Disclaimer ; I do not own Inuyasha characters in any way, this is strictly fan made.

Sesshoumaru tapped his finger on the glass table irritably as the woman droned on. She had a slight stutter in her speech, clearly brought on by nerves. She looked like she had worked on her project all night and wasn't exactly prepared to present it. Sesshoumaru glanced at the others and noticed their disinterest. He darted his eyes back at the stuttering woman and sighed.

"So, Makino san, what you are saying, is that to optimize work ethic in the work place, we should install this movement to have office game nights?" The young woman nodded frantically and dove in to catch herself. Sesshoumaru's colleagues began giving their two cents and regained their interest in the topic. Sesshoumaru was a master at his work, public speaking, organizing, meetings, greetings, working with computers, selling, buying; it was his job as the excecutive CEO of the company, Taishou Corp. His father owned the company, as well as his freedom. Sesshoumaru hated the concept of working under his aging father, and had been planning to create a break away company of his own.

As the meeting quickly came to an end, Sesshoumaru packed up his papers and looked at his watch. It was half past 10 and the night had settled over the chilled city. The young man walked through the office, receiving congratulations on having secured his last deal. He nodded and shook them off. Sesshoumaru knew very well that he was popular in his work place among the females, though he was never particularly interested. These women were cheap, easy women. Northing worthy of his interest.

Sesshoumaru stepped into his car and began down the road, remembering that he had left Kagome at the apartment for the whole day for the first time. He groaned as he imagined what sort of wreck his home was in. He groaned even louder as he wondered what he was going to do. He thought back to the conversation he had had with Kagura, his supposed girlfriend. He was only really with her because her father was a very, very wealthy man, who could very easily boost Sesshoumaru's company through the roof.

You know Inuyasha's woman strangely dissapeared? Hah! Such a low class woman, no wonder no one accepted it. She must have found her place and left him, finally. Sesshoumaru hated her constant droning gossip, but listened through it. Business is business after all. Even her name was like a peasant. Kagome Higurashi.

Sesshoumaru stopped at a red light and ran his fingers through his fringe. The red lights flashed on his skin, making him blink. He looked around at the dark surroundings. The night sky was black, without any sight of stars. Sesshoumaru was accustomed to the lights of the cityoverpowering the beautiful shine of the stars. He sighed. He was accustomed to a lot of things.

Sesshoumaru pulled into the underground parking lot and parked. He carried his briefcase up the elevator to the top floor, feeling the weight of the day on his shoulders. All he wanted to do was go inside, make some instant ramen and crash on the couch. He didnt have to go to the office until two tomorrow, so some much needed sleep was sounding great, no matter where it was. As Sesshoumaru fiddled with the lock, he heard the faint sound of footsteps. As he began opening the door, he heard them grow louder and louder until they stopped. Sesshoumaru opened the door to find Kagome bowing before him, holding his old blue slippers in his hand.

"Welcome home Sesshoumaru."

Kagome placed the slippers before him and stood up straight. She leaned into her crutch and limped off into the kitchen. Sesshoumaru closed the door behind him softly and slipped off his shoes. When he put on the slippers and walked into the kitchen, he noticed that Kagome was smiling, standing infront of the table set with plates filled with food. Kagome bowed and gestured toward the table.

"I hope you dont mind if I eat with you."

Sesshoumaru nodded and laid his briefcase on a black countertop. He sat down at the glass table looking athte food Kagome had prepared. Steaming white rice with beef and green peppers. Beside the dish, both a silver fork and qhite chopsticks sat. Kagome noticed his gaze and smiled.

"I didnt know if you liked to use chopsticks or a fork.." Sesshoumaru picked up the chopsticks and began eating. The strong taste of the food swirled in his mouth, making him smile.

"Does it taste okay?" Kagome asked.

"Yes." Sesshoumaru nodded. As they finished their meal, Kagome struggled to stand to collect the dishes. Sesshoumaru stood and carried them to the sink, rinsing them off then sticking them into the dish washer.

"You may retire to your room now." Kagome stood against her crutch and perked up.

"Ah, let me run your bath, then i'll go to bed." Kagome hurried off into Sesshoumaru's room, leaving him flabbergasted at the young woman. She wasn't really a maid, was she? Sesshoumaru found himself wondering what it was that Inuyasha made her do.

The young business man pulled off his blazer and untied his tie. He unbuttoned his shirt halfway and yawned loudly. He imagined his half breed brother, abusing Kagome's kindness. Though, he truly wasn't much better. He knew he should have told someone about her, but he also knew that something inside of him was urging him to keep her. Sesshoumaru knew enough about himself to trust these kinds of urges, and thus kept her around. He wondered though, how much longer he would be able to do so.

Kagome bumped into Sesshoumaru's naked chest, nearly falling over. Sesshoumaru wrapped his arm around her waist to keep her from falling. Kaomge's crutch thimped to the ground, leaving Kagome to lean against her left leg and Sesshoumaru's warm chest. Sesshoumaru felt the frailty of her body, her slim waist, her soft touch of her fingers on his torso. Kagome's breath was warm on his neck, until she broke free oh his hold, leaning on her left leg.

"I.. I'm so sorry!" Sesshoumaru watched as her face turned beet red, as her eyes avoided his gaze. He picked up her crutch and handed it to her. She quickly limped out of the room, turning back only to say.

"Y..your bath is r..ready." Then she closed the door, leaving Sesshoumaru to his thoughts.

Kagome rolled onto her side and banged her leg against the wall.

