By Sarga
Summary: Who wears the pants? Who bears the claws?
A/N: This fic was written for LJ's IYHedonism community, prompt 31: "Claws"
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, nor do I make any money from this fic.
A simple flick of his wrist could dispatch a horde of youkai.
Yet this human girl could stay his hand like no enemy could hope for. With a word, a simple solitary 'please', she could change the seemingly immovable mountain of his desire, could divert the raging course of his flood of hatred.
He would not have it! He, the Lord of the West, Great Dog Demon Ruler, would not be cowed by some human wench! He would end this disgusting dependency if he had to rip out his own heart to do it!
Stalking to the sleeping girl, he wrapped his youki tightly around himself, a talent developed to hide himself from the enemy. And that's what she was – the enemy.
Sesshoumaru watched her, kneeling so his face was a mere handspan from her own. What did she have that he had overlooked? If he could study her for a moment longer, he could figure out what it was that gave her control...
Rin's eyes opened to a sea of gold and silver.
It was a dream. A delectable, delightful, delirious dream. Never would her lord stand so close, not since she had become a woman...
Rin's tiny human hand reached to trace the markings on one cheek, her dream-lord's eyes widening a fraction at the audacity.
She had gone too far! That she would dare to touch one such as himself was an affront to all that he stood for. He should use his powerful claws to rend the head from her body. He should gut her, leaving her to suffer for her error in judgement. He should...
Rin kissed Sesshoumaru, soft lips grazing innocently across the warm flesh of his mouth.
Her scent was too close, it was sweet, almost cloying in its insistence to override all others. Uncharacteristically nervous, wanting to drown out the scent, Sesshoumaru leaned back, his tongue darting along his lips in a rare unconscious move.
It was his downfall.
The taste of her was on his tongue now, and he realized he would not discover her secrets from so far. He would taste every treacherous inch of her...
His tongue traced her every curve, dipped into every crevice, her shuddering breaths spurring him toward his terrible fate...
Like father, like son.
As Sesshoumaru held his new mate's hand in his own it became clear...
Rin bore the claws in this relationship...
As always, please read and review!