A/N: Yeap, another Shiki and Rima fic. I couldn't help thinking about these two. An idea popped up in my small head and here is the first chapter. This one I would like to dedicate to my best friend in cyber space, Fyr-chan! My heartiest congrats to you! Hope you like it. Contains a bit of angst, if you ask me. R & R onegaishimasu!

Disclaimer: VK is strictly not mine. If it is, the world is certainly gonna topple over because I'm not capable of producing such amazing arts like Hino-sensei did.


The soft morning rays of light crept in through the windows. The half-closed curtains filtered some of the light that began to grow brighter. The faint melody from the chirping birds reached Shiki's sharp ears.

He opened his eyes slowly, finding himself slumped on a couch beside a bed.

Rima's bed.

Shiki lifted his head to look at her closely. Her pale face glimmered faintly and her silky golden locks were let loose. Her serene expression radiated some warmth to his heart. His gaze fell on her closed eyes. He missed those round cerulean eyes. They hadn't been opened for a week and he missed her voice very badly.

Yes, a week.

It had been a week since she was unconscious. It had been a week since her battle with Rido. It had been a week since he returned to his normal self. And it had been a week since he took care of her.

He never left her side since she fell unconscious. It took her a long time to heal though she was one of the noble vampires. She was severely injured and Shiki took all the blame to himself. He could never forgive himself. True, it wasn't really him that hurt her but still, he should not let his own father to use him.

Shiki reached out and took a strand of her hair. He let it slid down his long fingers before placing a hand on her smooth cheek. Then, he grasped her hand tightly and continued to watch her.

Suddenly, he could feel her fingers wriggled in his hold. Startled, Shiki looked up and stared at her. His heart beat faster and faster and he squeezed her hand. 'Come on, Rima!'

"Uh…" a low moan escaped from her lips and slowly, her blue eyes came to his sight.

Shiki beamed in excitement. He never felt this way before. Having to see the bluest eyes of hers was what he was waiting for. He grasped her tiny hand and looked at her eagerly. "Rima? Are you okay?"

Disoriented, Rima slid up and leaned against the bed. She looked at her hand, which was in Shiki's hold and finally her gaze went to him. She focused and stared at him intently before tilting her head to a side.

"Have we met before?"

Shiki felt as if someone had just splashed a bucket of icy cold water on his face. He was in total shock that he didn't realize he was trembling. His eyes grew wide as he stared into hers. Her cerulean orbs were blank and empty. She blinked as he let go of her hand.

"Don't you… remember me?" Shiki whispered.

Rima tilted her head to the other side and paused. "No. Who are you?"

Shiki looked away and bit his lips. Was this a punishment? If so, he didn't think he could face it. It was too hard. Why did fate have to be so cruel? She was the most precious person to him. The nightmares he had for hurting her with his own hands were almost like a life-sentence for him until he didn't dare to close his eyes and drift off again.

He turned to look at her and pasted a fake smile on his almost-translucent face. "I'm Shiki Senri. I don't know if you remember but I'm your childhood friend," he said. Every word that came out of his mouth stabbed his heart, making his chest to hurt deeply.

"Oh. Really? Sorry, I… I can't remember. You must be very important to me, then," she replied, smiling at him gently.

Shiki was startled. "Do you remember anything else?" he asked hopefully.

Rima pondered for a moment. "Except for my name, I can only remember a few people."

'Except me,' Shiki thought, his deep eyes shadowed by his fringe.

"Uhm, do you know how long--" she stopped suddenly and gasped. Her hands clamped her throat as she choked and her eyes were wide with horror.

Shiki quickly looked up and frowned as realization hit him. 'Could it be…?'

Rima breathed heavily as she felt her body grew hotter. Sweats started to form on her forehead and she bit her lips. Why did she feel extremely thirsty out of a sudden? And it was not the thirst for water. She thirsted for something else…

She turned to Shiki who was looking at her with calculating eyes. Her eyes roamed over his face and finally stayed on his long, pale neck. The inviting sight made her mouth go dry and her gasps grew heavier.

Without knowing it, she dove at him on full speed, knocking him over. She pinned him on the floor but he didn't struggle. Leaning closer, she licked one side of his neck and sunk her fangs into his smooth skin.

