A/N: I have discovered wireless internet on my laptop! I have sadly lost readers and reviewers though... I desperately want them back! Thank you to those who did stay, and I am excited for this chapter. Very eventful and important!

My laptop also has no Microsoft, which means no spell check, but I am sure I cleaned up most of the bad grammer.

Do enjoyy.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

The next couple of weeks that followed my judgment from Dumbledore's Army were far from unexciting. I was thrilled to have exchanged several letters between Tonks, learning that my nephew was due within the month. The Order was regrettably busy trying to maintain some civility in the Wizarding World, which meant that Lupin was often of on missions while Tonks was forced to stay at Aunt Andromeda's, for the sake of the baby. Thus, I happily became a sort of comforting factor to my cousin through our letters. As she became the same to me, her energetic spirit easily channelling through her words and bringing me a sense of ease and friendship. Tonks quickly earned my trust, more so than before. I felt a sense of family with her, a very unfamiliar sense. My mother had pampered me, which would explain my bratty nature, and my father had merely tried to instill his predjuidices and was done with me. Tonks taunted me, confided in me, and even pressed to extract from me all that was bothering me.

I was madly in love with Hermione Granger, and she loved me as well; Tonks hadn't failed to make that fact clear. I was absolutely relieved to hear she fully supported us being together, and even offered to help us get everyone else to hear us out. I felt eternally grateful to my cousin, as soon as I recieved a respone from Hermione, I informed her of the magnificent news. I had yet to hear from Hermione since I sent the letter, but I was use to the delayed responses. I would just have to be thankful that I still heard from her when I did, as long as she was okay.

Than, there was matters with Dumbledore's Army. I felt as if I were on extream house arrest, having usually Luna, Weaslette, Longbottom, Thomas, or Abbott pop in on me breakfast, lunch and dinner. For the most part I was cooped up in the kitchen, further attempting to keep my boredom at bay by assiting with meal preperations or conversing with the elves. I'd often laugh to myself at the thought of my father ever witnessing my recent behaviors, I could see his livid expression even now. My sleeping schedule had revolved around many day time naps, seeing as nighttime had become my oppertunity for adventure. When I wasn't escorted to a DA meeting, I was wondering the castle.I had yet been invited to join a mission; which was starting to irritate me. It was the middle of March, and the Carrow's punishments were getting worse. There was a increase in detention rates, and the Carrow's had even moved to punishing during class, leaving their victims robbed of any escape.

Yet, I held my tongue these past few meetings. Simply listening to the exchange of ideas, reports on detention sufferings and several rescuings, and finally, Potterwatch. For now, the radio reports on Hermione and her friends were what I looked forward to the most. Though the lack of any activity from the Golden Trio at the moment worried me, it was more pleasant to hear about them in the meetings; because of Hermione's delayed responses to my letters, this was were I was given the most comfort about her well-being. As for my decreasing patience for not being able to participate in missions, Luna had assured me that Weasley and Longbottom were finally going to relent at tomorrow nights meeting. The news was music to my ears, and quite the reliefe.

This evening in particular, I had asked Luna to join me on my stroll around the castle. I scarffed down my cornbeef and potatoes, waving to Dot and the others as I hurried out. I was happy to see Luna already waiting for me in front of the fruit portrait.

"Hello, Draco." She greeted me with a hug, which I was beginning to grow accustomed too.

"Hi there, Luna. Should I wait for one of my probation officers to come check on me before we depart?" I asked sarcastically, Luna smiled without catching my tone, "That would be me for tonight anyway."

I didn't bother to explain the sarcasm. We continued down the hall and up the spiral steps toward the first floor. Niether of us spoke for the first few moments, which hardly bothered me. It wasn't until we reached the staircase that Luna said anything.

"The elves in the kitchen wear the most adorable socks." She said, I looked at her curiously before lightly chuckling.

"Hermione made them a few years back." I replied with a smug grin.

"Oh! You must tell her how lovely they look." Luna compliment as she gazed off toward the many sleeping portraits beside her.

I sighed, "I will, when she writes back."

"Not to worry, Draco," Luna offered an sympathetic look, "I'm sure the connection between you both is strong enough to sense if the other one is in extream peril."

I gulped quietly to myself, and hoped to Merlin that Luna was right. I decided I wanted a change in topic, and was ready to bring up a pressing suspicion that had been itching lately.

"I have a strange feeling," I tried to sound casual as we climbed higher and higher, "That you have an affection for someone in the DA."

