Ok so I m so so so so so so ect. Sorry for not updating for a really really really ect. Long time. I'm so ashamed. I haven't died or been struck with some terrible disease; I have just been really busy with school and the IB projects and tests that seem to pile up durring the last three months of school. However I am back and I promise to faithfully work on all of my fics. Credit for some of the ideas goes to my good friend Lady_Moiraina. Believe me she has some killer motivational skills. So I bring this chapter to you all with a sigh of relief knowing that for now my ass is saved. I hope you all enjoy this very belated chapter.
I do not own Ouran High School Host Club.
Mitsuko Ootori was not a patient woman. She never had been and she supposed she never would be. Her little baby Kyoya needed her help with his budding relationship, and she absolutely had to figure out a way to speak with his flame, Haruhi Fujioka, alone. The problem was she couldn't figure out how to do that. Mitsuko stood up and crossed her bedroom to the large windows. She gazed out on the perfectly manicure lawns and pruned gardens of the Ootori family estate. She sighed and rested her fist against the cool pane of glass. How to get Haruhi Fujioka in a situation where they could talk without the interferance of the Ootori men? Mitsuko shrugged and turned back to her bed. She scrutinized the ensamble her personal maid had set out for her to wear to day. Suddenly Mitsuko was struck with a wonderfully cunning and utterly brilliant idea. Where was the one place any man would never go if in the presence of a bunch of women? The mall of course! A smile curled on her lips. Mitsuko strode over to the phone on the nightstand and dialed the servant line.
"Takahashi-san please dial Miss Fujioka's home number I wish to speak with her father," Mitsuko said briskly.
"Yes Mrs. Oohtori," there was a pause and then Mitsuko heard a ring. The phone was picked up on the third ring.
"Hello," a girly male voice chirped.
"Is this the Fujioks residence?" Mitsuko asked politely.
"Yes it is, this Mr. Fujioka speaking." the man said. Mitsuko's smile widened.
"Well I am Mitsuko Ootori, Kyoya's mother," she said.
"How wonderfull, may I ask why you are calling little ol'me?" Ranka asked brightly.
"Actually I need a small favor," Mitsuko said walking back over to her window.
"Anything at all, your little boy is so good to my Haruhi." Ranka simpered.
"Well you see I wish to take Haruhi out on a small day trip today..."
Ranka hung up the phone with a huge grin adorning his face. His little girl was making him so happy. Ranka was extremely pleased Haruhi hadn't fallen for that oaf Tamaki. Ranka walked over to his daughter who sat at the table reading a book. She was still dressed in her night clothed. Ranka frowned slightly. That wouldn't do at all.
"Haruhi dear," he said. She turned her big doe eyes on him and he felt a small pang run through his heart. She was srarting to look so much like her mother.
"Yes dad?" she asked.
"You should g get dressed," he prompted.
"Why?" She asked, "It's not like I'm going anywhere today." Ranka sighed.
"Yes dear but it's unseemly to wander around in ones night clothes." he whined. Haruhi rolled her eyes and tucked her bookmark crefully into the pages of her book.
"Fine I'll go dress but I sill don't see the point." Haruhi said.
"Oh and Haruhi at least try to dress a little femininely," Ranka chimed. He heard the bathroom door shut and Haruhi's sigh of annoyance. Ranka smiled and lounged contentedly in Haruhi's abandoned seat.
Mitsuko hung up the phone after calling her daughter and smiled widely. Everything was going smoothly. The only thing that needed to happen was for her to get out of the house and pick up Haruhi without Kyoya finding out about her plans. Mitsuko turned to leave as her husband walked into the room. He took one look at her smile and smiled slightly.
"Well don't you look like the cat who just ate the canary, may I ask why dear?" he asked. Mitsuko schooled her features and waved her hand casually through the air.
"Oh no reason," she said breezily. Yoshio rolled his eyes up towards the ceiling. He pushed his glasses up on the bridge of his nose and the lenses glinted.
