
Every Day Thoughts is based on a series of quotes on a friendship calendar that continually taunted me whenever I used the computer over the summer at home. So I had the idea to write a short oneshot/drabble for each quote. It was only after I'd typed them out that I realised there are 365 days in a year...

Idiot that I am, I couldn't get the idea out of my head. Thus here they are. I shall attempt to post one a day, but real life can keep me away from my computer sometimes. There are no particular ships, unless you count the minor Jibbs that might find its way in every now and then, and I have tried to include as many friendship pairings as possible. Due to my complete denial of JD, there will be Jenny but no Vance.

This whole series is dedicated to Sophie, without whom I would be completely stuck. When I can't see any potential pairing, she gives me one and the whole thing slots into place.

Hope you enjoy!