Summary: Lies. Betrayal. Unfaithfulness. Heartbreak. It corrupted the once sweet, innocent Kagome Higurashi to become an emotionless, independent woman as well as the most feared and intimidated lawyer in all Japan. But what corrupted the once sweet girl? More like who. How long will she be able to keep her secret before the past rears its ugly head? It looks like she's not the only one looking for some revenge though. Sesshomaru, former CEO of Inu Inc., knows the perfect way to get revenge on the one person he hates most. Make the ex his beloved brother still has feelings for fall for him. It'll be more of a challenge than he once anticipated, though. He, too, harbors a deep, dark secret that could forever change life as he knows it. But as the saying goes, "All secrets have to come out sooner or later". Isn't it all just bittersweet?

Chapter 1

"What happened, Kagome? Inuyasha called and asked me if I knew where you were, saying that you never returned home last night. Is something wrong?" a motherly-toned voice asked on one line of the mid-afternoon phone conversation.

The distressed onyx-haired beauty sighed, "It's a long story, Sango. I'm okay, though. I'm staying at a hotel for a while. Don't tell Inuyasha where I am or that you even got a hold of me, alright?"

"Sure, if that's what you want, but why? What's going on? You're really starting to worry me."

Kagome pinched the bridge of her nose, trying to prevent the oncoming migraine she could feel steadily approaching. It was going to be a long day.

"It's complicated. In short, I think Inuyasha's enjoying his last few months as a bachelor a bit too much, if you know what I mean. Yet strangely there's this nagging feeling in my gut telling me that it's been going on far longer than I can imagine," she could hear a muffled gasp as the words left her mouth, switching the phone to the opposite ear.

"As in he's… he's cheating on you?" too impatient to bother waiting for Kagome's response, she continued, "That's terrible! I can't believe he would do such a thing. He always seemed like such a gentleman. He was such a friendly guy, too."

"Yeah, well I guess he was a bit too friendly," she muttered under her breath, rolling her cobalt blue eyes at her own stupidity.

"Well look at it this way: At least you never married him."

Good old Sango; always trying to see the light in the darkest situations.

"I suppose so, but I would have in about four months if I didn't discover the real reason behind his late nights at the office. I feel like such an idiot! I can't believe I didn't notice the signs that were so plainly in sight."

"Don't berate yourself over something that could not have been so easily spotted. You couldn't have known. Just be happy that you caught him before it was too late. Now you can finally get out of the house and come dancing with me and the girls like we did back in the day. I wonder if that cute bartender still works there. Last I heard, he thought you were pretty cute. Try not to get too carried away though, alright Kagome?" she laughed softly, trying to lighten the mood.

She tried to sound as casual as possible, but instead nervously said, "Oh, I don't think that will be a problem. I doubt I'll be drinking for another six or so months."

It was completely silent for what seemed like forever until the soon-to-be college graduate finally heard, "My house. Now," and the line went dead.


Stepping out of the Chevy Silverado 1500, Kagome slammed the door and jogged up the steps of the worn, brick New York apartment. Knocking on the door with the bronze numbers reading 403, a brunette woman with hazelnut colored eyes answered almost immediately, pulling her in for a quick welcome hug.

"Kagome-Chan, how are you doing? Come in, come in." she ushered her guest inside, leading her to the couch to have a seat. "Would you like some tea?"

"Sure. Do you still have my favorite kind?" she accepted, picking at the barely noticeable specks of lint on her dark denim jeans.

She nodded, "Peppermint? Of course; I know how much you love it."

Sango left the room to prepare the kettle, giving the other woman time to gather her jumbled thoughts.

She came back minutes later carrying two steaming mugs. Laying them down on top of the coasters that adorned the small coffee, she joined her companion on the black leather cushion.

"So… uhm how's law school?" the brunette hostess started awkwardly.

"Sango we both know why you called me over. Let's just get to the point. I'm a pregnant college student that recently caught her now ex fiancé having sex with another woman in his office. Not the best situation to be in."

Sango was at a loss for words, utterly stunned and not sure how to respond to her friend's rather blunt outburst. "Are you sure they weren't just talking or something?" she questioned pathetically; even she didn't believe the feeble words that escaped her lips.

Kagome shot her a skeptical look before replying, "Unless having sex with your sleazy secretary is the new definition of talking, then no, I'm pretty sure he was cheating on me."

"Hold on, how do you even know all of this? Did you go to his office yesterday on your lunch break, or what? You didn't go out with me and the girls to WacDonald's like you usually do, so that's the only reasonable explanation I can come up with."

Kagome nodded, affirming the older girl's assumptions of her whereabouts.

"I went to the doctor last week and they confirmed that I'm indeed pregnant. So I wanted to surprise him at the office and tell him the good news. I guess that wasn't such a bright idea, huh?"

Sango was confused and honestly starting to fear for Kagome's wellbeing. She didn't shed a single tear during the phone conversation, or the current face-to-face one. Little did she know just how critical of a state her longtime friend was in. The truth is Kagome couldn't feel anything. No emotions whatsoever. She just felt… numb. Like she had nothing left to live for other then the baby. The unborn child growing inside of her womb was the only thing giving her the motive to keep on living.

Otherwise, I'm not sure if I'd have the strength to go on anymore, Kagome thought, caressing her slightly protruding stomach lovingly.

"How did he react when you told him he was going to be a father?" she didn't respond, avoiding eye contact. "You didn't tell him, did you?"

"I couldn't. I ran out of the building as soon as I caught them. I can't share the rest of my life with a man that's being unfaithful to me. If I told him, I know he'd be able to convince me to stay. I can't allow that, Sango, I just can't."

"I know Kagome, I know. Listen, we'll get through this together, alright? I promise I'll be right there with you every step of the way," her arms wrapped around Kagome in an embrace that was meant to comfort her, yet she felt nothing.