Well, it seems that I messed my poll D8! So, I just chose the first one.
I had trouble choosing the theme with this one. The two themes were; the dare that started this all, or the stereotypes people give the Legendaries. I wrote a summary for each, and looked over which was better. As it turned out, the later ended up being close to infinitely better! Not only did the story seem to run better with it, but I got an idea for books after it! So, I humbly present you with the first book in the stereotype series!
Disclaimer: I do not, and will never own, Pokémon. *Silently cries*
Important Authoress' note!: I searched Darkrai the other day, to see if there was a MespritxDarkrai paring. There was none, But I am sad to say that about 1/3 of the stories under Darkrai displayed him as an evil bad guy. This story is sort of my silent crying out for Darkrai. Although, I am making this Authors note to say, if you write Darkrai and/or other Pokémon that I mention in this in their 'labeled' way, I MEAN NO DISRESPECT! I repeat, I AM NOT TRYING TO INSULT YOU IN ANY WAY! This is just my humble opinion written into a humble fanfiction. If you think this authoress' note is not needed, just wait until Mesprit starts insulting the 'labelers'. This is why I'm getting this out of the way now.
Now on with the story! X3
Stereotypes. Labels. Typefaces.
Call them what you will, they are all the same. Just what someone decided who someone is off of pure speculation. For example, just look at us Legendaries, most of us are labeled for life, including me.
Oh yeah, I should introduce myself. I am Mesprit, the Pokémon of emotions.
My label? Supposedly, I am a happy do-good bundle of energy that bores easily and plays pranks and other nonsense. Sure, there are variations of this, and this is the extreme.
But, I do not act like that. Humans know that I am the being of emotions, but what they don't know is that I can feel the emotions of every single living thing near me. If I am near someone happy, then I feel it. If I am near sadness, I feel that as well. That goes for every other emotion there is, I feel them, no matter how hard they try to hide them. In fact, I rarely ever feel my own emotions, they are always lost in the turmoil of the feelings of others.
I say turmoil, because that is what it is. Emotions clash, raging a war in my head. The massive headaches I get are the least of my worries. And it's even worse when emotions agree. It comes on me like a wave, a giant tidal wave. I get swept up, and pushed down. I try to break free of the current, which rarely works. I lose all control of my emotions, the emotions surrounding me often become my own. If the emotions are extremely powerful, it literally feels like I'm drowning. Thankfully, that has only happened once, when I first met him.
Darkrai, the Pokémon with the biggest stereotype of all.
What he felt were not good emotions, either. Confusion, anger, fear, hatred, and sadness were all present on him. Somehow, he is good at hiding is, I am the only one who knows he feels this way so strongly. But, because of his emotions, it is only natural that I avoid him, right?
But how can I avoid him anymore, when I love him so?
That's right, I love him. It is one of the few emotions that have affected me so greatly. Tell me, how can you not love someone who has saved your life? It is extremely difficult, even for someone who barely ever feels their own emotions. And to think, a week ago I thought he was an evil creature bent on turning the world to nothing but a shadowy wasteland.
This was, of course, before the idea of stereotypes dawned on me. I wasn't even fully aware of my own. I now feel guilty for it, though. I admit that I was one of the Legendaries that talked behind his back, gossiping when others felt mischievous enough to gossip.
Yes, a week ago I would never have had the idea of loving Darkrai. Obviously, though, I had to have a turning point. A turning point where I'd get to know him enough to figure out that what I thought I know about him was just a label.
And to think that turning point started with such a simple game…
Two things I found out when submiting this story; 1, how is Magickarp Salesman a possible character, but not Mesprit? and 2, where did the 'action' genre go?