Shiki closed his eyes and sighed. He didn't even flinch as his blood flowed out of his body, into Rima's throat. He would let her drink until she was satisfied. His eyes fluttered open as she descended her sharp fangs from his neck.

He rose slowly, half-sitting, half-lying. With one elbow as a support, he wiped the remaining blood on his neck with a finger and brought it to his lips, licking it. Rima, who was still on top of him, stared at the two-hole wound as it healed, leaving no scar on his neck.

Shiki reached out and used his thumb to wipe her mouth. She blinked in confusion as she realized that her thirst had completely disappeared. Her bloodlust.

"I- I'm a vampire," she whispered to herself. "You, too. And I could sense a few others…"

She scrambled off him and sat on the floor. Shiki watched silently as she hugged her knees together. Suddenly, the door burst open and four vampires rushed into the room.

"Shiki, what happened? We could smell blood and--" Ichijou stopped abruptly as he looked at the empty bed and then at Rima. "Rima! You're awake!" he exclaimed.

"Rima," Ruka whispered gratefully as she approached her.

Rima looked at each one of them. "Ichijou, Ruka, Kain and of course the annoying Aidou," she said slowly as her gaze shifted from one face to another.

"What exactly do you mean by that?" Aidou asked, almost shouting at her.

"Knock it off, Hanabusa. She was just awake," Kain interrupted his cousin.

Shiki stood up and approached Ichijou. "Ichijou, sorry for the uneasiness that I caused. I gave my blood to her though it was against the rules--"

"No, that's okay, Shiki," Ichijou said, patting the brunette's shoulder. The latter arched one eyebrow, asking for explanation.

"Dorm President Kuran said that was fine. She was exhausted and may not be able to control herself. I guess he predicted this would be happening. But when I smelled your blood I thought something bad was going to happen to you and you're not fully recovered, so…" Ichijou let his words trailed off.

"I appreciate your concern, Ichijou," Shiki said sincerely. His gaze went to Rima, who was chatting with the other three.

"So do you have any Pocky Choco with you, Aidou?"

"You still haven't forgotten that, have you?" Aidou said, reaching into his pocket. "Here. That's yours and I've brought mine too, so--"

Rima took one and as Aidou babbled about his favorite flavor, Rima snatched the other from his hand. "Thanks, Aidou. I'll take both."

"Wha- What? You took mine! That's not fair! After all the trouble I'd had just to hide them from Kaname," Aidou pouted, trying to grab back his box of chocolate-coated sticks.

"I'm not going to eat them all, you moron," Rima spat back. "The other one is for… someone. But I can't remember who…" Rima's eyes softened as she stared at the boxes in her hands.

Shiki stiffened at his spot and looked away, pretending to not listening. Aidou didn't argue back. He was too shock to say anything. And not just him. Ichijou, Ruka and Kain, who was watching the argument, stared at Shiki. What was happening?

Realizing the sudden silence around her, Rima looked up. "Hey, did I say something? What's wrong?"

"Err, no. everything's fine," Shiki said quickly. "I think you should have some rest. Please excuse me." He made a move towards the door.

"Uhm, Shiki-san?" Rima called, oblivious of the others' stares on her. Rima never called her friends' names with any suffix. Kuran Kaname was an exception, of course. But, Shiki? She had known Shiki all her life. Unless…

"Yes?" Shiki turned, forcing himself to look at her in the eyes.

"Ah, thank you for your company all this time. I know you've been keeping an eye on me. I hope I could get to know you better."

Shiki clenched his fist and plastered a forceful smile on his face. Ichijou couldn't miss that. "Of course," Shiki murmured. With those words, he hurried off and went out, leaving the other vampires in confusion. 'You knew me better than anyone else, Rima.'

Shiki strode quickly along the corridors and ran into the small forest behind the dorm. He leaned against a huge tree and blinked back some tears that he hid from her. He inhaled deeply and slid down. With his head between his legs, Shiki unmasked the stoic expression on his face and sobbed quietly. Alone. Without anyone knowing, he tried to heal the impossible wounds around his aching heart all by himself. The wounds that even his vampire power couldn't heal.

At least he could see her alive…

That was more than enough. He shouldn't ask for more.

A/N: He he… Relax, that's only the beginning. I'd like to hear your opinions since this is my first time doing an angsty fic. Please review!