Metabee-hey. Brass- hey Metabee, have you seen showblade? CRACK SMASH! Me- Ow! That hurt so much. Metabee- you were hiding in the rafters? Brass- how'd you even get up there? Me- I know a lot of things I shouldn't know. Brass-Like what? Me-uhh. Whispers something in Brass's audio receivers, her eyes going wide Brass- no way, really? Me- yes, just don't a soul not even if they don't have one. Ya know what? Don't tell anybody. On with the fic.
High school, medabots style
It's 9:44, break time, or whatever it's called, Brass was just on her way to the library when she heard a medabot call her name.
"Hey Brass!" it was Metabee running up to her. "Um, Brass I was wondering if you like to." He said looking around for ANYTHING that might break his sentence. "Go to the dance with me." He finished, blushing red.
"Sure thing Metabee." She replied blushing.
"Then I'll pick you up around 7:30?" (The dance was at 8.)
"Sure." As soon as the were no longer in each other sights the both fainted. (Ha. You thought that they had no problems to these kinds of questions and walk away fine? No one has that strength.)
"Oh my head, what happened?" Brass said she was in the nurse room with, peppercat, neutra, and Blackbeetle.
"You fainted." Blackbeetle said, "What happened?
"Umm.. Metabee asked me to the dance." Brass said
"METABEE ASKED YOU TO THE DANCE???" the two of the three girls said
"You two need your optics changed." Peppercat said sweat-dropping
"Why?" Blackbeetle and neutra said
"What happened to Metabee?" brass asked
"He was in a while ago, but in a different room." Neutra's mom said
"So how did it go?" Blackbeetle said, "with my bro I mean." (I will quote myself "what? Makes sense." Unquote. Lol.)
"Well I just acted coolly and tried to not to embarrass myself." Brass said blushing.
"So what are you going to wear?" peppercat asked, Brass was shocked by this news, what was she going to wear? (Yes I know that robots and don't wear clothing but are capable of changing parts.)
"Well let's just say I have something in medal." Brass said slyly, remembering that one something.
Going to metabee's location, army style. WHOOSH.
"So you asked Brass to the dance yet?" sumilidon asked, Metabee was sitting at a table with Sumilidon, Roks, and Arc-Dash.
"Yeah, I did but what about you guys?" Metabee replied looking up.
"." None of them could say a thing; they're too stunned by the fact that they had no date. Well expect Roks.
"Hey Roks how come you don't seem worried?" Metabee asked while trying to get sumilidon and Arc-dash out of their trance.
"Well umm I asked Blackbeetle to the dance." Roks said
"Wait you ASKED Blackbeetle to the dance?"
"More like she twisted my arm to." He said holding up his arm, IT was twisted, very badly too. (No not the bad kind, the good kind bad kind, oh you know what I mean.)
"Ouch." Sumilidon said coming out of his trance.
"Yeah, so how'd it go with Brass?" Roks asked
"Well I tried to act coolly and not make a fool of myself." Metabee said, looking down "So what do you think she'll wear?"
"Some-thing that's bound to sweep you off your feet." Arc-Dash said
"Hopefully, anyways…" sumilidon said looking slyly at Roks "how'd it go with Blackbeetle?"
(Flash back to earlier that day)
"So who wanted to ask me to dance?" Blackbeetle said, standing front of Roks holding arm.
"Some-one did." Roks said. (Bear with me; I haven't really watched medabots sprit, so I don't really know how they act.)
"Come on you can tell me." She said, beginning to twist his arm, slowly at first but getting faster with each seconded
"Inhh!" Roks squeaked, " Okay, it was me."
"Really?" Blackbeetle asked surprised but also a little bit glad.
"Yes, will you?"
"Sure." She said and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, and quickly left. "Pick me up at my house at 7:30." She said running off, as soon as she left, Roks fainted.
End of flashback/day