"Really," he said disbelievingly. "Are you sure the reason you're so happy is due to nothing? Or instead is it because you've just plotted something to meddle in our son's relationship?" Mitsuko pouted at her husband and walked up to him. She reached up and adjusted his tie slowly. Mitsuko glanced up at her husband from under her eyelashes and smiled softly. Yoshio swallowed slowly. His arms lifted and he wrapped them around his wife's waist.
"You my dear are entirely too tempting for your own good," he said huskily. Mitsuko's smile grew wider and she lightly tapped his nose with her finger.
"Well I'm off, the girls and I are going shopping," she said brightly pulling out of her husband's hold. She flounced over to the door and turned back "I'll be home later this afternoon." She blew him a kiss and quickly walked out of their bedroom. Yoshio stood there for a moment going over their exchange and then scowled. He only had one daughter.
"Mitsuko!" he growled softly.
Haruhi emerged from the bathroom only to find her father gone and a note on the table. She walked over and picked up a piece of her father's signature floral stationary.
"Darling Haruhi, don't worry about fixing anything for lunch; I'll be out until late tonight. Have fun on your outing today and remember daddy loves you," Haruhi read. "Outing, what outing?" she asked. The doorbell sounded and Haruhi groaned. She had wanted to do laundry today. Haruhi trudged over to the door and opened it reluctantly. Kyoya's mother and sister beamed at her from the doorway.
"Are you ready to go?" Fuyumi asked.
"Errr, yeah I guess...let me go grab my wallet," Haruhi said, ' Even though I'll probably never be able to afford anything at any place they plan to take me,' she though.
"Nonsense everything today is on us." Kyoya's mother said cheerfully. Haruhi immediately thought about Kyoya's face when he reminded her about her debt to the Host Club. She paled and cursed the day she broke that stupidly placed vase. 'But if I hadn't I never would have met Kyoya and the others.' Haruhi banished her wayward thoughts and forced and akward smile onto her face.
"All the same I'd rather just-" Haruhi was cut off.
"Don't be silly, you're practically family." Mitsuko said breezily.
"But-" Haruhi started.
"I insist." Mitsuko said with such finality in her voice that Haruhi could only nod and lock her front door behind her. 'I knew that smile Kyoya gets when he's threatening people had to be hereditary.' Haruhi thought as she was practically dragged to the overpriced and completely unnecessary limo.
"Oh my God, shopping is such a nightmare," Haruhi muttered under her breath as she was dragged into another clothing boutique by Fuyumi and Mitsuko. Haruhi glanced around and decided the clothes in this store looked exactly like the clothes in the last three stores. Mitsuko smiled brightly and clapped her hands together.
"Right so the only things left we're here for are nightclothes and underwear." Mitsuko said. Haruhi immediately perked up at the thought of the trip being almost over.
"Oh I love the intimates section here," Fuyumi gushed. "I always find an outfit I know my husband would enjoy."
"I know me to, and your father always was a hard man to please," Mitsuko agreed. Fuyumi pulled a face.
"Mother!" she exclaimed. Mitsuko just shrugged and the two women laughed. Haruhi rolled her eyes. She didn't see the point in buying sexy underwear. After all what was the point. If you were buying it for romantic reasons then it's use would be pointless. After all underwear came off during sex so buying stuff that wasn't just for function had no point. Fuyumi turned to Haruhi and nudged her with a sly look in her eyes.
"So want to pick out anything to wear for little, Kyo-chan?" Fuyumi teased. Haruhi felt the heat rise in her face and looked away akwardly.
"Erm," she said blushing.
"Oh Fuyumi, leave the poor girl alone, her and Kyoya will get to that point eventually. Hopefully they're engaged tho before it happens." Mitsuko said riffling through the clothing racks. Her face brightened up and she pulled out a baby-pink lacy teddy. "Haruhi this would look adorable on you. Plus I think Kyoya would like it to." Haruhi felt her face get hotter. "Oh! It also had a built in push-up bra, It'll help your chest look a little fuller!" Haruhi felt like she could crawl into a hole and die. Fuyumi scrutinized her mother's choice and put a finger up to her lips in thought.
