you are not even close to being my daughter any longer if you stay married to that boy. We will shut everything down. Your credit cards, your insurance payments, your mortgage, everything. You will get on the first flight back to Tree Hill, and we'll deal with this here. No daughter of mine will be married to a Scott, that's for sure."

"Then I'm obviously not your daughter, am I? And legally, I'm a Scott now anyway Daddy. And as for you 'cutting me off', I pay for everything of mine, as does Nathan his stuff, which we do with our jobs. Remember that Daddy? Clothes over Bros? Which I can definitely cut Victoria off from considering she is my employee. If you decide to disown me, just know you're not going to get me back; this is a one shot deal. It's me with Nathan as my husband, or nothing."

"I'll take nothing. Like you said, you're a Scott now anyway" And with that, Brooke was met with a dial tone, and she angrily threw the phone down into it's cradle, recieving a confused look from Nathan. "It was my dad. He decided to disown me over the phone" She rolled her eyes, and he moved toward her, putting a hand on her arm.

"Well that's not like the Richard Davis I know" He shook his head when he was met with a curious look from his wife. "That's not a classy way to disown someone at all" He gave her a small smile as she laughed a bit. That's what she loved about Nathan. He could always make her smile, even if she was in one of the worst moods.

"Hey B. Scott! I'm leaving, okay?" Peyton exited from the living room, with the DVD in her hand, "and I'm borrowing this, considering you wouldn't let me watch the whole thing" Brooke nodded and waved to her friend as Nathan silently told her to keep it, which she nodded to.

"I can't wait until your parents call. Or maybe Dan will be so gracious to come over here to kick your ass. And Deb mine" Nathan laughed, pulling her into his embrace yet again, resting a hand on the small of her back. "Don't worry your pretty little head over it. If they come over, I'll be sure to kick their ass before they get to you and our boy"

She raised an eyebrow at him, pulling away from his chest and looking up at him. "You think it's a boy?"

"Well of course. There isn't one Scott girl in us yet. The chances of our baby being a girl are one in a million" She laughed a little, shaking her head.

"I bet our baby will be the first baby girl Scott" She got a devillish look on her face, before pulling away from him once again and walking joyfully to the kitchen, to which Nathan followed.

"What are you scheming Brooke Davis-Scott?" He narrowed his eyes at her as he watched her retrieve a legal pad and a pen, along with a magnet from the refridgerator.

"I say we place a little bet on the sex of our baby. I mean, it's only a month or two until we find out right? So why not make this exciting and more..." She trailed off as she tried to find the right word

"Brooke-like?" He offered, and she grinned

"Exactly." She wrote out a contract-like deal on the legal pad. "So if this baby is in fact the first baby girl Scott, I get to pick the first name, and then we have to agree on a middle name. But, if by some crazy chance this baby is a boy, then you get pick on the first name, and we agree on a middle name." She put two lines on the end of the page with an 'x' in front of each for their signatures. She signed it immediately and ripped the page off the pad, giving it to Nathan to look over

"Well, I'll have to have my lawyer look this over.." He smirked, before recieving an elbow nudge from Brooke. "Alright, alright, you have yourself a bet" He signed his name on the bottom and took the magnet from the table, putting the contract on the refridgerator.

"I hope you know until then, I'm still buying all girl clothes" She flashed him a smile, and he shook his head as to say 'of course'. "Because I will not have my baby wearing gross unisex colors like yellow" She shuddered at the thought.

"Well this is going to be a fun couple of months, isn't it Davis?" He pulled her into his side, putting his arm over her shoulders.

"Scott" She corrected before kissing him lightly.

AN: Alright, so this is it. My new project. I hope you guys like it! And as always, don't forget to review! And the way i figured the 'friends for 24 years' thing was, that they became friends when they were 4, and now they're like 28. So yeah. None of the brucas drama happened, btw. BRATHAN, FTW.