I'm uploading this on my AO3, remembertowrite, as well: archiveofourown (period) org (slash) works (slash) 11443665


Lord Zuko,

One of the Firebender Captains received some concerning intelligence. There's rumors in the provinces neighboring Ri Chu that some radicalized rebels intend to kill you. I am sending hawks to General Rin and Admiral Itarou requesting that they send their elite forces as added protection for you while you are traveling back to the Capital.

I have also been informed that you intend to take an overseas trip to Kyoshi Island soon. Please reconsider your trip. We cannot secure foreign territory like we can Fire Nation lands.

Please take caution, sir.

- General Katou, Fifth Regiment, Fire Nation Army, Senlin Huozai Province



My brother has gone crazy! I'm visiting Toph now, and I just got a messenger hawk from Sokka complaining about the about the ice sculptures he asked me to Waterbend before I left. He says they're not fancy enough. Like he knows anything about art! You should've seen the drawings of Appa he made for missing posters when we were in Ba Sing Se. He's a terrible artist!

Okay, maybe so am I.

Suki's been so calm about all of this. She's going along with the whole Water Tribe tradition. Did I tell you Sokka asked to use my mother's necklace to propose to Suki? I really didn't want to give it up, but I also couldn't refuse him. Mom would've been so proud of him for marrying someone as strong and kind as Suki. It's rightfully Suki's now. It amused Pakku when Sokka used that necklace to propose.

Tell Aang I said hello! And ask him about some traditional Earth Kingdom dances for the reception. I don't want Suki to be sad that her wedding was entirely Water Tribe custom.

I can't wait until the wedding. I've missed you!

I asked Toph if she had anything to say, and she said you both should hurry down to Kyoshi like lightning mole rats so we can meet you soon.

Sending my love to you and Aang,



I miss you so much. I promise I will visit your tea shop again soon.

I need your guidance on the situation in Ri Chu, now spilling into Senlin Huozai. One of the generals is telling me not to travel to Kyoshi. But I can't imagine not going.

I'm happy with my new destiny. I am. But is happiness supposed to be so hard?

- Zuko



You are a fine and strong young man. Trust your heart. Let it be your guide.

- Uncle



Uncle always said, "Men in love act more a fool than a woman ever did." Perhaps that explains Sokka's enthusiasm.

It's an incredible thing you've done, giving your mother's necklace to Sokka. I know how much it means to you. I could tell when I had you tied up to the tree that one time, with the pirates.

…I'm sorry for that.

I'll see you on Kyoshi.

- Zuko

PS: I asked Aang about Earth Kingdom dances, and now he's hellbent on having me play tsungi horn at the reception. You knew he would insist, didn't you? Don't make me sic the pirates on you again.



Do your worst! I can save myself from the pirates this time.

See you soon.

- Katara


Well-wishing scrolls delivered to the bride and groom before the ceremony:

To Mister Sokka of the Southern Water Tribe and Suki of the Kyoshi Warriors,

His Majesty Fire Lord Zuko wishes you a joyous and eternal love upon your nuptials this evening, March the first, in the first year of his reign. The Fire Nation wishes to extend to you a honeymooning trip on Ember Island in the next week, and urges the Spirits to bless your union.

With well wishes,

Sokurin, Deputy Chief of Fire Nation Immigration and Tourism Bureau

Enclosed with above letter:

Sokka, Suki,

Congratulations. I look forward to the festivities on Kyoshi, and as Uncle says, you must look fondly on time when the tea leaves of your affections steep in the passion of youth, and maintain the heat of your tea pot so that it may boil over with scalding love and never grow cold.

Uncle often speaks to me in tea metaphors. Sorry.

- Zuko

Sokka, Suki,

This is amazing! I know some traditional Earth Kingdom dances to do at your reception. I made Zuko bring his tsungi horn. It's gonna be a blast.

- Aang

Sokka and Suki,

I'm so happy for you guys. Suki, I'm so excited to be able to call you my sister. If Mom were alive for this, she'd be crying as much as me as I write this. I know she's really proud of you, Sokka.

Toph also sends her best wishes!

- Katara

Master Sokka, this note is for your eyes specifically, at the behest of my employer Mistress Toph Beifong. I have transcribed her words below:

You're getting married. Whoop de freaking do. A thousand prayers for happiness for you, my mom says. But she's kinda stupid, because I know you don't need it. Sokka, you're awesome. You should be happy.

Don't mess it up.

Also, I made these matching armbands for you and Suki. Don't lose them.

Guyan, Servant of the Beifong Estate, Earth Kingdom