YA-HA! I'm back! after almost a year since I last updated, here's a brand new chapter for all my KuroFai watchers~

with that aside, does anyone watch another CLAMP masterpiece entitled Kobato? It. Is. AMAZING! I love it, especially the episode when the Tsubasa gangs makes an appearance, LOL. but what I can't believe is that they can only stay in one world for only a couple of days D: so sad...


Chapter Seven: Heaven

Kurogane collapsed on his futon after a long and strenuous day of training. He didn't even bother to change out of his ninja gear, which was beginning to smell. The dark-haired man tried not to move because, just by wiggling a finger, his whole body would start to ache. It was a miracle that he managed to make it all the way back to his room, located on the other side of the castle grounds, without collapsing in the hallway. Perhaps the thought of being hounded by those two princesses, joking at the mighty ninja for fainting like a little girl, gave him the motivation to keep walking. Plus, there was Fai to factor in to that equation.

Kurogane prayed that nothing would disturb him for the rest of the night. Heaven help the one who disturbs me because then they'll feel a pain ten times worse than mine!

But I guess Kami-sama was on break or something because Kurogane's prayer went unanswered. Just as when he started to relax, a loud familiar voice echoed down the hall, quickly advanced toward his room.


Red eyes widened as they snapped open. Fuck…

The doors to the ninja's room slid open with a bang, causing said ninja to mentally curse whatever deity had ignored his pray. Fai swiftly entered the room and bounced down on the futon, wearing another one of Tomoyo's furisodes she made for the lithe man. Did the young girl even bother to mention the significance behind that garment to Fai or does she get some sick pleasure from watching the blonde flutter around in female clothing?

The blonde man smiled down at scowling, and displeased, Kurogane.

"What?" he grunted out in displeasure, tossing the other man a darkened glare.

Fai's smile slowly dropped. "What make angry Kuro-wanko?"

Since taking up a permanent residence in Nihon, it had taken nearly a year teaching Fai to form simple sentences in the country's native tongue. The reason behind that was because the mage skipped out on his lessons to go annoy the hard-working ninja. In the end, the only way for Fai to sit still and learn properly was if the dark-haired man was with him; that little arrangement caused some amusement and irritability amongst the two…but who's complaining?

"It's nothing, mage. Just leave me alone…"

The blonde man pouted a little as he mentally translated what his lover just said. Only making out the words 'nothing' and 'alone', the lithe man thumped Kurogane on the head. The ninja shot to his feet, holding the bruised spot. He could feel a bump forming and a few veins popping up along his forehead.

"Stupid mage! Why the fuck did you do that?" the ninja roared out.

The dull aching sensation that haunted Kurogane's body a few seconds ago quickly formed to sharp pains along his limbs and torso, making him drop down on the futon unceremoniously.

"Kuro-tan?" Fai's voice was laced with worry at seeing his lover's condition. His hands gingerly cupped the ninja's face. "Hurt bad?"

Kurogane sighed heavily. "Yes, hurt bad."

"Sorry, Kuro-chuu."

The blonde leaned over and planted a kiss atop Kurogane's spiky black head. The tanned man faintly smiled, slowly raising his arm up to place a hand on Fai's shoulder, squeezing it lightly. That earned him another kiss…but it was on the lips this time. That little act of affection made Kurogane pull his lover closer.

Hey, Heaven? Just ignore what I said before. I changed my mind.