Ok i know i should be updating my other story but this just popped in my head last night so i really couldnt really resist... hehe
Discliamer: i dont own Naruto nor Harry Potter
"Maybe if you listened you would have heard, dobe.."
Sakura sighed to herself, her team mates would never change. Even though they had been parted for just about 2 years. Yup, its been 3 years since Sasuke left her on that cold bench, and 1 year since she and Naruto dragged his half dead butt back to Konoha after watching him defeat his brother. Now, even standing here in the Hokages office, in their newly received ANBU black ops uniform, it still felt like they were twelve; Naruto being loud, Sasuke insulting him calmly and Kakashi in the background paying them no mind what-so-ever, reading his perverted orange book. She smiled to herself at the thought but regained her focus as Tsunade cleared her throat.
"As I was saying before I was interrupted.." she started glaring daggers at Naruto " I have recently received a request from an old colleague of the Third"
Her eyes saddened a bit in remembrance of her fallen teacher, but brightened again a fraction of a second later.
"He has offered to pay us a great amount of money, for our services."
"Pardon me Tsunade-sama, but you haven't told us what our ' services' would be, you have only informed us to the fact that it's a A-rank mission requiring us to be in England for a year or possibly more" Sakura said staring intently at the woman who had become like a second mother to her.
Tsunade smiled at her, as Kakashi lowered his book slightly from his face his visible eye showing a hint of interest.
"Well, the three of you will have to go undercover as students and attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to protect the school but specifically a boy named Harry Potter and his friends from a dark wizard named Lord Voldemort."
"But baa-san, there's no such thing as magic!" Naruto pointed out looking confused
"For once I agree with the dobe…" Sasuke stated in his usual monotone eyebrow quirked.
"I can assure you they are very real but to them the world of ninjas does not exist either, that is why it is off extreme importance that you keep your identities hidden, your are to introduce your self as fifth year transfer students. They are not find out your purpose unless the situation arises that you must physically fight in there presence. You have been placed into the same house as the subject to allow you to guard him properly Kakashi shall be doing some information gathering around that area on this Lord Voldemort person and his whereabouts, and you all are expected to send me monthly reports about the progress. Do I make my self clear."
"Hai!" 2 out of four of the shinobi shouted in unison, while Kakashi and Sasuke merely nodded their heads
"Ok, the 4 of you, report back here in an hour in civilian clothing packed and ready. You will be transported to a hotel where you are to spend the night from there catch a train to the school with the rest of the students. Dismissed!"
He walked slowly down the corridor that lead to the Hokages office, his bag held securely in one hand, his other stuffed in to the pocket of his black jeans, that matched perfectly with the black muscle shirt that Sakura had gotten him last Christmas. As he walked he wondered to himself if this was some kind of twisted dream, no matter what the old bat said, there was no such thing as magic, it just wasn't logical…. But from a "logical" point of view Ninja shouldn't exist either…
He reached his destination and knocked before pushing open the door, eyes sweeping the room. He raised an eyebrow, the sight before him left him no doubt that he had fallen subject to some weird dream induced by another one of Naruto's attempts at cooking.
It was not the fact that for once Kakashi was there before him, his still mask clad teacher standing in the corner behind his teammates, in a pair of black pants and un-tucked white button up shirt, the first couple of button undone some black bandages covering his eye as usual. It wasn't the fact that said teacher wasn't reading, his little orange book no where to be seen. It wasn't even the fact that it was just about 3:15 in the afternoon and Tsunade was still perfectly sober. What weirded him out the most was that, there in the middle of the room, smiling politely, was a tall old looking man. His long white beard thrown over his shoulder slightly, joining similar looking hair flowing down his back, but what made it worse was what he was wearing. He had a long purple looking dress with bright yellow stars on it, complete with matching hat.
"Well now that everyone's here, lets get the introductions over with.." Tsunade said as Sasuke took a seat on the other side of Sakura eyebrow still raised.
"This is Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts school of Witch craft and Wizardy, and our present client.
"Dumbledore, this is one of my most prized four man squad, Sakura Haruno"
At the sound of her name Sakura gave a small smile and wave.
"Naruto Uzumaki"
"That's me!!" the blonde boy shouted grinning from ear to ear
"Sasuke Uchiha" Sasuke gave a curt nod
"and Kakashi Hatake"
"I am quite pleased to met all of you, I am sure Tsunade has informed you of the situation, and the catastrophic consequences if Lord Voldemort were to raise to power again." Dumbledore started in perfect Japanese.
"She might have left out that last bit…." Sakura deadpanned as Tsunade rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly
"Well no matter" he said smiling politely "I came here to transport you safely to Diagon Alley.
