AN: Sorry this took me a bit longer than I thought but December was....hecktic to say the least, but better late than never, right? Anyway, here's chapter 1, tell me what'cha think!

Disclaimer: It's still not mine....

As the scorching August Albuquerque sun shone through the windows of the Bolton household Jack and Mary Bolton hastily got ready for work. For Jack, it would be his first day back after summer break, as was the same for their two children Troy, and their adopted daughter, Gabriella Montez.

Upstairs, Troy crept quietly through the hallway until he reached the room two doors down from his. Opening the door, a warm smile appeared on his face as he looked down at his sleeping girlfriend/adopted sister. He admitted, it was weird to be dating the girl that doubled as his sister, but the thought rarely crossed his mind after the first few months following her 'official' adoption.

Drawing closer to her bed, he carefully studied her expression, making sure he wouldn't disturb her. Once he was at her side he carefully pressed his finger to her lips. Gabriella's lips curled into a small smile although remained asleep. Grinning triumphantly, he kissed her forehead, using his other hand to run through her mess of dark brown hair. From her forehead, he kissed his way down her face until he reached her lips. Now, he would wake her, he decided. Slowly, he leaned forward until his lips met hers. As soon as they connected, her eyes opened widely, her face beet red as she immediately realized what he was just doing.

Chuckling, Troy greeted her, "Morning, sunshine."

Gabriella rolled her eyes. "Must you wake me like that?"

"Oh, but what's wrong? Don't you like it when your hot and sexy boyfriend kisses you until you wake up?" he questioned, a smile playing on his lips. Bitterly, Gabriella slapped his chest after sitting up. Troy pouted as he continued, "What was that for?"

She glared at him. "You know I'm not a morning person."

"I could make you be a morning person," he stated.

Gabriella's glare was instantly replaced by curiosity as she spoke again, "And, what, Mr. Bolton, would you have in mind?"

Carefully, Troy pushed the right side of her shirt up and rested his hand on her side, covering her burn scar. Her scars, the other being on her face, were much lighter now and less noticeable, but Troy always knew exactly where they were, as if they were much more visible to him than to anyone else. Gabriella shivered as she always did when he touched her there, but closed her eyes nonetheless, enjoying his warmth. "This is a start."

"Troy! Gabriella! Hurry up or you'll be late for school!" Mary called from the kitchen.

Gabriella giggled as Troy groaned, slowly and hesitantly removing his hand from her burn. Before he left, however, she stood on the tips of her toes and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "Nice try, Troy. But, alas, you have to go. Some of us need to get dressed."

"I'm sure they don't mind me staying," he replied innocently, winking at her.

"Hmm," Gabriella started, thinking back on a faraway memory. "And I always thought seeing my body disrobed would make you throw up."

Troy frowned, instantly recalling the same memory, from back when he wanted nothing more than to hurt the woman he loved. What a fool he had been, he thought miserably. "Gabi, you know--"

Gabriella busted into laughter, making Troy wonder if she had gone mad, but then she spoke, "I know you don't feel that way now. I know you think I'm beautiful. Troy, I don't need to be reminded for the millionth time this month alone!"

Rubbing his neck sheepishly, he responded, "But, I know that, for every insult, it takes about a million compliments to make up for it, and given how many times I've insulted you, and how many times everyone else has, I gotta make up for it."

"Troy, don't worry about it. You're not that guy anymore," she assured him. "You're my Troy, the one who will never hurt me. The other Troy is a completely different person. In less than six months you managed to completely change your ways and I must say I'm extremely proud of you."

Troy nodded although doubt was still evident in his eyes. "Right now, I'm going to make you a promise. I promise I won't hurt you or anyone else this school year. I've never made it through a school year without bullying someone, but because I love one of my former victims who happened to get it the worst, I won't do it to anyone else, especially not you."

"You don't have to promise me that. Just promise me you'll try," she told him, caressing his cheek.

Troy nodded again but before he could speak, Mary called for them again, "Kids, come on! You have half an hour!"

Chuckling, Troy kissed her cheek before departing. "See you in a few, Gabi."

Once he was gone, Gabriella grabbed the outfit she laid out the night before and changed quickly. Once she was done, she went into the bathroom. For a moment, she examined her face, specifically at the scar on her cheek. Carefully, she applied cover-up which worked better now than it had seven months ago. Although the scar was still visible, most people who didn't know her story didn't notice it when she wore make-up, something she was happy about. Alas, of course, almost everyone, at least those in her graduating class, knew her story by now. However, after a month or so she became old news courtesy of Sharpay Evans' meltdown.

Ah, the ice princess' break down. This was something few people expected to happen, including Gabriella. After being dumped by Troy she tried her hardest to win him back. Of course, it didn't work. She couldn't handle the fact that he chose her and tried to demean her and regain Troy's interest. Troy, who was at one point drawn to Sharpay by her ice-cold personality, which, at the time, was similar to his own. However, when he changed so did his love interest. Ever since he'd been faithful to no one but Gabriella.

The meltdown occurred two weeks after Troy and Gabriella made up after the incident in which led to Gabriella regaining her voice after losing it to the fire. When Sharpay finally realized she wouldn't get her way she snapped. Her shrill voice could be heard throughout the entire school when Troy told her that he would never take her back because she was like a Paraná, impossible to love.