"AUGH DAMNIT." She yelled, reaching down to aid her injured leg. Kagome urged her body out of the bed, pushing herself up with her left leg. She stumbled down the hall, sleepilly pushing the door open. The sweet smell of syrup wafted through her nose and tingled in her stomache. Kagome looked forward to see a table set with pancakes and toast with orange juice on the side. Sesshoumaru sat at the table, holding a mug filled with bitter coffee, reading the business section. When he noticed her appearance, he set down the paper and smiled at her. Kagome remembered how handsom his smile was.

"Here, i've made breakfast. I'll have to be leaving soon to make it to the office on time."

Kagome nodded and sat down at the table. She felt blessed, staying with someone who seemed to care as much as he did. Kaogme smiled to herself, thinking of how lucky she really was.

"I'll be back later than expected tonight. There will be a company party and well.. I dont have a say in whether or not i go."

Kagome nodded and found herself asking him when he'd be back. After saying he didnt know, Sesshoumaru picked up his brief case, gave Kagome a few instructions and walked out the door. Kagome sat there for a few moments, then herhands rose to her cheeks. She felt how hot her face was and laughed out loud.

He has a really handsom smile.

Inuyasha pulled on his pants and searched drearilly for his belt.

"What are you doing Inuyasha?" said a woman, half awake, half asleep.

"Shh. Just go back to sleep. I'm going to work." The girl shifted in the bed, gathering her bearings.

"Mmm, what time is it?" She asked, leaning her body off the side of the bed.

"I told you to just go back to sleep Kikyo." Inuyasha said, pulling on his shirt quickly.

Kikyo walked seductively to Inuyasha and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him intensely. Her naked body pushed up against his shirt, failing to distract him from getting dressed.

"Mmm, dont be like that." Kikyo pulled back and smiled at Inuyasha. "C'mon, Kagome's finally gone. We can stop hiding this from everyone. I've wanted to meet soem of your friends too.."

"KIKYO." Inuyasha shouted, making her jump backwards. "I said .. just.. go back to sleep Kikyo." Kikyo did as she was told and sat down at the bed. Inuyasha threw his blazer over his shoulder and grabbed his briefcase.

"Don't be here when I get back." He said, opening the door hastilly.

"Yeah. I love you too." Kikyo said resentfully as the door slammed. Inuyasha thundered down the hall, stopping only to push the button on the elevator. He leaned against it, his slick, black dyed hair draping over his shoulders. He wondered to himself if Kagome had realized his affair with Kikyo. Maybe thats why she left. Maybe she was just tired of him.

The elevator doors opened and Inuyasha stepped inside. Thoughts of Kagome and Kikyo merged and his head swirled.

"DAMNIT!" Inuyasha kicked the side of the elevator, making it shake.

Kagome smiled to herself as she finally finished cleaning the entire suite, top to bottom. It was enourmously large, three bedrooms, two walk in bathrooms, a huge kitchen with a breathtaking view of Japan's downtown district. The walls were painted an off white in some parts, and a royal blue in others. The floors were all black marble, matching the tops of the counters. The furniture was either black or white, few made of glass. The entire place was amazing, leaving Kagome flabergasted by it each time she stepped back to look.

Kagome heard the sound of the lock and grabbed at her crutches. She threw off her gloves and quickly limped to the door. The fiddling with the lock seemed to take longer this time, sounding messy and confused. For a moment, Kagome wondered if a burgler was going to burst through the doors.

Instead, in burst Sesshoumaru, making Kagome draw back in surprise. She could smell the strong scent of alchohol on his breath, could see the disorient in his eyes. He was unfocused, confused and ultimately, not himself. Sesshoumaru glanced at Kagome, leaning against the wall.

"Uh..uhm, Sesshoumaru.. welcome .. uhm.. welcome home." Kagome bowed slightly and smiled hesitantly. Sesshoumaru watched her unmoving.

"I..I haven't.. uhm, I haven't prepared .. dinner yet.." Kagome couldn't explain her fear, it had no reason to be there. Sesshoumaru stepped infront of Kagome, towering over her. She could hear his heart beat, the rhythem of his breathing. Kagome felt herself grow hotter.

Sesshoumaru held her jaw in his hand firmly and met her eyes with his own. Kagome looked into his unfocused eyes and faltered for a moment. What was he about to do? Just then, Sesshoumaru leaned down and kissed her intensely. Kagome gasped as he pulled her closer by her waist. Kagome leaned on her left leg, confused as to when to breath during the kiss. She felt his tongue enter her mouth, but it wasn't the kind of kiss she would have ever expected him to give. It was sloppy and thoughtless, but it reminded her of someone. Kagome opened her eyes wide as she remembered a figure with long black hair. It wasn't really black though, it was originally silver. Originally silver...

Kagome broke free of the kiss, breathing heavilly.

"I think.. hah .. I remember.. hah.. something!" Sesshoumaru leaned down and kissed her fiercly again, running his hand up her shirt. Kagome pulled away and turned her face to the side.

"Wait, stop.. ahnn.. Really, i think I remember something.. ahnh! Please ahh, stop!" Sesshoumaru lifted her into his arms, making her watch his face in confusion.

"I think its time for you to shut the hell up."

I'm so sorry everyone ! Im a few days late ( so sorry ! Please forgive mee ! Gomen Gomen ! ) my graduation is next week, and ive been spending all my time fretting about it ; _ ; im so sorry im late !

I hope you've enjoyed this chapter, and i PROMISE ill be on time this time :D

Please read, review and watch for more !