A/N: First story...firsty chapter should be up later tonight...-looks at you guys nervously-

If you haven't seen this movie, you fail. Period.

Disclaimer: Characters all belong to the wonderful Stephenie Meyer, I'm just playing with them =]


Big Girls Don't Cry

It was the summer before I began my first year of college. That was before the first black man was elected president, before someone decided to throw a shoe at the current president, when I couldn't wait to run for office someday, and I thought I'd never find a guy as great as my dad. That was the summer we went to Newton's.

Four weeks. A relatively short period of time, compared to the rest of my life. In just four short weeks, my whole world would turn upside down. I would learn more than I could in any school, and I would teach someone something important, something bigger than me. I came here expecting to have a decent time with my family, and I left with a lot more than I bargained for. Strange how 'a lot more' consisted of one person, but with that one person came a whole new meaning to life.

After four weeks, I realized that I could live up to my father's expectations. He wanted me to change the world, light it on fire. Well, with him by my side, I could do it. I could do anything. We could do anything. I wasn't so scared of life anymore, of me. I wanted to show the world who I was. I wanted to make this world better. I wanted to live properly, and he showed me how.

Maybe I was leaving Newton's a new person, but I liked this me a hell of a lot more than I liked the old me. So I hope the world is ready, because I would change it, and I would light it on fire. All with the help of him. The one, the only. Mine.

Edward Cullen.