The Crazy Adventure

Disclaimer: I Don't own the plot of the story. I Don't Own Journey to the Center of The Earth. I Just own Katie and Vanessa.

I forgot.. Story is told in Katie's POV.

An Hour later, Sean and I were on the other side sitting down, on the beach.

"Whats gonna happen to us?" I asked

"No Clue." replied Sean

"I'll leave home and move closer to you and get a job, maybe quit school and get my own place" I replied softly

"What?!" Sean outbursted loudly

I panicked and gulped. Then i put on a teeny little smirk. "Heh Heh"

Sean didn't look to happy about what i said... Apparently, He was pissed and i knew for sure he was gonna have a heart attack and yell.

"Leave school?! Are you insane?!" He asked me

"Uh..... No!" I replied harshly

"Explain to me why quitting school is the best option? Seriously, Explain to me?!" dared Sean

For that moment, I promised God, Mom and Sean that i would look after myself and frankly, I don't know which one im scared of the most right now. I gulped and improvised and see if he believed me.

"Well.." I said nervously

Ok, Scratch that! He didn't believe me. Instead, He's more pissed off than ever.

"Wrong Answer!" He yelled

I put on a smile to soften him up. That didn't work either. Sean was angry,frustrated and basically... lost at that point. I didn't know what else to do. So i decided to tell him im NOT gonna leave so he can shut the hell up already.

"Fine! I won't leave school, But im leaving home, getting my own and a job" I proposed.

Finally! He was happy. "Good and you better not leave school or im gonna have to kill you" threatened Sean

I sighed and hugged him. Then we walked to the guyser with our belongings to only find lava and the adults there.

"Get In!" Mom yelled

Sean and I hopped in the hardened dinosaur head. Trevor reached over to his bag and digged around. He had 6 more burly flares left. He lit one of the flares and struck it on the wall but the wall has water eroded on the other side.

"Trevor, I'll lower you down to drier wall" suggested Mom

Mom grabbed rope and tied it around him and lowered him about 5 feet. He grabbed his next flare and lit it and struck it at the wall and lit. Then the wall exploded and water shot out, then we shot out and saw blue stuff on the top.

"Is that sky?" asked Mom

"It is" I replied

Then we shot out of the volcano and fell on the side and slid down the side and destroyed the home of some Norwegian man. We all got out and stepped foot on sweet ground. Mom was excited and actually layed flat on the ground like she was hugging it. The norwegian man came and yelled at us.. In Norwegian!!! I grabbed my bag of rubies and handed it to him and spoke in Norwegian. Are you surprised? I can speak Norwegian. He took the rubies.

"You want to slide again he asked?" He asked

A few days later, Sean was moving in to his Uncle's house a few blocks from mine, We were finally together and we lived happily ever after.
