The Shikon no Tama. For some it was just a myth. For others, it was the key to power or the path to their deepest dreams and desires. But in truth, the Shikon no Tama was not a jewel, but a battle. The battle had begun long ago between priestess and demon and had continued for time uncounted as an epic struggle between light and darkness.

Today, the darkness could taste victory as it started the struggle anew.


Alone in darkness.

It seemed that it had been that Kagome had been trapped in the darkness forever. Somewhere within the depths of the jewel she had spent so long trying to piece together.

She'd called and called, for Sango, for MIroku, for Shippou. And for Inuyasha, the person who had always come for her.

But not this time.

This time she was alone. No one was coming. And the jewel enjoyed reminding her of this as it continued to taunt her, knowing that soon it would break her and the struggle that defined it would begin anew.

"Will you not wish?"

A wish…that's what this was all about.

"So you choose to remain alone in darkness forever?"

"When the last person to hold the Shikon no Tama chooses the right wish the jewel will be purified and disappear from this world forever," that's what Ojīsan had said

The right wish. But what was the right wish?

"Kikyou merely wished to see Inuyasha one more time…" she spoke, thinking to herself. "As for Naraku, I'm sure he could have only wished for something even more modest." The air around her pulsated, like a heart beat, the light of the jewel growing and then diminishing with it. All this talk of wishes thrilled it. The girl would soon make her choice. "The Shikon no Tama doesn't grant you real wish…"

The right wish…now I understand what it is. But when I say it, what will happen to me?

I'm scared.

She didn't want to make this decision alone. She didn't know, would she disappear with the jewel when she made the right wish? Would she be stuck in the feudal era? Or would she be sent home and never see Inuyasha again. She was so alone…

Now she knew, how it felt to be trapped. To be truly alone with only your thoughts for company. Inuyasha, is this what it was like those fifty years? That tree, the tree that had led her to him. There he was in her mind, in that clearing, the sun highlighting his silver hair. She had never seen anything more beautiful or sad. He had been truly alone, held in a deep sleep from which he could not wake. Stuck there by the one person he'd cared about. And Kagome had come across time to find him. She had come for him…across time—was there a barrier more capable of separating two people than time? If a normal person like her could conquer time, would darkness really be an obstacle for the hanyou. Surely…

"Kagome, can you hear me? Kagome!!" his voice broke the train of her thoughts. Her head snapped up, the gleam in them renewing.

"Inuyasha?!" I can hear Inuyasha's voice. Was she dreaming?

"Kagome! Don't wish for anything! Not until I get there!" No, that was definitely him. "Wait until I'm by your side. Can you hear me, Kagome!" He was here somewhere.

And he was coming for her.

"I can hear you Inuyasha. You're close by aren't you?" she shouted desperately, hoping her voice would lead him to her. There was no response. But she knew, she knew he was near. Kagome closed her eyes, gathering inside the feeling that had flown into her when she heard the hanyou's voice. Despite the darkness and malice that surrounded her, the girl knew she was safe.

Inuyasha has always come for me. I'm not scared anymore.

"Do you want to be with Inuyasha?" the voice taunted. Kagome didn't react. The darkness could feel that something was amiss with its plan. Something was happening that it did not expect. This girl was strong. But was she stronger that the priestess who had birthed the Shikon no Tama? Surely, this girl couldn't be stronger that the countless priestesses who had trained and lived their lives purifying it. It grew impatient. Perhaps she only needed a little more prodding. "Answer me, Kagome. Do you want to be with him?"

This time the pulse that rang out in the darkness was the beat of her own heart.

"I'm not going to wish for anything." She paused, and when her dark eyes opened, they were filled with faith. "Inuyasha will come. I believe in him."

One moment Kagome was alone. And the next she was staring into a pair of slightly surprised golden eyes. The strange gravity of the world inside the jewel pulled at his hair and clothing as he floated in front of her.

"Kagome…" he whispered, relief in his voice. She reached out, feeling the rough texture of his robe. It's not an illusion, she thought.

"Inuyasha," she said, her eyes filling with tears as she wrapped her arms around him. "I wanted to be with you." The hanyou wasted no time as he pulled her close with his free arm. For a moment, they forgot the world of darkness around them. But there was something left for Kagome to do. A thump came from the jewel. A second thump. The heartbeat of the jewel rang out around them as Kagome turned to face the voice, Inuyasha's still holding her.

"Shikon no Tama. I'm making my wish now."

When the last person to hold the Shikon no Tama makes the right wish the jewel will be purified and disappear from this world.

If Inuyasha hadn't come, I would have lost to my fear of the darkness, and wouldn't have discovered the right answer. But Inuyasha is here with me now and I have nothing to be afraid of.

Kagome truly was stronger than the darkness. Because unlike those who had gone before her—she was not alone.

"Shikon no Tama! Dissapear!" she cried. Light pulsed around the jewel as its surface began to splinter. "Forever." A bright flash washed over the two of them. It was over.

And then they were together in darkness.

A little bit of InuKag fluff I'm working on to fill in the blanks my mind found when reading the last few chapters of Inuyasha. I almost didn't write this chapter, but the next couple of chapters draw so much from my thought process here, it had to make it into written form.

Again, please R&R so I know where I need to improve!