Luna abruptly stopped, looking truly surprised for the first time I had ever seen her. I wasn't sure whether to continue walking or not, but Luna's expression hinted she most likely wouldn't follow. I surpressed a smile, waiting for her to recover from the bafflement at the empathy most thought I lacked. Her mouth hung agape, words failing her. I couldn't believe, Luna Lovegood stood before me in actual amazement! A small smile broke through on my part, but I silently waited.

". . .H-how?" Was all she mustered.

I pretended to seriously ponder, but she didn't react to my playfulness. "The way you look at him. Don't worry, it isn't obvious, I just happened to notice."

After a few minutes, she nervously chuckled, "I see."

"Are you going to tell him?" I pressed, walking on.

She snorted as she quickly caught up, "Hardly an intelligent idea, seeing as it is obvious he doesn't feel the same way about me. Logically, I should keep my mouth shut about the topic, for the sake of our friendship mostly." She seemed to be speaking more to herself.

Luna logical? That almost seemed like an oxymoron, in the nicest way possible. By this point we were near our destination. I nervously slowed my pace.

"I have to disagree with you. I think with some more time, Longbottom will come around to you." I argued.

"I'm not too sure about that, Draco." She mumbled, "I know Hannah has taken a liking to him, and it's likely she has more of a chance."

I snorted this time, "As nice as Abbott is, you both are completely different, you being the vastly more interesting one."

"I don't know-"

I stopped her, "You have a charm about you Luna, and I can almost garuntee you that you have more of a chance then Abbott. You and Longbottom share more memories, a friendship, and a connection that I am sure Abbott is envious of. The only way she would win him would be if you failed to act on your heart."

Luna's eyes averted my stern glare, but I could see a light grin trying to sneak acorss her mouth. I sensed the conversation had come to an end. I was grateful to have accomplished one of the goals I had for the evening. Even slightly amsued by this side of Luna I had discovered. However, my peaceful state could not last as the Astronomy Tower drew closer. I was ready to address the second reason I had asked Luna to accompany me for the evening.

"Draco?" Her brow raised with her question as sh realized where we were going.

"I needed someone I was comfortable with to come with me." I explained sheepishly, my feet now dragging.

I felt her hand on my shoulder, giving a light squeeze. I met her eye, she was offering me a smile which I could only slightly return.

"It won't bite." She joked as she ushered me onward.

Slowly, I walked on. I felt a tiny tinge of confidence within me as I came up to the stone steps that led up the tower, but once my feet were on the stairs, everying changed. Luna was no longer beside me, as my vision had gone black and white. I felt an immense wave of fear and panic wash trough me. I lost feeling in my arms and legs, which seemed to be running on their own accord. I wanted to cry out, but when I opened my mouth, nothing came out. I was rushing too fast for my mind to comprehend. I could hear my heart thudding viciously in my ear, and I noticed my wand suddenly in my firm grasp. I wanted to stop, but I had no control. I tried to close my eyes and wish for the warm feel and smell of the kitchen, but it was as if my stare was glued open with alertness. I was aching inside and out as the top of the tower was within my line of vision. Beads of sweat formed at my forehead and began to spill down. I was shaking, hearing an all too familiar voice at the top of the Astronomy Tower. I pleaded with myself to stop, begging repeatedly in my mind. Instead, my body slowed its pace as a hazy outline of Dumbledore stood near the balcony. I watched his wand fly away from his grip, a icy chill slithering through me as I realized I was going to have to relive one of the most regretful moments of my entire life.

Dumbledore's mouth moved, but now the only thing audiable to me was an obnoxious ringing. I could see the plea in his eyes as he beeseched me. I swore within myself, screaming for Potter to suddenly appear and stop it all as he should have. Dumbledore stepped closer in a welcoming manner, I felt my body begin to give in. I knew what was to follow, and tried with all my might to warn Dumbledore. I mentally cringed, screaming and fussing within myself, but nothing happened. My knees fell weak as my aunt drifted to my side with a twisted smile. I sensed her cooing in my ear as she glared at Dumbledore. I cursed her, praying for lighting to strike her at that moment. Dumbeldore looked into my gaze, I felt his accpetance of defeat and protested. I was willing it all away, desperate to escape the memory, but I was held prisoner. I wanted to cripple under my weakness, to curl in a ball and be done with it. No matter what I tried to force, I remained planted where I was. A shameful tear slid down my face, and it all went into slow motion. As if the scene came in sequences, my head turned achingly slow to see Snape moving at a snails pace beside me. The ring had been replaced with Bellatrix's cold laughter; Dumbledore weakly leaning against the railing of the balcony. I felt my heart ready to emplode as Dumbledore nodded with acceptance and Snape rose his wand. Before I could blink, the flash of green crawled toward the headmaster and engulfed him. I watched the light leave his wise eye's and his body topple backwards.

