Author's Notes: - Thanks to Stonedtoad for betaing.

This is actually finished and I just have to get it betaed so it will be up quite quickly.

Approx 10,000 years ago - Egypt

Fahd smiled, watching his people as they rose up against their Gods, the Goa'uld.

That word usually left a sour taste in his mouth but today all he tasted was victory as they drove their enslavers from their world. He could see them escaping through the Chappa-aii to where their brothers and sisters were also held captive.

Fahd had no ties here, his family had been killed so long ago, in fact they were the reason he had started the fighting. Without thought, he turned and ran through the event horizon, he was going to do there what he had just achieved here, and give his brothers and sisters on Abydos freedom from Ra also.


Approx 9,999 years ago – Abydos

Ra was dead.

The people of Abydos cheered, carrying their leader on their shoulders. He had travelled through the Chappa-aii to continue what he had started on Earth and he had led the people of Abydos to victory.

Nearby the young woman Fahd had fallen in love with watched, a smile covering her fine features. Naji was the daughter of the Chief Elder of Nagada and the one who had convinced the others to join his fight.

It was a week later when the party finished; Fahd and his bride entered the ship that Ra had travelled the stars in. Together with the smartest people on Abydos they started to study and learn about it. The people of Abydos would never be slaves again, and with what they now possessed, they would become a great power in the galaxy.

1973- Earth, New York

Claire Jackson checked the blueprints she was holding in her hands, feeling her husband leaning over her. She looked up into his sparkling eyes, remembering why she'd fallen in love with him. A cry sounded just outside from their son and startled her but Mel caught her arm before she ran to him

"I'll get him, honey," Mel kissed her cheek as he headed over to where Daniel had fallen.

Claire smiled; watching as Mel picked up Daniel soothing him. Suddenly she heard something snap; Claire looked up and screamed as the wall fell towards her. She heard Mel yell her name as Daniel called for her then nothing.


Mel held his son close, numb as he watched the chaos around him. He couldn't believe Claire, his beautiful wife was gone.

"Daddy," Daniel whispered, "Is Mommy going to be okay?"

Mel looked down into his son's crystal blue eyes, eyes that were so like his wife's and he felt tears fill his own.

"It's just us now, Danny," Mel whispered, "Mommy's gone to be with your grandmother in heaven."

"But I want her here," Daniel cried indignantly.

"So do I," Mel hugged the boy close to him, taking comfort in all he had left, "But we can't always get what we want in life. We have to take care of each other now."

Daniel nodded against his father's shoulder; Mel stood up, holding onto his son as he stepped into the world, now colder and darker than it had been when he entered this building.

10,074 Nagada Free Calendar – Nagada, Abydos

Kasuf sat in his house on the outskirts of the city, watching his daughter as she methodically took apart the machine, before examining every little piece and putting it back together in perfect working order. She was only five years old, yet clearly brilliant, just like her mother. Kasuf glanced over to his wife as she sat, their baby son at her breast, peace covering her face during the feeding of the infant.

"Father," his daughter called to him, making him turn back to her.

"Yes, Sha're?"

"When I grow up, I'm going to command a Star Vessel," she told him matter-of-factly.

Kasuf smiled, "I do not doubt that, my child."

Sha're smiled and walked over to her father who lifted her onto his lap, "Daddy, can I come and see your ship before you leave tomorrow?"

Kasuf laughed and kissed the top of her head, "If we can persuade your mother, I will take you round the ship and even let you sit in my chair."

Sha're bounced in her father's lap, hugging him tightly before sliding off and running over to ask her mother for permission. Najia glanced up at her husband with an amused smile before she looked back down at the bright-eyed daughter and nodded, unable to refuse.