Sasuke groaned and attempted once more to get out of bed. "D-Damn it." He cursed Naruto under his breath and tried to channel his anger to the blond who was sitting several feet away at a desk with his eyes glued on the screen. Naruto leaned back into his chair and his blue eyes moved across the screen as his fingers dragged the manuscript downwards. He whistled an unknown tune and he tilted his head.

Why was this difficult? Sasuke grunted and cursed some more. He could move with broken arms and legs but not after a night with the older man. Uchihas were not weak, not by any means. So why did his hips hurt so bad that he could barely crawl along the sheets?

Naruto got up and headed over to the bed with a grin. "Are you okay Sasuke?" He tugged Sasuke and lifted him up by the armpits. His younger deliciousness of a boyfriend yelped when he tried to set him up to sit on his knees. "Sorry, sorry."

"I'm not hurt." Sasuke said stubbornly, his cheeks pink. The kiss marks all over his body beautifully blemished his pale skin. Every time he moved he felt bruised, battered and claimed. I'm Naruto-san's now. The thought crossed his mind.

"Why are you smiling?" Naruto kissed his forehead then kissed his nose to his cheeks.

Sasuke was too tired to banter. "Because I'm yours now." he confessed.

Naruto retreated a little bit and picked up Sasuke's left hand. "You were meant to be mine." He rubbed the silver ring around Sasuke's finger. "Better say thank you to Kiba, he was the one who really found you first."

"I will when I feel like I can walk again."

Naruto blushed. "I was being gentle." He looked down at Sasuke and he raised an eyebrow. "Did I happen to be your first?"

Busted. "St- Stupid, I-I've screwed hundreds of guys before you!" Sasuke tried to pushed the older man away. Whatever energy he thought he had was gone with that failed attempt.

"Well you were my first." Naruto said quietly. "I'm very glad I saved myself just for you." He gingerly grasped Sasuke's wrists and kissed them. "I was made just to be with you. My heart, my everything was meant solely to be yours and yours alone. "

Sasuke's heart went into overdrive with that speech and he couldn't find any words within himself to respond with. His heart ached for the man before him and his heart swelled in happiness. He spoke the first words that came bidden to his lips. "Really?" He blushed in spite of himself.

Naruto smiled at him and gave the raven butterfly kisses on his lips. "I love you Sasuke."

"And I love you Mommy and Daddy!" Screeched a high little voice. Luckily, Naruto snatched the flying fur ball before he collided with Sasuke's lap or he would have found Sasuke's screech just as alarming. Kiba bounced in his father's arms and the blond set him on the ground.

"Kiba, you might be getting a bit too old for pouncing on people like that." Naruto pat his son on the head. "You are getting to be a big boy now so you might not want to do that anymore."

"That's right Daddy!" Kiba laughed. "I'm gonna be a man soon!"

Sasuke hovered a little bit as he struggled to stay sitting up. His muscles ached but in a good way. "What are you talking about being a man? You're only..." Sasuke narrowed his eyes. He actually didn't know the exact age of the boy. He glanced at Naruto. He didn't know Naruto's either to be honest.

"I'm 5 years old, Mommy!"

Sasuke's eyebrow twitched. That was the second time in the past 5 minutes he'd been called 'mommy'. "Why are you calling me mommy."

Kiba clambered up on to the silk sheets. "Daddy said if I heard Sasu nii-chan making loud noises at night coming from Daddy's room that Sasu nii-chan was no longer Sasu nii-chan."

Sasuke pushed the embarrassment of making so much noise and glared at Naruto. "What does that mean Kiba?"

Kiba cocked his head to one side, utterly confused and naive. "That Daddy took Sasu nii-chan's..." He seemed to pause for dramatic effect. "goods." he whispered to Sasuke as if its a secret.

"My...goods?" Sasuke's eyes turned into slits. "Naruto-san if I could move I would hit you right now." He tugged the sheets upwards over his naked body.

"No you wouldn't."

Sasuke snickered. "Why wouldn't I?"

"Because you love me." Naruto said simply.

Sasuke's whole body reacted in agreement. "You can't use that excuse for everything!"

Naruto budged Kiba off the bed. "Go ahead and get dressed, sport. Time for a quick breakfast and then it's off to school."

"Wait Naruto-san let me-" Sasuke fell out of bed into a heap of blankets and nice carpet. "Ow..." Naruto was there by his side in an instant. The raven couldn't help but watch as Naruto's long fingers gently wrapped him up in the silk sheets. Those same fingers touched and burned on to his skin only hours ago and yet they were holding him like he was a precious gem not to be damaged.

"Don't worry I'm just going to give him a granola bar and drop him off at the bus stop nearby." The blond dipped his head and kissed Sasuke firmly yet gently. "I'm not going to leave you alone Sasuke. I'll be back soon, so wait for me."

"Okay." Sasuke shuffled behind Naruto out into the living room and slowly walked over to the doorstep. He settled himself on the step and pinched the side of his cheek with his right hand. He wasn't dreaming. This was actually real. He closed his eyes heard Naruto's footsteps and Kiba's light ones on the kitchen floor and the frantic scramble of Kiba's backpack and toys that somehow spawn everywhere. He slowly inhaled and exhaled. Not too long ago he woke up in Naruto's bed disoriented from a hangover and unknowing to his future. But he knew now where he wanted to be and with whom he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Sasuke silently chided himself for thinking such a thing so soon, but the smile on his face wouldn't go away.

Naruto pushed Kiba towards the door. "Ah, Naruto-san." Naruto looked over his shoulder at the silk wrapped bundle on the floor. "You know, you can't return me. I've already chosen you."