Time resumed its normal flow as he vanished from my sight; Bellatrix's laughter faded, color returned to my vision, and everyone around me disappeared.

"NO!" I was finally able to bellow.

I didn't bother to stop myself this time as my body hurled toward the balcony. I was overcome by the need to fetch Dumbeldore's body, it somehow seemed right.

"Draco!" I heard a scared scream as a set of hands held tightly to me.

I was leaned over the balcony, hands gripping the railing. I stared wide eyed at the ground far below me. There was no body there, just the thick darkness of the moonless night. My chest heaved with labored breaths, my heart beating so fast I wanted to faint. I was unable to move myself, but Luna pulled me from over the balcony. I turned away, sliding down to the stone floor. I didn't blink, speak, or even move. With a watery stare I tried to understand what had just occurred. I hardly noticed Luna unsteadily sit beside me, deathly quiet. It had been nearly impossible to distinguish between reality and the fashback. Realization painfully sunk into me; I had nearly jumped off the balcony. It all had seemed too real though, and going after Dumbeldore had seemed right.

After possibly hours of sitting in silence, I let out an angry sigh and banged my head into the railing. A few hot tears escaped me, but I quickly rid myself of them. Luna gently placed her hand on my arm. I wouldn't lie, it was a bit comforting, but I never needed Hermione more than I did in that moment. A sharp pain shot through my chest; I missed her so much.

Luna stood up, getting my attention. With a blank expression, she reached her hand upward. I watched her curiously until a letter fell into her grasp and an owl flew over our heads. Without a word and with a smile she handed me the letter. I carefully took it, thoughts too jumbled to think properly. When I checked the letter, however, I realized it was from Hermione. Without a second thought I barbarically ripped the seal open, in dire need of the letters contents.

Dearest Draco,

It's amazing to hear Tonks has such a high opinion of us! I suppose we could use all the support we can get, though I am glad to see a positive outlook so far. I'm excited to hear that she is reaching the end of her pregnancy. I suspect a violet haired rambunctious little tike, personally. As for the D.A., be patient love. You are always so quick to toss yourself into excitment and adventure, and I know you want to be more helpful, but these things take time. Things over here are stressful, but managable. Harry's nightmare's sometimes wake Ronald and I up, making nights restless, but I of course understand. I miss you greatly, and worry about you being so close to Death Eaters. I beg that you constantly be on your gaurd.

With love,


P.s. I love you. Be strong, Draco. No matter what, please be strong.

I read the letter at least four more times, out loud to Luna the fifth time. A calming sensation already taking its toll on me, I folded the letter up and placed it in my pocket.

"See," Luna said airily as she pulled out a piece of chocolate for the owl, "There is a connection between you two. I don't think that letter could have arrived at a more perfect time."

I was finally grinning, relishing in the glory of Luna's words and Hermione's letter. I composed myself, and clumsily rose to my feet. Luna stood beside me, and the owl fluttered above us and out into the night. I admired the stars shining reflection in the dark lake, wondering what time it was.

"It was brave of you to finally come up here and face your past, Draco." Luna said proudly.

I didn't answer, though internally grateful, I didn't want to talk about it. "How's school?"

She didn't miss a beat, "Difficult. Since my return is similar to yours, I spend a lot of my time staying in the Room of Requirements. Though I am glad the Slytherin are clueless to me being sort of on the run. I only have to avoid the Carrow's classes, which is lucky on my part I suppose."

"I wish I could still attend classes." I surprisingly meant.

"I'm sorry Draco." Luna offered, "Perhaps you should tell Professor McGonagall of your return? She's helped me slip about after all."

I considered it for a moment, "No. I don't need too many people involved in all this." Luna shrugged. "When could I move from the kitchen to the Room of Requirements?" I asked.

"You want to leave the elves?"

"No, and yes." I admitted, "I honestly want to be closer to the source of the action. Besides, you live in their now, it's made a hammock and bathroom for you already! I don't see why I couldn't stay in their as well." I stated bluntly.

"I wouldn't care, Draco, but I don't think the DA is ready to have you so close so soon." She gave me another sympathetic look, I bowed my head in defeat.

