Chapter 5: Did you want to get yourself killed?!

Sorry about the wait in updating! Had to run around a lot today but I had like 3 cups of Starbucks so I'll be up for a while :P Hope you enjoy this chapter!

It's been a few days after the wedding and I wanted to rip my hair out! I love my new mum to death but making me and Peter spend every waking moment together wasn't the best idea. So far this is what has occurred between the two of us (mind you this is two days after the wedding): Peter's hair was cut, my hair was dyed brunette (I'm a natural blonde but I must say I do like this color), Peter now had women's underwear instead of men's, Peter decided that I didn't need bras anymore, and some other stuff that should not be mentioned (this consists of the extreme amount of profanities that were used in our little "lovers spats"). I can't stand it!

I finally found solace one night in our room. Peter was playing cards with Ed, and Susan was playing with Lucy's dolls with her. I was reading Romeo and Juliet, my favorite Shakespearian play. I just wish my future could have been similar to Romeo and Juliet's. That is, without the two of us killing ourselves and rushing into marriage and hopefully my family and the guy's wouldn't hate each other. But instead here I am, 16 and stuck in a loveless marriage.

I was just getting to the part where Romeo was hanging off Juliet's balcony when I felt vibrations on the floor. I know it could only be one thing, a bombing was happening.

I started to freak out. I threw my book across the room, got my coat on and slipped on my shoes and then started to head, well sprint, towards the door. Just as I was about to open the door a bomb hit and sent me flying. I ended up on the other side of the room, shielding my head from the glass that was flying everywhere. I ended up with a few knicks on my arms but that was the biggest extent of my injuries. I was finally able to get up and I sprinted over to the door. I thought I opened it and went to run out but ended up running into the door. I fell back and started to rub my head. Ow, did that hurt!

I then went back over to the door and tried to open it again. The bombs seemed to be getting closer each second. I pounded on the door and screamed, "Help! Help! Please get me out of here! Susan?! Lucy! Ed! Peter! Anyone?!"

I then sank down to the ground and gave up hope. So this is how it would be, I would die here, in the room that I despised most. I wouldn't even die happy! I was about to just lay down and wallow in my misery when the door was kicked open.

I looked to my savior and saw Peter standing there looking frantic. I just looked up at him and said, "Oh, it's you. I guess I'll just lie down and die!" Sure I was a little over dramatic there but hey, it's my death bed I think I have a right to be!

Peter came over to me, threw me over his shoulder, and said, "As nice as it would to be rid of you I can't do that! I don't want to listen to me mum and your father yelling at me and asking me why I let my wife die! Now just hold on to me!" and with that he ran out of the house and into the bomb shelter with me on his shoulder.

I was thrown onto the bed next to Lucy and thought I would be met with an extremely angry Peter Pevensie but instead heard him yelling at Edmund. I guess he ran back into the house to get a photo of Mr. Pevensie, I would've done the same thing if I actually was emotionally attached to my father still. So I just looked at Peter and after he was done yelling at Edmund I gave him a piece of my mind.

I got up in Peter's face and proceeded to yell at him.

"Why are you yelling at him?! All he did was get a picture of your father! I thought maybe you would be doing the same thing, but I guess I was wrong! Why do you always have to pick on him?! You're not his father and I think mum is doing a fine job of raising Ed and the girls! You don't have to go and treat him like he's five! You're not his father!" and then I started to walk over to the bed to sit by Lucy and mum. I guess this wasn't allowed cause Peter then snarled (Yes snarled, like a dog) at me and grabbed my arm and yanked me back into him. He then grabbed both of my wrists so I wouldn't be able to get away that easily. I guess I was in for it now.

Peter then started to yell back at me, "Did you want to get yourself killed in there?! If it wasn't for me you might've been dead! Ever think about that?! I just saved your life and kept you safe like a good husband's supposed to do! But I see you can't do what a good wife should and just listen to her husband! Can't you just listen to me for once?! You and Ed are both alike, only think of yourself."

He then took me over to the bed across from Lucy and mum and sat me down next to him, putting an arm around my waist so I would have to sit next to him. I let what Peter said sink in, and I thought no way was he right! Sure I should've maybe been a little bit appreciative that he saved my life but he didn't need to treat me like I'm his property! Maybe that's all he sees me as, a piece of property. I really hope not. I then just let it be and snuggled into Peter's chest, falling asleep to the steady beat of his heart.