"But don't you think Kyoya would like something that has a darker color to it. Maybe something blue or black...Or maybe a dark red?" Fuyumi asked. Mitsuko thought about it for a moment and shrugged.
"Maybe, Haruhi what do you think?" she asked. Haruhi was pulled out of her mortification and blushed. She immediately pictured Kyoya lounging on a dark throne made from the bones of his enemies. He sat swirling a dark crystal goblet of blood red wine in his hands. He looked up and his lips curled into a leering smirk. Haruhi shivered and dispelled the image from her mind.
"Dark colors I think," she said quietly.
"See mother, I told you." Fuyumi said. Mitsuko shrugged and returned the pink nightdress to the rack.
"Pity, she would have looked adorable in it." Mitsuko sighed. Haruhi felt like she could die right there in the store.
"Yes, she would have but Kyoya is definitely a man who wouldn't go for adorable by first choice" Fuyumi rummaged through another rack and a smile lit up her face, "Now something like this is what he would go for." Fuyumi held up a red corset and boy shorts set. The design was reminiscent of Victorian-style undergarments only much more scandalous. The entire ensemble was trimmed with black lace and black silk ribbon. Haruhi stared at the outfit and could only think the red of the underwear matched the color of the wine her fantasy Kyoya had been swirling.
"Well I suppose," Mitsuko said, "Haruhi do you think Kyoya would like this?" Haruhi stared at the garment and then at Kyoya's mother. 'These people are insane. Are all rich people this crazy?' Haruhi thought desperately. Haruhi looked again at the underwear.
"Err," she said with her face as red as a strawberry. Fuyumi giggled.
"Mother we should leave poor Haruhi alone; she's embarrassed enough as it is," Fuyumi said. "Now Haruhi give us your sizes and we'll just get whatever we think would fit you best." Haruhi breathed a sigh of relief. Now she could go sit down and let the two Ootori women shop for her.
"Thank God," Haruhi said under her breath. She walked to the dressing room after giving the two women her sizes and prayed they wouldn't pick out anything too scandalous or frilly. Haruhi slumped down on the couch in the dressing room and waited for this nightmare to be over.
Kyoya woke up for once feeling well rested and undisturbed. He glanced over at the clock on his wall and immediately understood why. The clock read 2:45 in the afternoon. It was the first time in months Kyoya wasn't woken up by either a maid or the knuckle head Tamaki. Kyoya stretched his arms over his head and yawned. He got up and got ready for what was left of his daylight hours. A few minutes later he walked out of his room and into the kitchen. The servants greeted him with a bow and served him lunch at the small table by a window overlooking the gardens. Kyoya was halfway through his bowl of rice when his father trudged into the kitchen and slid into a chair across from his youngest son. Yoshio didn't even acknowledge his son's presence. A cup of tea instantly appeared to his father's right and a paper to his left. Kyoya smirked into his food. His father was so predictable. Kyoya waited for the inevitable moment when Yoshio would pick up the paper, scoff at the front page, and then turn to the sports section. Soon after his father would take a sip of his tea and then finally look up and acknowledge his presence. Those events soon followed. Kyoya put down his chop sticks and waited for his father to speak.
"Did you really just get up?" his father asked with a mildly disgusted tone. Kyoya rolled his eyes inside his head.
"Yes father," Kyoya replied crisply. Kyoya waited for his mother to come in to share afternoon tea with her husband. It was something she always did on the weekends. His mother didn't make an appearance. Kyoya furrowed his brow. 'That's odd,' he thought. "Father," Kyoya asked, "Where is mother?" Yoshio glance up at his son over the top of his paper. 'I see he noticed, well he is the brightest out of all of my children. His brothers would have noticed a pattern maybe but certainly not thought anything of my wife's absence. God forbid their sister even notice anything outside her latest hobby,' Yoshio thought critically eying his son.
"She went out," Yoshio said vaguely.
"With whom?" Kyoya asked.
"Oh, the girls."Yoshio repeated what his wife told him wondering if Kyoya would pick up on the irregular plural of girls. Kyoya's brow furrowed further.
