A/N: My first fic, be nice!

Warnings: swearing, shounen-ai (boyxboy) No like. No read.

Disclaimer: Me. No. Owns. Yu-Gi-Oh!

"Back in Ancient Egypt I was thief, the best damn thief there was. I was known as Thief King because I could steal anything form anyone and anytime I liked, though I usually preferred night 'cos it made things easier. I even stole gold from Royal Palace of Egypt..."

"Did you break into my palace?!"

"Well I wouldn't have been much of a thief, if I even once hadn't stolen from Royal Palace. So yes, I broke into your palace, and I'm proud of it, thanks for asking."

"Did you see me?"

"Ah, yes. An arrogant little pharaoh with weird hair and lovely, probably valuable golden crown on his head"

"Did you just call me arrogant?"

"No need to get angry! Back then I called everyone with higher status and/or more money than I arrogant. And 'cause you were the damn pharaoh you had the highest status and hell lot of money, so of course to me you were the most arrogant rich bastard there was."

"Did you ever consider well maybe getting a closer look?"

"Yeah, maybe. I'm pretty curious you know."

"Did you?"

"Did what?"

"Did you get a closer look?"

"Yes, I, by coincidence of course, found your bedroom and..."

"Did you sneak into my private bedroom?!"

"Yes I did. It wasn't that hard. You know, your High Priest was better guarded than you."

"Did you sneak into Set's Bedroom?"

"Yeah, but that's a different story. Anyway I was in your bedroom, you were happily asleep and everything, so I..."

"Did you go through my personal stuff?"

"Yes I did. For Ra's sake, I'm a fucking thief! You don't expect me to just waltz into your room and stand still like fucking statue, do you? Of course I looked into your personal stuff..."

"Did you steal anything?"

"Well, kinda, yes. I stole one of you bracelets. It looked cool and it matched my earrings... which I also had stolen."

"Did you even notice me?!"

"Of course I did. Well, after I had gone through your stuff and stolen everything valuable. Then I noticed you. I actually sneaked next to your bed, to get a good look. You were a pharaoh after all."

"Did you enjoy watching me sleep?"

"At first, you were drooling on your pillow. It was kinda amusing. The almighty and wise pharaoh drooling all over his pillow. But then you started mumbling something and soon you were obviously having a nightmare, so I leaned closer and..."

"What did you do?"

"I did this."

With that Thief King planted a soft kiss on Pharaoh's lips and whispered:

"Sleep well, my king."