"I figured."

"It isn't a big deal, Draco. Plus, I believe the room is becoming infested with nargles, despite Ginny's assurance that it isn't. And I tell you now that nargles are not the most pleasant of creatures to share your home with." Luna nodded to emphasize her point.

I bit my lip to withold a snicker and nodded in response. "Ah well, I should be use to these number of restrictions. First with my parents, then the Death Eaters, then the Order, and now the DA." I added a smile to indicate my joke, which Luna lightly laughed at.

"Do you ever miss your Slytherin friends?" Luna randomly asked, catching me off gaurd.


"You know, like Crabbe and Goyle and Parkinson-"

"That girl is vile," I cut her off, "I only hung around her because I was using her, frankly."

Luna was quiet, though I wouldn't know how to respond to something like that if I was her as well.

I huffed, "Sometimes." I gingerly admitted, "Crabbe and Goyle were my closest friends, as well as my henchmen. Than there was Theo Nott and Blaise Zabini, I mean I had good times with them as well." I felt a little sad, "Too bad for this war, as much as a bunch of gits as they are, they were my mates."

"I don't think the war is all bad, surprisingly." Luna said.

"I know," I suddenly laughed, "I got a lot of good things out of it. Hermione, mostly."

"You two are quite the pair," Luna agreed, "Though one cannot help but feel bad for Ron."

I frowned, "What do you mean?" Luna stared at me balnkly, "You- can't not- know," She answered slowly.

I didn't respond, a part of me did know, but I was bent on not believing it.

"Oh, Draco," Luna gazed out into the night, "Ron and Hermione are just friends of course-"

"But he loves her." I finished her thought.

When Luna said nothing, I nervously ran my fingers through my hair. It had been obvious to the world that Weasley had something for Hermione, but I hadn't felt so threatened by that fact until this moment. Hermione loved me though, not him, so everything would be fine. . .I hoped.

"She loves you, Draco." Luna spoke up as if she had read my thoughts.

"B-but I can't compare to him, can I?!" I was panicking, "He has been her friend for seven years! While I've been a huge prat! And he spends every waking moment with her, while I sit here waiting for a word from her! They're suppose to be together, aren't they?! I wasn't the one, I'm not! Everyone approves of him, he's in the Golden Trio for Merlin's sake! It's so- !"

Luna raised her wand, "Silencio." She spoke plainly.

I opened my mouth, trying to speak, scream, or make any noise I could imagine. Of course, nothing could be heard.

"Sorry, but you were becoming a bit too much to handle." Luna said honestly, I glared at her choice of action. "Now, I believe that you should have these silly little insecurities. However, also remember that it is you who she sends her love too. You that she keeps in contact with, over her friends and family. And, you who who I am sure she has had intimate time with, not Ron."

I felt a little embarassed that Luna Lovegood was mentioning the potential intimacy Hermione and I have shared. I absorbed her speech, and relaxed. She had very good points, and my worries were insecurities. Though, I knew I was right about a lot of the facts concerning Weasley and Hermione, I did my best to momentarily brush them off. Luna flicked her wand and returned my voice to me.

"Okay." I breathed.

"Come, it's getting late." She said, looking at the ceiling with her usual daze of an expression.

As I began to leave, I looked over my shoulder at the balcony. I shivered, forcing the memory I had suffered earlier away. I was glad, however, that I could finally face it. If I was facing all my other wrongs, I should leave nothing out. . .no matter how painful. With one last deep breath, I went after Luna.

"You know," I coughed awkwardly, "Hermione haven't been intimate, intimate. I- uhh, want to wait for the apporiate time." I could have smacked myself.

Luna smirked, "Alright."

"I mean it!" I said a bit too defensively.

"I'm sure you do, Draco." Luna said too airily for me to figure out if she was serious or not.

I dropped the conversation, before I had the chance to embarass myself further. When we reached the seventh floor, Luna departed for the Room of Requirements and I off to the kitchens. I thought of Hermione the whole way down, contemplating if she would be proud of me for finally reaching the Astronomy Tower. I avoided thinking about 'the appropriate time', not needing my imagination to wonder too far with her still possibly months away from me. By the time I reached the kitchen, I had composed her next letter in my head and was anxious to write it.


A/n: TRUE POTTER FANS: Go to Youtube, look up 'A Very Potter Musical' by StarkidPotter. Best fan creation I have ever witnessed, I swear. Also, I would love my many readers and reviewers back, please.