"What girls, the only woman mother would skip afternoon tea for would be a close family member." Kyoya said.
"Well maybe your mother found another woman who she considers part of the family." Yoshio said nonchalantly sipping his tea. Kyoya cursed silently. The only woman his mother would consider family at this point would be Haruhi.
"Do you know where they went?" Kyoya asked harshly. Yoshio shot his son an icy glare.
"Watch your tone boy. Besides where do a bunch of women go to spend their free time?" Yoshio snapped. Kyoya quit talking knowing he had crossed the thin line between his father and him.
"I'm sorry father." Kyoya said. Yoshio grunted dismissing his son. Kyoya stood and walked quickly through the kitchen doors.
"Well, let's just hope Mitsuko hasn't scared the girl too badly." Yoshio said flipping the page of his paper.
Haruhi sat inside her home after being dragged through what she thought was probably one of the oddest days of her life. Even her little trips with the Host Club had never been that exhausting. She glared halfheartedly at the multiple bags of clothes she didn't need.
"I suppose I should put all of that stuff away." Haruhi said to her self. She sat and starred at the bags some more. Haruhi shifted to her knees and crawled over to the bags. She hopped the things the two women had picked out for her weren't too revealing. Dreading what she might find Haruhi looked inside one of the five bags and paled. "No way," she said. Haruhi reached in and pulled out a sheer black lacy negligee with matching panties. Beneath that was more darkly colored underwear. Haruhi put the nightgown back in the bag and hurriedly riffled through the remaining bags. In total the two Ootori women had bought her ten nightgowns and fifteen underwear sets. Most of the garments looked like they belonged to some sort of wicked seductress. "Well this is what you get Haruhi for letting those two pick out stuff without you there to say no." she reprimanded herself. Haruhi got to her feet and started to lug the bags to her room to be put away. She started with the normal clothes because she couldn't handle looking at another piece of lingerie just yet.
Haruhi flopped onto her bed and gazed at her now rather full closet. She couldn't believe she had managed to fit everything inside.
"It's a good thing I don't hang up most of my clothes to begin with," Haruhi said. She turned her head and looked at the doorway. Haruhi still had to put all of her new unmentionables away. "Well I suppose I should do that before father gets home. Knowing him he'd make a big deal about them if sees them." Haruhi pushed herself to her feet and trudged back into the living room to retrieve the remaining bags. She had just reached the living room when there was a sharp rap on her front door. Haruhi walked over to the door glad her task had been interrupted. She still wasn't quite ready to look at all of the underthings the two women had bought her. Haruhi looked through the peep hole and saw a slightly irritated Kyoya standing outside her door. Kyoya raised his hand and knocked harder on the door.
"I'm coming hold on a second." Haruhi said undoing the locks. She opened the door and Kyoya strode inside. He walked to the table and sat down. Haruhi turned back to the open door way and glared at the empty space, "Hello Kyoya won't you please come in? I'm doing fine how about you?" Haruhi muttered under her breath. She shut the door with a little more force than she meant to and walked over to Kyoya. Haruhi sat down across from him and propped her head up on her hand. She waited for him to say something.
"Where did my mother take you today?" Kyoya asked. Wow that sure was direct Haruhi thought.
"Shopping," Haruhi said. Kyoya's eyebrows furrowed a bit.
"But you hate shopping," he said. Haruhi fought the urge to roll her eyes. No I only hate shopping with you damn rich people she thought.
"Yes," she agreed.
"Well then why did you go?" Kyoya asked. Not like I had much of a choice Haruhi thought.
"It's rude to turn down an invitation face to face," Haruhi said. Kyoya fought the urge to glare at her. Kyoya took a deep breath and blew it out slowly.
"Okay so did she say anything to you that sticks out in your mind?" Kyoya asked. Haruhi looked at him with a puzzled expression on her face.
"Why would you ask that?" she asked.
"I was just wondering," Kyoya said. Haruhi didn't believe him. Kyoya Ootori never asked a question unless he wanted to know something he had deemed important. The pair sat in silence for a while and then Haruhi rose to her feet.