"What the heck's a De -gan allec?"
"Diagon Alley, Uzumaki-san" Dumbledore chuckled lightly, while Sakura bonked said boy on his head.
"It where you will be staying for the rest of the afternoon. Your books and robes have already been provided for you, but your wands can not be purchased for you, since it is the wand that chooses the wizard…. Well in this case the ninja" at this Sakura stopped silently cursing Naruto for his lack of manners and raised both eyebrows, but chose to say nothing.
"But we don't know how to use wands.." Naruto pointed out
"Don't worry all you have to do is channel your… chakra was it? Into the wand and speak the incantation.
"Pardon me Dumbledore-san if this Lord Voldemort is so dangerous why isn't this an assassination mission instead of a body guarding one?" Sakura asked curiously
"Oh wonderful question my dear, well to make a long story short, according to an old prophecy the only one that can kill Lord Voldemort is Harry likewise the only one that can kill Harry is Lord Voldemort. So I ask for your protection until Harry is strong enough both mentally and physically to complete the part of the prophecy that doesn't end in his death
"Well time is going, I trust you know how to speak English?"
"uhhhhhh…" Naruto started dumbly
Tsunade who seem to be daydreaming during Dumbledores' speech snapped out of her little trance.
"Right, line up at my desk the four of you" she said dully " I will be altering you tattoos therefore you cannot be identified as ninja also the jutsu will allow you to alternate your speech from Japanese to English at will. I have no control over what the tattoo will look like at the end it depends on your chakra."
"Come here Gaki you first" she called
Naruto bounded forward rolling up his sleeve in the process, revealing his ANBU tattoo. Tsunade placed her hands over it whispering something to her self, as it began to glow orange. When she removed her hand a paw print could be seen on his arm surrounded be lines the looked suspiciously like noodles.
Sasuke went next, his arm glowed a very dark shade of purple then finally revealed a snake wrapped around a rather long kantana.
Sakuras' arm glowed red as a bloody kunai appeared on her skin next to a large cherry blossom.
Finally Kakashis' arm had a unusual slivery glow to it, revealing the Japanese characters for Icha Icha vertically down his arm, causing every one in the room minus an oblivious Dumbledore to sweat drop.
"Right then, now that you are all ready to go…Albus if you will"
"If you would all please make sure all of you have a firm grip on this, it will transport you to the hotel in the next 37 seconds" he started pulling an old boot from his pocket.
"you have got to be kidding me…" Sasuke deadpanned
"No Mr. Uchiha I'm not…
"Tsunade-sama are you alright?" Sakura asked taking a firm grip on the shoe lace noticing her sensei's lack of normal vigor.
"Shizune found my secret sake stash, I feel so deprived!!!"
So that's why she's still sober the whole of team 7 thought at the same time.
It all happened way to fast for poor Naruto to comprehend what was going on. One minute he was planted firmly on his feet in the Hokages' office, next thing he knew he was being yanked forward by his navel and slammed in to Sasukes' side while flying through a mess of colours some how glue to the tongue of the old boot he was holding.
"What the hell going on!!!" he shouted
"How the hell am I supposed to know dobe!!"
"Where's Kakashi-sen - AAAHHHHHH!!!!" Sakura shouted getting their attention. They turned to see her falling.
"Sakura!!!" Sasuke somehow manage to unglue himself from the boot and started to fall after her, straightening his body against the wind to fall faster. He could hear Naruto screaming for the both of them above him. He quickly reached her falling body, grabbing her by the waist he tucked her into his body resting his head above hers and bracing for impact.
"Sasuke?" she looked up at him confusion written all over her face.
"Hn" he smirked at her and tucked her head back under his chin.
Sasuke winced and opened his eyes, he had landed on something relatively soft though the angle at which he feel caused Sakura to hit into his gut leaving him slightly winded. Sakura was in the process of sitting up when a loud scream startled them….
After the smoke cleared Kakashi, who was standing calmly by the door, stared at the dog pile before for him in amusement, Sasuke was flat on his back laying on what once was a very sturdy bed face covered by the pink hair of Sakura who was lying some what in a ball on his chest head in the crook of his neck, Naruto a little worse off, his abdomen and lower body was draped across Sakura while his head had slammed into the ground as the bed crashed.
"Well this is an interesting position, I didn't know my beloved little students read Icha Icha: threesome edition."
He saw Sasuke, whose was the only face he could see at the moment, glare at him through Sakuras hair.
"Alright everybody up time to get your wands…"
Hehe review plz need feed back on if i should continue