"No matter what happens." Naruto warned, "I won't ever return you." He set a kiss on top of Sasuke's head. "Show me your worst and show me your best, but I won't ever let go of you."

Kiba plowed forward into Sasuke's sheets and smiled. "Bye Mommy!" He kissed Sasuke on the nose. "I'll be home soon so then we can play!"

Sasuke's nose tickled at the touch and he chuckled. "Okay Kiba, be safe at school."

Kiba took Naruto's hand and waved frantically until the door shut. In the calming silence Sasuke shuffled his legs a bit and grimaced. He still hurt. A buzzing sound came from the living room so he padded his way over to the couch. "Jeez you could even follow my clothes to see where I went." His shirt laid rumpled on the main sofa and his pants a few feet away and then his black boxers stuck in between the Naruto's bedroom door. A bright light flashed in the light brown sofa and he hobbled over to get to the phone.

"Number blocked?" Sasuke held the mobile in his hands. This wasn't his since he didn't own a cell phone and it wasn't Naruto's high tech blackberry that he always carried on him. It was an older brand and there was substantial weight to it. "Whose is this?" He pressed the receive call button and pressed the phone to his ear.

"Sasuke Uchiha?" Sasuke's hair stood on edge by the voice. "It's you, isn't it?" He kept his mouth shut and the soft laughter continued on the line. "I heard you finally found a suitable screw buddy but I didn't think it would be the Kyuubi of all people."

"What are you talking about?" Sasuke glanced left and right, looking at all the corners in the room.

"I created him, you know. You should be thanking me that I even let you touch what has always been mine." the voice continued.

"Orochimaru," Sasuke growled and his voice dropped to a rough rasp. "What do you want from me. I have done what you have asked and have kept myself out of your business."

"This deal is about you and that brat of his, but he's going to be the one to do the actual job."

Sasuke's mind swam in confusion. "Who is?"

"My Kyuubi." Orochimaru purred. "Ah, he's coming up the elevator now, so don't be a hero and give the phone to him."

Seconds later, Naruto skipped through the door and playfully pounced on the raven. He hesitated when he saw Sasuke's pale face. Wordlessly, he handed over the phone and settled himself into the couch.

"Sasuke what-" Naruto's voice trailed off as he looked at the phone. He stared at it for a full minute then his face contorted into a sneer. Sasuke inwardly flinched. He had never seen that kind of expression before on him and he didn't like it. Naruto bared his teeth at the phone like a caged animal and his knuckles turned white.

Sasuke reached out and grabbed his arm. "Stop looking like that!"

Naruto cringed and shook his head. He sat down and arranged himself so Sasuke sat in between his legs and his back to the arm rest. With one arm he yanked Sasuke back into him and settled his head on top of his. Behind him, Sasuke could feel Naruto's body shake. His fingers trailed down Naruto's other arm and and placed his smaller hand over Naruto's. He watched as Naruto's thumb pressed speaker phone.

"What in the hell do you want." Naruto snarled. Sasuke winced softly at the sharp and coldness of the voice he thought could only hold warmth.

"It seems you have one more debt to pay."

Naruto gripped Sasuke tighter. "What job?"

"Tsk, tsk Naruto, don't you want to catch up on old times?"

"No." Naruto seethed. "I have renounced our partnership long ago. I have nothing to do with your world."

Orochimaru laughed with a hollow sound. "And yet here you are today talking to me." Static erupted on the line and subsided. "The end result if you can't do it is a little different. If you die or run from this job, your little screw kitten will not be killed like I would want, just taken from you." His voice droned on as if this was unimportant. "My employer has persuaded me to not lay a finger on him, and even I can show some honor when need be. It's very strange that he thinks that you actually have the ability to love someone, but this isn't my plan so I must only be a bias bystander."

"Meeting point?"

"Where you killed that brat's parents." The line went dead.

Naruto threw the phone against the wall and pulled Sasuke deeper into his chest. The raven felt Naruto's blond locks caress his skin. "N-Naruto-san?"

"Don't look Sasuke." Sasuke felt warm drops fall onto his bare skin. His voice cracked, "I'm so sorry. Just don't..."

"I'm not going to leave you." Sasuke said quietly. He buried his head in Naruto's arm. His urge to know what was happening edged away as he felt more warm liquid dripped onto his skin. Few minutes passed and Naruto relaxed some. Sasuke slowly faced him and kissed the blond's red eyes. His arms went around his neck and he hugged the man for all he was worth.

"Sasuke stop." Naruto tried to push him away. "I'm not who you think I am." his voice was hoarse and he sounded absolutely broken and defeated.

"Yes you are!" Sasuke squeezed his neck and his fingers felt the blond hair. "I know I love you and that is all that matters." he blurted out.

Naruto pushed him gently back and some warmth resurfaced in his dead eyes. "You love me?"

Despite the situation Sasuke grunted. "I-I don't want to say it again."

A weak smile touched his lips. "Don't worry I heard you." They held each other's gazes. "Sasuke, I need to tell you who I was before I became who I am. And..." Pain seared his face. "I have never told anyone of what really happened with Kiba. I did kill his parents, but with my actions not by my own hands." His shoulders seemed to sag with undeniable weight. "And there is no judgement on earth to compensate for what I have done."

Sasuke's hand caressed his cheek. "I want to know everything about you. I know all the good things. I need to know the bad things too."

Naruto sighed and his eyes lost their spark and life. "I'll tell you everything right from the very beginning."