"Would you like some tea Kyoya?" she asked. Kyoya nodded. Haruhi strode into the kitchen and started to make tea. Kyoya listened to her walk around the kitchen for a moment and then his eyes started to wander. They landed on the shopping bags across the room. Kyoya wondered what was in them. He vaguely remembered that his mother went to that store for one thing but he couldn't remember what that thing was. Kyoya glanced at the kitchen and heard Haruhi still bustling around. He looked back at the bags and slowly crawled over to them. Kyoya reached the bags and was about to look inside when the noise from the kitchen stopped and he heard Haruhi start to walk back into the dinning room. He hastily retreated back to his seat and looked nonchalantly at the door. Haruhi emerged from the kitchen with a small tea set. She set the tray on the table and silently poured tea for the two of them. Kyoya accepted his tea plain while she added a dash of milk to hers. He raised the cup to his lips and took a sip. The tea sent a warm shiver through his body and Kyoya felt himself relax.
"Ooops I forgot the snack," Haruhi said. She got to her feet as Kyoya took another sip of the tea. He glanced over at the bags and almost spit the tea out. Across the room the bag he had been trying to look into had tipped over. A deliciously wicked, lace ensemble had spilled out of the bag. However an Ootori never sprayed any beverage from his lips. Kyoya quickly counteracted the spit and ended up choking instead. He tried to hold in the coughs forcing themselves from his lungs but he failed. Haruhi. walked over to him and knelt down.
"Are you alright Kyoya?" she asked gazing up at him. Kyoya looked at her and had to forcibly stop himself from touching her. In his mind's eye he pictured her wrapped up inside the black lace lingerie pouting up at him. Kyoya closed his eyes and forced the mental picture out of his head. His body language didn't change but Haruhi could tell he was bothered by something. "Are you sure you're okay?" she asked. Kyoya tightened the muscles in his jaw and nodded curtly. To an outsider he looked completely composed. Haruhi sighed and rolled her eyes. She glanced over at the shopping bags then at her tea and did a double take. Haruhi's cheeks colored to a bright red. She turned her gaze quickly towards Kyoya and saw his head politely turned away. Kyoya coughed softly.
"My mother," he started softly then paused, "well, she tends to go a tad bit overboard sometimes." Haruhi just nodded and hung her head. The silence hung thick and awkward around the pair. Haruhi glanced up at Kyoya.
"It's all right I had an interesting time with your sister and mother." Haruhi said softly. Kyoya looked down into her face and smiled slightly. Haruhi's beauty still amazed him. A lock of her bangs hung into her face. Kyoya reached up and touched her cheek to push the unruly strand of hair back into place. He froze when his skin made contact with hers and a spark raced up his arm. Haruhi drew in a quick breath. Their eyes locked and Kyoya's vision of the scantily clad Haruhi danced in front of his eyes. He bit back a groan and with effort beat back his raging hormones and traced his fingers slowly down her face to cradle her chin. Her lower lip trembled invitingly.
"Kyoya," Haruhi said in a small breathy voice. Kyoya couldn't control himself any longer and he swooped down and claimed her lips with his. He wasn't gentle and plundered lips. He ran his tongue aggressively against the seam of her mouth and growled lowly at her when she denied him entrance. He nipped harshly at her bottom lip and she gasped in surprise. He thrust his tongue into her mouth and explored. He pressed his mouth harder against hers. Haruhi let out a small whimper of both pain and fright. Kyoya froze at the sound. Dammit he cursed inside his head I lost control. He slowly withdrew his tongue and closed his lips against Haruhi's. He pressed a soft kiss against her lips and then another against the corner of her mouth.
Haruhi let out a small breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding and relaxed a little. She felt Kyoya continue to place light butterfly kisses across her face. Haruhi closed her eyes and leaned a little into Kyoya's hard form. Her eyelashes fluttered when he placed two soft kisses on her eyelids. Kyoya worked his way back down her face and finally gently his mouth over hers. Haruhi sighed and relaxed fully into Kyoya.
