Chapter 1: I could've been with Aunt Martha!

Why oh why does my father feel the need to put me through hell day after day! I can't stand him! He keeps trying to set me up with Peter Pevensie (or as I prefer to call him Satan in a slightly attractive human form) but I won't let it happen. No way! Not with that spoiled brat who thinks I should drop down to my knees and worship him! Before I continue with my ranting though I should probably introduce myself. My name's Elizabeth Arianna Darcy. I'm 16 years old, live with my newly widowed father in Finchley and also (to my displeasure) live next door to Peter Pevensie. We used to get along when we were younger but after girls in school started to fawn over him he grew a huge ego and became such a jerk! Well my father has just decided that he would torture me some more by telling me that I would be staying with the Pevensies while he's away at war. Why the Pevensies?! Why not with Aunt Martha?! She could watch me! (Well I'd be watching myself basically she's 80 and can't remember a thing but hey, I'd have freedom!) My suggestions were tossed aside though and he told me I would be staying with the Pevensies and that's final. I stomped off to my room and started to pack my things while still making a fuss and saying things like "I could've been with Aunt Martha!" or "I'm 16 I think I could make my own decisions!" but I was just told to keep packing. I followed his orders and finally had all my stuff that I would need packed. I met him in the living room to find him reading the paper. He looked up at me and said, "Took you long enough. Come on we need to head over, Mrs. Pevensie and myself need to speak with you and Peter once we arrive. We should have been there 5 minutes ago but you just had to dilly dally. Come on!" and with that he grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the house. We headed across the lawn and up to the Pevensie's front door. Well here's to the first day of the rest of my life.