Two figures stood in front of a ruined castle, looking down at the Romanian countryside. Two sets of scarlet eyes burned behind thick goggles. The land blowed, content to fulfil the promise of the past.

"It has been a while since I've been home, Seras." My Ex-Master's voice drowned out the sombre silence between us. I looked up at my tutor & smiled warmly. He frowned & turned away. My heart sunk. I sighed sadly & looked at the castle behind us. If the wind blew any harder, it looked as if it would topple & fall over.

'Come, Police Girl." I winced at his nickname for me, before following him.

Why, oh why did I agree to come along with him? I growled mentally. Another voice interrupted.

Because you love him, don't deny it. I sighed again & took another quick glance at the countryside. It was rather beautiful.

"I'm glad you think so, Police Girl. Now hurry up." I nodded & ran after him. He chuckled & stopped, causing me to come to a complete stop, trying not to run into him. I grumbled under my breath & stared as he bit his wrist, letting the blood flow onto the brimstone. My eyes widened as the ruins that surrounded us returned back to their original state. Just when I thought it couldn't get any weirder, a boom went off below our feet, causing me to yelp in surprise.

"You are to call me Vlad or milord, not Alucard, Police Girl."

"As soon as you call me Seras, Master." I growled. I covered my mouth in shock. He shook his head in amusement.

"You're finally growing a backbone, Seras." I made a strangled noise at the back of my throat. He phased through the floor without any warning. I frowned & followed his lead.

What I saw when I touched the crypt floor, shocked me. 50 coffins, at least, surrounded us in a pyramidal fashion.

"Alu-Vlad, where are we?" I whispered. He yelled something in a foreign language, most likely Romanian, & for several seconds, nothing happened. I stared at the coffins as the lids slowly began to rise. I bit my lip nervously, unsure of what was coming out of them.

Think, Seras. He IS a Vampire King. A voice said mockingly. I growled at the internal voice, as well as my own stupidity.

"This is the Order of Dracul. A collection of my most honoured generals, servants, & members of my court." My eyes were on the Order. One of them was approaching us. I gulped.

"Your Majesty, you have finally returned." Vlad (He'll be known as Vlad from now on, just to explain) bowed his head slightly, in recognition of his title. From the look that appeared on the Order member's face, I assumed that this was a huge honour. The stranger's gaze lingered on me, making me feel uncomfortable.

"This, my friend, is my ex-fledgling. Seras Victoria, meet my most esteemed general, Veron." He bowed, catching me off guard. I became flustered & began stuttering. Vlad rolled his eyes at me, & moved on to greet his Court. I seethed mentally before I caught one of the younger Order members staring at funnily. I looked away & turned to Vlad. His eyes were full of cold hard hate. It sent chills down my spine. When he saw that I was looking at him, he smirked smugly before turning back to his precious Court.

"I believe now that everyone has awakened, we should re-announce your presence to the world, Majesty." An evil grin crept onto Vlad's face. His Court began to file out, discussing matters that I couldn't interpret.

"Seras, you will wait here." I narrowed my eyes & bit back the snarl that threatened to break the hubbub of conversation. I crossed my arms as the remaining Court members stared at me. They shuffled out quickly, not wanting to wait & see if my temper was anywhere near my Vampiric Master's. I grinned, happy to see that I could freak people out, if only just slightly. My sour look returned when I saw Vlad. He chuckled at my sour expression.

"You will treat my Court with the upmost respect, or else punishment will follow. Have you got it, or shall I have to repeat myself?" He knew how degrading this was for me, & took pleasure in it.

"I've got it. Is there anything else you wanted?" I said through gritted teeth.

"Yes, there was. I will be taking you on a hunt tonight, so dress appropriately."

"And just what is 'appropriately' for you?" He leaned in, so that his nose brushed mine.

"Use your imagination." He purred & strode off to rejoin his beloved Court. I blinked several times.

Was he just flirting with me?

Let's think about this for a second… YES!

No need to be so snappy!

Well, sor-RY! I shook the conversation from my head. I truly was going insane. I was having bloody conversations with myself! I needed to get my head together. It just occurred to me.

He still treats me like a worthless fledgling… I thought depressively. My inner Seras rolled her eyes at me.

No shit, Sherlock! It could possibly have something to do with that you still ACT like one!

Do you just exist to make me feel worse?

No, of course not! I like to pay you out too, that's always fun to do.

"SHUT UP!" I yelled, unawares that I had actually yelled it out loud. I covered my mouth in shock. Unknowingly, I gave a little giggle at the thought of my conversations. I groaned when I remembered the reason for my crazy mind conversations. I rushed to my room, & then I stopped. I had just no idea WHERE my room was!