Kyoya's frame trembled lightly from the effort of holding himself back and keeping his actions soft and gentle. He didn't want to scare Haruhi again. He pressed his mouth more firmly onto hers keeping his lips pliant. He felt her sigh into his mouth and relax fully into him. Kyoya grabbed her and hauled her into his lap. She didn't resist him. Kyoya moved his lips against hers and this time lightly teased the seam of her lips with his tongue. Haruhi paused for a moment but slowly opened her lips and shyly met his tongue with her own. Kyoya smiled against her mouth and gently coaxed her tongue into a slow duel.
Haruhi felt the passion start bubble up within her and settle in the bottom of her stomach like a warm stone. She slipped her tongue into Kyoya's mouth and began to explore its inside like he had only at a much slower pace. She felt him groan. The groan rumbled through his chest and caused her to shiver with excitement. Haruhi pulled back and slowly separated her mouth from his.
Kyoya moved his face away from Haruhi's and gazed down at her face. Her cheeks were flushed a pretty rose color and her lips were swollen from his kisses. Kyoya lifted his thumb and gently traced her bottom lip. She opened her mouth slightly and drew his thumb inside. He couldn't tear his eyes away. Her actions were so incredibly sexy but Kyoya doubted she was aware of what her actions were doing to him. Haruhi was naive like that.
"You're so beautiful," Kyoya said. Haruhi blushed harder and turned her gaze away. Kyoya cupped her face in his hands and turned it back towards him. He placed a small kiss on her lips and smiled at her. "And you definitely shouldn't hide a face like yours." Haruhi returned his smile gazing into the depths of Kyoya's steel colored eyes.
"Ahem!" came the sound of a very loud and obnoxious cough from the front door. Kyoya and Haruhi froze and then snapped their heads towards the sound of the voice. Ryoji Fujioka stood in the door for once not dressed as Ranka. Kyoya felt his heart stop for a moment tho it didn't show on his face. Haruhi turned bright red and scrambled off of Kyoya's lap.
"Dad, you're home early!" she said. Ryoji scowled at Kyoya.
"Yes, and not a minute too soon." he said though his teeth. Kyoya had the grace to look down at the table. Haruhi felt like she could die of embarrassment.
"Erm, Dad Kyoya and I...we were just...um," Haruhi said flustered. Ryoji turned his hard gaze onto his daughter.
"I know exactly what you were doing Haruhi," Ryoji said harshly. Haruhi flinched.
"Sorry," she said meekly hanging her head.
"I think it's time for Ootori-san to leave," Ryoji said. Haruhi nodded and Kyoya got slowly to his feet. Kyoya walked past Ryoji to the door and felt the holes Ryoji was burning into Kyoya's back with his glare. Haruhi followed meekly behind Kyoya skirting the area where her father stood by a few feet. Kyoya turned back to look at Haruhi once he got to the door and put his shoes on. Ryoji stood where they had left him with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Bye Kyoya, I'll see you at school." Haruhi said. Kyoya nodded. Kyoya glanced at Haruhi's father and quickly planted a peck on Haruhi's cheek. It was all he dared to do with Haruhi's irate father glaring at him. Kyoya quickly left the residence and shuddered. Ryoji Fujioka may only be just a commoner but when it came to his daughter he became scarier than any hardened CEO that Kyoya had ever set eyes on. Kyoya thought back on his kiss with Haruhi and smiled slightly.
"Oh well, I guess this day had some merit after all." he said to himself. Kyoya walked towards his care with an almost indiscernible spring in his step.
Well it's done. Let me know what you think...those of you who are still reading anyway. I plan to plan out the rest of this story and get it up in its entirety as soon as I possibly can. Thank you to all of you who waited so patiently for this to be posted. Note that the rating of this fic will soon change to M so be forewarned. I will put a warning at the top of the chapter that will be M and if you don't want to read it you don't have to. If you need a basic plot summary you can PM me about it and I'll write you a brief summary. Read and Review
Lady Auzie