Gabriella giggled slightly at the memory. The bewildered look on Sharpay's face was priceless. She shot her an enraged glance before calling her a sideshow freak and screaming unintelligibly. For this outburst, she received two weeks worth of detention with Ms. Darbus. Afterwards, she simmered down, keeping mostly to herself other than her occasional conversations with her twin brother, Ryan. Although, Gabriella still caught the glares she held when she looked at her, as well as the longing gaze she sent to Troy. Troy, however, paid her absolutely no attention nor did Gabriella broach the subject. If there was anyone she feared would be a threat to her relationship with Troy, it would be Sharpay Evans.

"Gabi, are you coming?" Troy called from the other side of the door, snapping Gabriella out of her thoughts.

"Yeah, coming." Gabriella quickly put her toiletries back in their proper places and opened the door. Immediately, Troy's hand wrapped around her smaller one as he led her downstairs and into the kitchen.

"So, you kids ready for your senior year?" Mary queried, placing a plate containing two pancakes on each in front of the two once they were seated.

"We're not kids, Mom," Troy corrected, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, in that case, fork over the rent and give me back my pancakes," Mary kidded.

Gabriella laughed as Troy looked at Mary in mock horror. "Okay, fine. I'm still a kid...."

"I knew you would see things my way." Mary and Gabriella laughed as Troy made an immature face.

"Now, now, behave, Troy," Gabriella scolded.

"Like you're more mature than I am," he countered sarcastically.

"I believe I am, thank you," she replied, smiling sweetly, making it difficult for Troy to keep up his banter.

"Oh really? Well, I believe a certain somebody still pouts and sulks when she doesn't get her way," Troy accused. Gabriella poked the tip of her tongue out at him. "Oh, and that's really mature, too."

Mary shook her head, smiling at her two children. "You two better get to eating and save the argument for the ride to school."

"Right," they agreed and started eating, every once in a while looking at the other, sending teasing glares and smirks, indicating their previous discussion was far from over.

As Kelsi Nielson stepped foot inside East High for the first time in nearly three months she immediately sensed something was out of line. As she passed by the set of lockers outside the Drama classroom she realized she may have been right.

There, on the end of the strip of lockers was a normal red locker. Where was Sharpay's double, pink-painted locker? Had it been moved? Had she moved?

Her last thought was immediately put to rest when Ryan Evans strode down the hall, alone, for the moment.

"Hey, Ryan," Kelsi started timidly. Unlike Sharpay, Ryan was easy to talk to and never judged anyone when Sharpay wasn't around. However, she was still skeptical.

"Hey, Kelsi, what's up?" Ryan greeted her, unsure of what to say to the petite girl. It was rare for Kelsi to speak to him unless it was professional conversations in Drama club, and so he was confused as to why she wanted to talk to him now.

"I was just curious. What happened to Sharpay's locker?"

"Oh, she had it removed," he stated. "All part of her latest brainiac idea." Kelsi eyed him suspiciously, causing him to laugh. "She wants to be 'normal', at least not as show-offish this year."

Kelsi jaw dropped. Sharpay Evans...normal? She couldn't have heard right. "Are you...serious?"

Ryan shrugged. "If you want proof then talk to her yourself."

"Yeah, right." Kelsi rolled her eyes. "Normal person or not she's still the same old Sharpay. Let me guess, this is all a plan to get Troy back, right?"

"I can honestly say I don't know. She avoided me most of summer up until about a week ago she told me she would try to turn over a new leaf and that's all she really said."

Kelsi nodded, strangely believing his story. She knew the Evans weren't to be trusted, including Ryan, but her intuition saw no lies. Maybe he really didn't know what his sister had up her sleeves this time. "Well, thanks. I'd better...get going." It was Ryan's turn to nod as Kelsi started down the hall.

"See you later," Ryan murmured awkwardly as she watched her petite figure retreat further down the hallway.

As Kelsi approached her own locker she stared blankly at the floor, silently pondering over Ryan's words. Was Sharpay really going to try to be a normal, middle-class person? It was strange to think someone like her would ever change, but Troy Bolton changed, right? Maybe the impossible was possible....

Suddenly, something bumped against her shoulder but she didn't fall. She stumbled a few steps before regaining her balance. "Watch it, ne—Kelsi! What a pleasure to see you! How are you?" Kelsi swallowed hard as she looked into the hard brown eyes belonging to the one and only Sharpay Evans.

"You can't fool me, Sharpay," Kelsi stated coldly, taking a few steps forward as Sharpay was going the opposite direction.

"What are you talking about?" Sharpay questioned. "Can't you handle a little common courtesy?"

Kelsi snorted. "Like you even know the definition of manners."

"Apparently I know it better than you," Sharpay retorted.

Ignoring Sharpay's comment, Kelsi watched as her best friend started towards her. Grinning, Kelsi nearly sprinted to Gabriella, hugging her immediately. "Gabi, thank God! It's great to see you!"

Gabriella laughed at her friend's enthusiasm. "You just saw me last Tuesday, remember? You, me and Taylor went shopping."

"I know, but I didn't see her there," Kelsi stated venomously, glaring at Sharpay as she started towards them.

Gabriella bit her bottom lip nervously. 'This can't be good...'